3,770 research outputs found

    Development and psychometric assessment of the basic resuscitation skills self-efficacy scale

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    Background: Nurses are usually the first responders to an in-hospital cardiac arrest. As bystanders, nurses are expected to master some basic resuscitation skills. Self-efficacy levels are a key component in the acquisition of basic resuscitation skills. Aim: To develop, test and validate a self-efficacy scale that accurately measures nursing students’ confidence levels in their capabilities when responding to a cardiac arrest. Methods: This study enrolled a conveniently recruited sample of 768 nursing students from two different universities in Europe. The Basic Resuscitation Skills Self-Efficacy Scale (BRS-SES) was developed and its psychometrics established. Content validity, criterion validity, discriminant validity, and internal consistency were assessed. Performing item-analysis, principal component analysis and known group analysis evaluated construct validity. Results: Principal component analysis revealed the three-subscale structure of the final 18-item BRS-SES. A Cronbach’s alpha of 0.96 for the overall measure demonstrated the internal consistency of the BRS-SES. Data also evidenced discriminant ability of the BRS-SES and known-group analysis showed its high sensitivity and specificity. Conclusion: The BRS-SES showed good psychometric properties for measuring self-efficacy in basic resuscitation skills that nursing students, as future first responders to an in-hospital cardiac arrest, will be expected to master. Implications for practice: The BRS-SES is a validated tool that could have a positive impact on the training of basic resuscitation skills and, therefore, on patients’ outcomes

    Site-selective laser spectroscopy of Nd 3+ ions in 0.8CaSiO 3-0.2Ca 3(PO 4) 2 biocompatible eutectic glass-ceramics

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    In this work we report the influence of the crystallization stage of the host matrix on the spectroscopic properties of Nd3+ ions in biocompatible glass-ceramic eutectic rods of composition 0.8CaSiO3-0.2Ca3(PO4)2 doped with 1 and 2 wt% of Nd2O3. The samples were obtained by the laser floating zone technique at different growth rates between 50 and 500 mm/h. The microstructural analysis shows that a growth rate increase or a rod diameter decrease leads the system to a structural arrangement from three (two crystalline and one amorphous) to two phases (one crystalline and one amorphous). Electron backscattering diffraction analysis shows the presence of Ca2SiO4 and apatite-like crystalline phases. Site-selective laser spectroscopy in the 4I9/2¿4F3/2/4F5/2 transitions confirms that Nd3+ ions are incorporated in crystalline and amorphous phases in these glass-ceramic samples. In particular, the presence of Ca2SiO4 crystalline phase in the samples grown at low rates, which has an excellent in vitro bioactivity, can be unambiguously identified from the excitation spectra and lifetime measurements of the 4F3/2 state of Nd3+ ions

    Predictor factors of perceived health in family caregivers of people diagnosed with mild or moderate Alzheimer's disease

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    Caring for a person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease has a negative impact on family caregivers’ psychological health. This study examined the factors related to ‘perceived health’ and ‘presence of new-onset mental health problems’ in family caregivers of people diagnosed with mild and moderate Alzheimer’s disease. A cross-sectional observational study carried out in Almeria’s Healthcare District (Spain). A total of 255 family caregivers (42.4% cared for people with mild Alzheimer’s disease and 57.6% cared for people with moderate Alzheimer’s disease) participated in the study from January to December 2015. Mainly, caregivers were women (81.5% in the mild Alzheimer’s disease group and 88.4% in the moderate Alzheimer’s disease group), and their average age was 56.54 years (standard deviation (SD) = 13.13) and 54.47 years (SD = 11.71), respectively. Around 47% of the caregivers had been caring for the person with Alzheimer’s between two and five years. The Goldberg General Health Questionnaire was used to measure perceived health and the presence of new-onset mental health problems. An exploratory descriptive analysis and a multivariate logistic regression analysis were conducted. For caregivers of people with mild Alzheimer’s disease, ‘perceived health’ was related to ‘perceived social support’ (r = −0.21; p = 0.028), ‘person’s level of dependency’ (r = −0.24, p = 0.05), ‘severity of the person’s neuropsychiatric symptoms’ (r = 0.22; p = 0.05), and ‘caregiver’s emotional distress in response to the person’s neuropsychiatric symptoms’ (r = 0.22; p = 0.05). For caregivers of people with moderate Alzheimer’s disease, ‘perceived health’ was related to ‘perceived social support’ (r = −0.31; p ˂ 0.01), ‘presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms’ (r = 0.27, p = 0.01), ‘severity of the person’s neuropsychiatric symptoms’ (r = 0.32, p = 0.01) and ‘caregiver’s emotional distress in response to the person’s neuropsychiatric symptoms’ (r = 0.029; p = 0.01). The presence of new-onset mental health problems was detected in 46.3% (n = 50) of caregivers of people with mild Alzheimer’s and 61.9% (n = 91) of caregivers of people with moderate Alzheimer’s. When people are diagnosed with mild Alzheimer’s disease, intervention programs for caregivers should aim to regulate emotions and promote positive coping strategies. When people are diagnosed with moderate Alzheimer’s disease, intervention programs for caregivers must allow them to adapt to caregiving demands that arise with the progression of Alzheimer’s disease

    Ethical conflicts among physicians and nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A qualitative study

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    Rationale, Aims and Objectives The healthcare system and professionals working in the sector have experienced a high caseload during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This has increased the potential for morally harmful events that violate professionals' moral codes and values. The aim of this study was to understand and explore experiences of new moral challenges emerging among physicians and nurses caring for individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method The consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) checklist was used in this qualitative study based on Gadamer's phenomenology. Participants were selected using a convenience sampling method. Thirteen medicine and nursing graduates were interviewed in depth. The participants all worked on the frontline at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were gathered in two basic healthcare districts in Spain, encompassing both primary care and hospital care. Results Four main themes emerged from the data analysis: (1) Betrayal of moral and ethical values as a key source of suffering; (2) Ethical and moral sense of failure accompanying loss of meaning; (3) Lack of confidence in performance; (4) Self-demand and self-punishment as personal condemnation among healthcare workers. Conclusions Health institutions must implement interventions for health professionals to help mitigate the consequences of experiencing complex ethical scenarios during the pandemic. In addition, they should promote training in moral and ethical deliberation and prepare them to make decisions of great ethical significance

    Occupational factors associated with health-related quality of life in nursing professionals: a multi-centre study

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    Background: Nursing professionals are exposed to stressful situations arising from the work context that may affect health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The objective of this study was to analyse the relationship between sociodemographic and work-related variables regarding HRQoL in nursing professionals. Methods: A multi-centre, cross-sectional descriptive design was used. The participants consisted 1521 nurses working in healthcare centres, in both primary care and hospital care, in the eight provinces of the Andalusian Public Health System (APHS), Spain. Sociodemographic and work-related variables were analysed: Compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction and burnout were measured using the professional quality of life questionnaire (ProQOL), and HRQoL was measured using the SF-12 health questionnaire. Results: Compassion fatigue, burnou, and, to a lesser extent, compassion satisfaction significantly influence the physical and mental components of HRQoL. The simple regression analysis showed that burnout and compassion fatigue were significantly associated with the mental component of HRQoL. Gender influenced the mental component of HRQoL. The rest of the sociodemographic and work-related variables were not significantly related to HRQoL. Conclusion: Work-related stress and repeated contact with situations of suffering influence HRQoL. Health systems must implement programmes to increase the emotional well-being of workers

    Accompanied child irregular migrants who arrive to Spain in small boats: experiences and health needs

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    The European Union is the preferred destination of child irregular migrants arrived from northern Africa, who risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea in small boats. Accompanied Child Irregular Migrants (AChIMs) are exposed to physical and psychological risk. The objective of our study is to describe and understand the experiences and health needs of AChIMs who arrive to Spain in small boats, through the testimony of adults who accompany them on the journey. A qualitative study, based on Gadamer's hermeneutic phenomenology, was performed. After obtaining approval from the Ethics and Research Committee, we conducted in-depth interviews on 32 adults who travelled with AChIMs. Two main themes emerged: (1) The journey a child should never have to take, with the subthemes 'AChIMs as a paradigm of vulnerability' and 'Crossing the sea, playing with death' and (2) Characterising emergency care to AChIMs, with the subthemes 'Prioritising specific care', 'Identifying high-risk situations' and 'The detaining of innocent children'. AChIMs, along with adults, risk their lives in such a dangerous and perilous journey, therefore, finding out about their experiences may contribute to improving the treatment of their specific health needs during the phases of rescue and emergency care

    Experiences of mothers of extremely preterm infants after hospital discharge

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    The purpose of this study was to describe and understand the experiences of mothers of extremely preterm infants during the first twelve months at home following discharge from a neonatal intensive care unit. A qualitative, interpretative approach using Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics was carried out. One focus group and fifteen in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted twelve months after hospital discharge. Responses were recorded, transcribed and analyzed using computer-assisted qualitative data analysis. The study´s participants were twenty women. The following themes emerged from the data analysis: 1) 'The journey home: the discharge process', which included the sub-themes 'escaping the hospital environment: between desire and fear' and 'preparing parents for hospital discharge: practice and formal support'; and 2) 'The difficulty of living with an extremely preterm infant', including the sub-themes 'the challenge of an unexpected form of childcare', 'overprotection of and bond with a child with special needs' and 'disturbance in the social/familiar setting: when a mother becomes a nurse'. The process of hospital discharge and the first months at home are difficult. The birth and care of an extremely preterm infant affect the mothers' quality of life as well as their family and social life. Practice and early discharge programmes can make the discharge process easier. The knowledge and understanding of the experience of mothers of extremely preterm infants in the first months at home after hospital discharge could help healthcare professionals to develop educational strategies and counselling interventions in accordance with the mothers' needs. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    Time-resolved fluorescence line-narrowing of Eu3+ in biocompatible eutectic glass-ceramics

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    The spectroscopic properties of Eu3+ in biocompatible glass and glass-ceramic eutectic rods of composition 0.8CaSiO3-0.2Ca3(PO4)2 doped with 0.5 wt% of Eu2O3 are investigated to explore their potential applications as optical probes. The samples were obtained by the laser floating zone technique. Depending on the growth rate, they exhibit three (two crystalline and one amorphous) or two (one crystalline and one amorphous) phases. The crystalline phases correspond to Ca2SiO4 and apatite-like structures. At high growth rates the system presents an amorphous arrangement which gives a glass phase. The results of time-resolved fluorescence line narrowing spectroscopy obtained under excitation within the inhomogeneous broadened 7F0¿5D0 absorption band allow to isolate the emission from Eu3+ ions in the crystalline and amorphous environments and to accurately correlate the spectroscopic properties with the microstructure of these eutectics

    Effects of a simulation-based workshop on nursing students' competence in arterial puncture

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    Objective: To evaluate whether a short simulation-based workshop in radial artery puncture would improve nursing students’ competence to a level in which they could practise the procedure on a live patient without compromising his safety. Methods: Quasi-experimental one-group pretest-posttest study with 111 third-year nursing students. A 1.5-hour simulation-based workshop was implemented. This included a video-lecture, live demonstrations, selfdirected simulated practice in dyads and individual intermittent feedback. Participants’ skills, knowledge and self-efficacy in arterial puncture were measured before and after attending the workshop. Results: After the intervention, a total of 61.1% of the participants showed the level of competence required to safely practice radial artery puncture on a live patient under supervision. Conclusion: Effective simulation-based training in arterial puncture for nursing students does not necessarily need to be resource-intensive. Well-planned, evidence-based training sessions using low-tech simulators could help educators to achieve good educational outcomes and promote patient safety

    Design and psychometric analysis of the COVID-19 prevention, recognition and home-management self-efficacy scale

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    In order to control the spread of COVID-19, people must adopt preventive behaviours that can affect their day-to-day life. People’s self-efficacy to adopt preventive behaviours to avoid COVID-19 contagion and spread should be studied. The aim of this study was to develop and psychometrically test the COVID-19 prevention, detection, and home-management self-efficacy scale (COVID-19-SES). We conducted an observational cross-sectional study. Six-hundred and seventy-eight people participated in the study. Data were collected between March and May 2020. The COVID-19-SES’ validity (content, criterion, and construct), reliability (internal consistency and test-retest reliability), and legibility were studied. The COVID-19-SES’ reliability was high (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.906; intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.754). The COVID-19-SES showed good content validity (scale’s content validity index = 0.92) and good criterion validity when the participants’ results on the COVID-19-SES were compared to their general self-efficacy (r = 0.38; p 0.001). Construct validity analysis revealed that the COVID-19-SES’ three-factor structure explained 52.12% of the variance found and it was congruent with the World Health Organisation’s recommendations to prevent COVID-19 contagion and spread. Legibility analysis showed that the COVID-19-SES is easy to read and understand by laypeople. The COVID-19-SES is a psychometrically robust instrument that allows for a valid and reliable assessment of people’s self-efficacy in preventing, detecting symptoms, and home-managing COVID-19