694 research outputs found

    Seasonal grazing of goats and sheep on Mediterranean mountain rangelands of northeast Portugal

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    The objective of this study was to compare the feeding strategies between sheep and goat rearing by shepherds in the Mediterranean mountain area of northeast Portugal. For this purpose, grazing itineraries, diet selection, diet overlap and the diet diversity of different flocks of sheep and goats were studied. The flocks were monitored along specific grazing circuits every three months. Grazing itineraries were recorded by means of a hand global positioning system (GPS). Diet composition was determined by direct observation method in pre-set intervals of 15 minutes during the day. For each observation point, herbaceous communities, shrubs and tree species consumed were recorded. Diet selection was estimated by Krueger’s preference index and the degree of overlap between diets was estimated using the Kulczynskis similarity index. The diet of goats had a significantly higher content of shrubs (27%) and trees species (24%) than sheep (6% and 10% respectively). Sheep diet comprised 84 % of herbaceous plants, whereas this group only represented 49 % in goat diet. Erica sp. and Rubus sp. were the shrubs with the highest preference index for goats. Both animals avoided Cytisus multiflorus in winter and spring, and Cistus ladanifer in summer. Goats showed a higher preference for Fraxinus excelsior and Quercus rotundifolia. Goat diversity of forage on offer and animal diet was significantly higher than on the sheep diet. Plant species diversity in sheep and goat diets significantly increased in autumn compared to spring. The average of diets’ overlap was higher during the winter and lower in summer. The length of grazing itineraries and diet diversity reflects the level of dependence on natural resources and consequently it´s level of extensification

    Management of grazing circuits in order to promote extensive livestock welfare

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    In Northeast Portugal, small ruminant production is an extensive activity based on daily movements of livestock around their villages. Driven by shepherds, goat and sheep flocks use several daily itineraries. Some decisions about the circuit's organization are greatly influenced by the environmental conditions because animals are very sensitive to extremes of temperature and availability of resources

    The role of woodlands in the small ruminant production in northeast Portugal

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    Small ruminant production is a very extensive activity in the northeast of Portugal, mainly based on use of spontaneous vegetation. Driven by shepherds, goat and sheep flocks use several daily itineraries, crossing over a highly diversified landscape; composed by a mosaic of diverse land uses (Forestlands, scrublands, pastures, and annual and perennial croplands)

    Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches

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    The Intensive Programme of study on “Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches” resulted from the recognition of the growing importance of agroforestry systems in the European context, in particular, silvopastoral systems in the south of Europe. The European roadmap towards low carbon economy within the 2050 horizon creates enormous challenges for the agriculture sector in terms of its modernization and reconversion for which agroforestry systems are essential technological and sustainable production solutions. At the global scale, challenges resulting from escalating demand for animal and forest products, effects of climate change, loss of natural capital and the search for sustainable development solutions strengthen the importance of agroforestry systems. Several international organizations, among which the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and the European Union (EU), have been promoting the development and implementation of these systems. Also, within the context of the United Nations, several conventions – biological diversity, climate change, soil conservation – force deep changes to be made in production systems, to which agroforestry systems are indispensable references. The intensive learning programme on “Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches” was funded by the European Comission through the ERASMUS program (2013-1-PT1-ERA10-16673- PBRAGANC01). The Intensive Programme took place in Bragança, Portugal, from March 30 to April 12, 2014, and was organized by the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança in collaboration with the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Universidad da Extremadura, and Universidad de Oviedo, in Spain, and the Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro, in Italy. The objective of the programme was to share with first and second cycle students from Portugal, Spain and Italy knowledge about implementation and management of agroforestry systems, in particular silvopastoral systems, considering production, economic, environmental and socio-cultural aspects. The programme was an opportunity to discuss practical and theoretical issues iv related to agroforestry systems in different environmental backgrounds, particularly in Atlantic and Mediterrenean regions of the Iberian Peninsula. The programme made it also possible to the intervening institutions to establish cooperation partnerships within the scope of scientific research and knowledge transfer, with emphasis on the production of knowledge on silvopastoral systems materialized in this book. The content of this book corresponds to lectures taught in the programme by the researchers and professors subjected to a peer reviewing process; we would like therefore to acknowledge all authors, reviewers and institutions involved in the Intensive Programme and in this book by their collaboration and the ERASMUS Programme by the financial support provided that made it possible to organize this course on “Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches”.A realização do curso intitulado Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches resultou do reconhecimento da importância crescente dos sistemas agroflorestais no contexto europeu e, particularmente, dos sistemas silvopastoris no do sul da Europa. O roteiro europeu para uma economia de baixo carbono no horizonte 2050 coloca ao sector agrícola enormes desafios de modernização e reconversão no qual os sistemas agroflorestais são incontornáveis enquanto soluções tecnológicas de produção sustentável. À escala global, os desafios resultantes das necessidades crescentes de alimentos de origem animal e de produtos florestais, os efeitos das alterações climáticas, a perda de capital natural e a procura de soluções de desenvolvimento sustentável reforçam a importância dos sistemas agroflorestais. Diversas organizações internacionais, entre as quais a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e Agricultura (FAO), o World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) e a União Europeia (EU), têm promovido o desenvolvimento e implementação destes sistemas. Também no âmbito das Nações Unidas, diversas convenções - diversidade biológica, alterações climáticas e conservação do solo - obrigam a alterações profundas nos sistemas produtivos para as quais os sistemas agro-florestais serão uma referência obrigatória. O programa de aprendizagem intensivo sobre Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches, foi financiado pela Comissão Europeia através do programa ERASMUS (2013-1-PT1-ERA10-16673- PBRAGANC01). O curso decorreu entre 30 de março e 12 de abril de 2014 e foi organizado pelo Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, em colaboração com a Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Universidad da Extremadura, e Universidad de Oviedo, em Espanha, e a Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro, em Itália. O objectivo do curso foi partilhar com alunos de 1º e 2º ciclo de Portugal, Espanha e Itália, conhecimento sobre implementação e gestão de sistemas agroflorestais, particularmente silvopastoris, considerando os aspectos produtivos, económicos, ambientais e socioculturais. O curso constituiu uma oportunidade de discussão de aspectos práticos e teóricos relativos aos sistemas silvopastoris em diferentes contextos ambientais, particularmente nas zonas Atlânticas e Mediterrânicas da Península Ibérica. Permitiu ainda às instituições envolvidas estabelecerem parcerias de cooperação no âmbito da investigação científica e transferência de conhecimento, destacando-se a produção de saber no âmbito dos sistemas silvopastoris consubstanciada neste livro. O conteúdo do livro corresponde às lições apresentadas no curso pelos investigadores e professores das instituições responsáveis pelas sessões teóricas; assim, gostaríamos de agradecer aos autores e instituições envolvidas pela sua colaboração e ao programa ERASMUS pelo suporte financeiro que possibilitou a realizou do curso sobre Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches

    Efecto de los regimenes de perturbación en la regeneración de Quercus rotundifolia Lam. en el NE de Portugal

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    El “monte de Morais” (NE Portugal) es una de las mayores unidades continuas de serpentinas en Portugal, con un elevado interés geológico y botánico y que forma parte de la Red Natura 2000. Es el área más representativa de las rocas ultrabásicas lusitano-durienses, cubierta por diversas comunidades de especies endémicas. Su vegetación está dominada por Quercus rotundifolia Lam. siendo también importante la presencia de Quercus suber L., Juniperus oxycedrus Sibth. & Sm y Quercus faginea Lam. En los últimos años, el monte fue objeto de diferentes intervenciones consistentes en la aplicación de desbroces mecánicos (parcelas perturbadas) en determinadas áreas del monte y, otras zonas, donde no se aplicó desbroce, fueron destinadas a refugio de caza (parcelas no perturbadas). El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto del desbroce mecánico sobre la sustentabilidad del encinar. Se determinó la cobertura vegetal del sotobosque, la regeneración de la encina (número plántulas/m2) y su tipología en zonas perturbadas y no perturbadas. Los resultados muestran un incremento de la cubierta herbácea en las parcelas perturbadas mientras que las no perturbadas se favoreció la presencia de arbustos. La regeneración de la encina en las parcelas perturbadas se redujo drásticamente en comparación con las no perturbada

    As pastagens semeadas anuais biodiversas ricas em leguminosas (PPSBRL), uma emulação da vegetação de Poetea bulbosae

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    As PPSBRL caracterizam-se pelo uso de misturas de sementes, muito diversas em espécies/cultivares pratenses anuais melh oradas, entre as quais preponderam leguminosas do género Trifolium. O conceito de PPSBRL deve-se ao agrónomo português David Crespo. A sinecologia e a estrutura florística das PPSBRL e das pastagens de Poetea bulbosae (malhadas) são análogas, entre outros aspecto s, nas exigências bioclimáticas, na dinâmica anual da oferta de biomassa, na sensibilidade à mobilização do so lo, na dominância do Trifolium subterraneum, na necessidade de uma gestão cuidadosa do pastoreio nos primeiros anos de vida da pastagem de modo a favorecer a acumulação de sementes duras no solo, no efeito do pastoreio nas interacções competitivas leguminosa-gramínea, na penetração nas áreas de acarro de espécies nitrófilas de Onopordenea acanthii e de Sisymbrietalia officinalis, e na abundância em substratos ácidos de plantas de Polygono-Poetea annua, de Thero-Brometalia e de Apereta/ia spicae-venti. Os contactos catenais são também semelhantes: nos relevos convexos, exportadores de nutrientes e mais secos, verifica- se um influxo de espécies de Helianthemetea guttati, nas baixas húmidas ingressam nas pastagens as espécies de lsoeto-Nanojuncetea. Nas PPSBRL dominam, porém, biotipos praten ses melhorados alóctones, a fertilidade do solo é artificialmente incrementada e mantida com adubos e correctivos, e a pertu rbação pelo past oreio é frequente e intensa. Por isso, as PPSBRL são mais produtivas, e menos permeáveis a espécies indígenas pouco produtivas do que as malhadas. Sendo mais produtivas sequestram mais carbono no solo e fixam mais azoto. Admite-se também que as PPSBRL são mais resilientes perante eventos climáticos excessivos, e que a sua produtividade flutua menos no espaço e no tempo. A gestão das PPSBRL enfrenta porém alguns problemas: a depleção de fósforo no solo reduz a abundância de leguminosas; as leguminosas semeadas que não enterram as sementes perdem rapidamente dominância após a sementeira; faltam no mercado de gramíneas capazes de resistir a regimes de pastoreio frequente e severo em condições mediterrânicas; o pisoteio pelo gado pode conduzir a um aumento da densidade aparente do solo. O método fitossociológico, e o estudo botânico e ecológico das Poetea bulbosae podem ser, respectivamente, um instrumento, e uma importante fonte de inspiração Lisboa 13-16 Setembro 2010 no desenvolvimento de soluções de gestão para as PPSBRL. As tipologias fitossociológicas permitem uma identificação e qualificação expedita das malhadas; a aglomeração das espécies indígenas em tipos funcionais de resposta de base fitossociológica é indispensável para aprofundar a sinecologia das PPSBRL. Afiguram-se-nos importantes no futuro das PPSBRL a identificação de plantas pratenses passíveis de melhoramento em malhadas íntegras e produtivas, e o estudo do nicho de regeneração, da ecologia reprodutiva e da interacção com leguminosas arbustivas das características de Poetea bulbosae

    Silvopastoral systems established with Pinus radiate D. Don and Betula pubescens Ehrh.: Tree growth, understorey biomass and vascular plant biodiversity

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    In the European Union, the majority of afforestation is carried out on former agricultural land. This afforestation causes fundamental changes in ecosystem structure and functioning, with the trees intercepting light and precipitation, producing litterfall and competing for soil nutrients. All of these effects could potentially have a negative impact on understorey biomass and vascular plant biodiversity in a relatively short time span. This study aims to evaluate the effects of afforestation with Pinus radiata D. Don (Monterey pine: pine) and Betula pubescens Ehrh. (Downy birch: birch), established at two different densities (2500 and 833 trees ha21) and sown with two different pasture mixtures (Dactylis glomerata L. + Trifolium repens L. + Trifolium pratense L. and Lolium perenne L. + T. repens L. + T. pratense L.), on understorey biomass, alpha plant biodiversity, life cycle type (annuals vs. perennials) and beta biodiversity over a period of 11 years. Pine showed better development than birch throughout the study, although both species were very sensitive to tree density. While increasing density increased pine height and decreased pine diameter, both aspects of birch development were reduced by higher tree densities. Aboveground biomass increased throughout the study. Alpha plant biodiversity was drastically reduced under pine established at high density, 11 years after afforestation. However, the similarities in species richness, species composition and the low beta growth rates found under pine at low density, and birch at both high and low density suggest that, in these cases, the choice of canopy tree has little consequence for understorey biodiversity at this stage of system development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of Tree Species and Density on Pasture Production in Galicia, Spain

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    Galicia produces 50% of the forest products of Spain. Livestock production earns 62% of the income of the agrarian sector in Galicia. Afforestation has been very important in the last decade to such an extent that the area of forest and woodlands now covers 62% of Galicia. It is necessary to increase the rate of return on investments in planted forests in order to avoid rural depopulation through improvement of rural development and welfare. This paper reports on the effect of combining pastures with trees

    Seasonal Variation of Crude Protein Content of Different Herbaceous, Shrub and Tree Species

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    Silvopastoralism is a sustainable way of land management that reduces fire risk due to the reduction of fuel under trees when plants are used as animal food. This is particularly important in areas like Galicia that have 16% of the fired area of Europe. Silvopastoral systems can contribute to environment conservation and provide feed for autochthonous breeds more adapted to mountain conditions, enhancing biodiversity conservation. In formation on seasonal changes in crude protein content of spontaneous species will indicate better management of pasture resources in mountain areas

    The effect of soil microtopographic gradients on dry matter yields and species richness in two Mediterranean pastures

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    The Sown Biodiverse Permanent Pastures Rich in Legumes (SBPPRL) mix a large number of species and cultivars of improved annual pasture species adapted to Mediterranean climate. with a predominance of Trifolium subterraneum. On a commercial mixed farm were explored the effects of soil microtopographic gradients on dry matter (OM) yields and species richness in two intensively grazed nearby pastures - a stabilized SBPPRL and an old seminatural annual pasture (SNP) - established in the same soil calena, with a high PZ05 and KzO availability. As expected the SBPPRL had higher DM yields than the SNP, more stable along the slope system, and with a larger legume fraction. The indigenous genotypes of the SNP seemed unable to translate into biomass soil fertility improvement. SBPPRL improved pasture species depressed significantly pasture species diversity and species spatial turnover. In the SBPPRL legumes mainly substituted many short living low productivity autochthonous species common in the SNP. The buffering of soil ecological gradients is probably important in the explanation of the superior agronomic performance of SBPPRL. SOM accumulation is certainly involved in this process