28 research outputs found

    Melatonin non-linearly modulates bull spermatozoa motility and physiology in capacitating and non-capacitating conditions

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    Bull spermatozoa physiology may be modulated by melatonin. We washed ejaculated spermatozoa free of melatonin and incubated them (4 h, 38 °C) with 0-pM, 1-pM, 100-pM, 10-nM and 1-µM melatonin in TALP-HEPES (non-capacitating) and TALP-HEPES-heparin (capacitating). This range of concentrations encompassed the effects mediated by melatonin receptors (pM), intracellular targets (nM–µM) or antioxidant activity (µM). Treatment effects were assessed as motility changes by computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) of motility and physiological changes by flow cytometry. Melatonin effects were more evident in capacitating conditions, with 100 pM reducing motility and velocity (VCL) while increasing a “slow” subpopulation. All concentrations decreased apoptotic spermatozoa and stimulated mitochondrial activity in viable spermatozoa, with 100 pM–1 µM increasing acrosomal damage, 10 nM–1 µM increasing intracellular calcium and 1 pM reducing the response to a calcium-ionophore challenge. In non-capacitating media, 1 µM increased hyperactivation-related variables and decreased apoptotic spermatozoa; 100 pM–1 µM increased membrane disorders (related to capacitation); all concentrations decreased mitochondrial ROS production. Melatonin concentrations had a modal effect on bull spermatozoa, suggesting a capacitation-modulating role and protective effect at physiological concentrations (pM). Some effects may be of practical use, considering artificial reproductive techniques

    Melatonin Non-Linearly Modulates Bull Spermatozoa Motility and Physiology in Capacitating and Non-Capacitating Conditions

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    [EN] Bull spermatozoa physiology may be modulated by melatonin. We washed ejaculated spermatozoa free of melatonin and incubated them (4 h, 38 °C) with 0-pM, 1-pM, 100-pM, 10-nM and 1-µM melatonin in TALP-HEPES (non-capacitating) and TALP-HEPES-heparin (capacitating). This range of concentrations encompassed the effects mediated by melatonin receptors (pM), intracellular targets (nM–µM) or antioxidant activity (µM). Treatment effects were assessed as motility changes by computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) of motility and physiological changes by flow cytometry. Melatonin effects were more evident in capacitating conditions, with 100 pM reducing motility and velocity (VCL) while increasing a “slow” subpopulation. All concentrations decreased apoptotic spermatozoa and stimulated mitochondrial activity in viable spermatozoa, with 100 pM–1 µM increasing acrosomal damage, 10 nM–1 µM increasing intracellular calcium and 1 pM reducing the response to a calcium-ionophore challenge. In non-capacitating media, 1 µM increased hyperactivation-related variables and decreased apoptotic spermatozoa; 100 pM–1 µM increased membrane disorders (related to capacitation); all concentrations decreased mitochondrial ROS production. Melatonin concentrations had a modal effect on bull spermatozoa, suggesting a capacitation-modulating role and protective effect at physiological concentrations (pM). Some effects may be of practical use, considering artificial reproductive techniquesSIThis research was funded by MINECO (Spain), Grant Number AGL2013-4332

    Seminal plasma proteins modify the distribution of sperm subpopulations in cryopreserved semen of rams with lesser fertility

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    P. 44-50Any physiological mechanism involved in sperm selection and semen improvement has effects on heterogeneous sperm populations. This is mainly due to the fact that sperm populations within a single ejaculate have considerable heterogeneity for many variables, such as motility which is meaningful in terms of understanding how some sperm cells possess fertility advantages as compared with other cells. In the present research, initially there was a multivariate and clustering analysis used to assess sperm motility data from cryopreserved ram semen to identify subpopulations and compare the distribution of these clusters between rams with lesser and greater fertility. There were four classifications made of sperm subpopulations (clusters): CL1 fast/linear/progressive sperm; CL2 fast/non-linear sperm; CL3 very fast/linear sperm with vigorous beating and CL4 slow/non-linear sperm. Rams with greater fertility had a lesser proportion of sperm considered as “hyperactivated” (CL2) and a greater proportion of slow and non-linear sperm (CL4) than sperm of rams with lesser fertility. In addition, the effects were assessed for the capacity of seminal plasma (SP) and interacting SP proteins (iSPP) that were present during different seasons of the year to improve the distribution of sperm within subpopulations of semen from rams with lesser fertility. The iSPP and SP were obtained by artificial vagina (AV) and electroejaculation (EE) during breeding and non-breeding seasons and added to thawed semen. All the aggregates had a significant effect on the distribution of sperm subpopulations and effects differed among seasons of the year and depending on collection method used. Even though, future studies are needed to assess the contribution of each subpopulation on ram sperm fertility, it is important that a multivariate analysis be used to evaluate the effect of a treatment on sperm quality variables.S

    Seminal plasma proteins interacting with sperm surface revert capacitation indicators in frozen-thawed ram sperm

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    P. 35-41This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of interacting seminal plasma proteins (iSPP) obtained by AV or EE on frozen-thawed ram sperm in order to test the hypothesis whether this fraction could be sufficient to emulate the effect of complete seminal plasma (SP). Additionally, we evaluated whether these proteins have a differential effect between spermatozoa from high and low fertility rams and between breeding and non-breeding seasons. We assessed sperm motility, quality parameters (intracellular reactive oxygen species, membrane fluidity, plasma membrane permeability and mitochondrial activity) and capacitation status. The main findings from this work were: i) iSPP had no effect on sperm motility, whereas SP (AV or EE) addition produced the highest values of total motility (74.13 ± 2.99 and 72.27 ± 2.99 for AV and EE, respectively) and progressive motility (64.97 ± 2.64 and 63.73 ± 2.64 for AV and EE, respectively); ii) iSPP had no effect on sperm quality parameters (p > 0.05), but whole SP improved all parameters evaluated. Moreover, SP collected by AV yielded significantly higher viability (44.60 ± 2.87) and sperm with stable plasma membrane (44.56 ± 2.49) comparing with the addition of SP collected by EE (35.80 ± 2.47 and 36.67 ± 1.71, respectively); iii) iSPP and SP collected by EE, but not by AV, reverted molecular signals of capacitation as protein tyrosine phosphorylation caused by freezing temperatures; iv) there were no effects of fertility or season in sperm quality parameters evaluated. This study demonstrated that, although the iSPP have a clear decapacitating effect, including the ability to revert cryo-capacitation indicators, they are not sufficient to emulate the effects of complete SP regarding sperm functional parameters.S

    Low density Porcicoll separates spermatozoa from bacteria and retains sperm quality

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    [EN] Antibiotics are added to semen extenders to control the growth of bacteria contaminating semen during collection but may contribute to the development of antibiotic resistance. An alternative would be physical separation of spermatozoa from bacteria. The objective of the present study was to evaluate two low densities of Porcicoll for removal of bacteria, and for their effect on sperm recovery and sperm quality. Semen was collected from boars at a commercial station. Aliquots of 8 extended ejaculates were subjected to colloid centrifugation through 20% Porcicoll (P20) and 30% Porcicoll (P30) in 500 mL tubes and then stored at 17 °C. Microbiological examination and sperm quality evaluation (computer assisted sperm analysis and flow cytometry) were carried out on controls and all colloid-selected samples immediately after preparation and again after storage for 3 and 7 days. The microorganisms found were mainly bacteria from the environment, gut or skin. There was a considerable reduction or complete removal of some bacteria by both colloids. Recovery rates were 86% for P20 and 81% for P30. Sperm quality was not adversely affected by colloid centrifugation on day 0, and thereafter showed a more gradual deterioration in colloid centrifuged samples than in controls, possibly due to lower bacterial contamination. There were no differences in sperm quality between the two colloid treatments. Thus, these results show that contaminating bacteria in semen can be controlled by centrifugation through low density colloidsSIThis work was funded by a pump grant from the Society for Reproduction and Fertility, UK, to JMM and by grants to FMP (RTI2018-095183-B-I00, MCI/AEI/FEDER, EU, and LE023P20, Junta de Castilla y León/Consejería de Educación/FEDER, EU

    Bos taurus and Cervus elaphus as Non-Seasonal/Seasonal Models for the Role of Melatonin Receptors in the Spermatozoon

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    [EN] Melatonin is crucial in reproduction due its antioxidant, hormonal, and paracrine action. Melatonin membrane receptors (MT1/MT2) have been confirmed on spermatozoa from several species, but functionality studies are scarce. To clarify their role in ruminants as reproductive models, bull (Bos taurus, non-seasonal) and red deer (Cervus elaphus, highly seasonal) spermatozoa were analyzed after 4 h of incubation (38 °C, capacitating media) in 10 nM melatonin, MT1/MT2 agonists (phenylmelatonin and 8M-PDOT), and antagonists (luzindole and 4P-PDOT). Motility and functionality (flow cytometry: Viability, intracellular calcium, capacitation status, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and acrosomal and mitochondrial status) were assessed. In bull, MT1 was related to sperm viability preservation, whereas MT2 could modulate cell functionality to prevent excess ROS produced by the mitochondria; this action could have a role in modulating sperm capacitation. Deer spermatozoa showed resistance to melatonin and receptor activation, possibly because the samples were of epididymal origin and collected at the breeding season’s peak, with high circulating melatonin. However, receptors could be involved in mitochondrial protection. Therefore, melatonin receptors are functional in the spermatozoa from bull and deer, with different activities. These species offer models differing from traditional laboratory experimental animals on the role of melatonin in sperm biologySIThis research was funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivenes MINECO (Spain), grant number AGL2013-43328

    Single layer centrifugation (SLC) for bacterial removal with Porcicoll positively modifies chromatin structure in boar spermatozoa

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    [EN] The storage of boar semen samples at 17 °C for artificial insemination (AI) doses enables the proliferation of the bacteria, making antibiotics necessary. This can contribute to the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This study tested bacterial presence and sperm chromatin structure after using a low-density colloid (Porcicoll) as an antibiotic alternative to eliminate bacteria. Ejaculates (8 boars, 3 ejaculates each) were split as control and low-density colloid centrifugation (single layer centrifugation, SLC, 20%, and 30% Porcicoll) into 500 ml tubes. Analyses were carried out at days 0, 3, and 7 (17 °C) for microbial presence and sperm chromatin structure analysis: %DFI (DNA fragmentation) and %HDS (chromatin immaturity), monobromobimane (mBBr; free thiols and disulfide bridges), and chromomycin A3 (CMA3; chromatin compaction). Besides comparing bacterial presence (7 species identified) and chromatin variables between treatments, the associations between these sets of variables were described by canonical correlation analysis (CCA). Results showed a significant decrease of some bacteria or a complete removal after SLC (especially for P30). SLC also caused a decrease of %HDS and an increase of disulfide bridges and low and medium mBBr populations, suggesting the removal of immature sperm (poor chromatin compaction). CCA showed an association pattern compatible with the degradation of sperm chromatin parameters with bacterial contamination, especially Enterobacteria, P. aeuriginosa, and K. variicola. In conclusion, bacterial contamination affects sperm chromatin beyond DNA fragmentation; SLC with low-density colloid not only removes bacteria from boar semen, but also chromatin structure is enhanced after selectionSIThis work was funded by a pump grant from Society for Reproduction and Fertility, UK, to JMM and by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain), grant number RTI2018-095183-B-I00 (MCI/AEI/FEDER, EU) and LE023P20, Junta de Castilla y León/Consejería de Educación/FEDER, EU). The authors thank I. Quintela, B. de Arriba, L. Tejerina, M. Pérez-Luengo, N. Sorarrain, and B. Martín for technical assistance, and all the personnel at Topigs Norsvin España SLU (AIM Iberica) for their help in providing sample

    Extension of the equilibration period up to 24 h maintains the post-thawing quality of Holstein bull semen frozen with OPTIXcell®

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    [EN] Semen cryopreservation in bovine livestock is well established, but logistics often require deviations from standard protocols. Extending the equilibration time to the following day is convenient in many situations. To improve our knowledge of the effects of this modification, we studied the post-thawing and post-incubation (4 h, 38 °C) sperm quality after freezing with 4 or 24-h extension in the OPTIXcell extender by using an ample panel of analyses: CASA for motility; flow cytometry for viability, physiology, oxidative stress, and chromatin parameters (DNA fragmentation, chromatin compaction, and thiol groups status); and spectrometry for malondialdehyde production. Semen was obtained from 12 Holstein bulls. The 24-h equilibration time showed few significant effects, with only a tiny decrease in progressive motility and a positive impact on chromatin structure. The incubation removed some of these effects, with the pattern for chromatin compaction remaining the same. No detrimental oxidative stress or increase in apoptotic or capacitation markers was detected. Additionally, the individual bull interacted with the effects of the incubation and the equilibration, especially regarding the chromatin status. Whereas this interaction did not critically affect sperm quality, it could be relevant in practice. Bull fertility as non-return rates (NRR56) was associated with some sperm parameters (especially with an improved chromatin structure) but not in the 4-h post-thawing analysis. Our study supports that extending the equilibration time by at least 24-h is feasible for bull semen freezing with the OPTIXcell extender.S

    Cold-Shock Test Is a Practical Method for Selecting Boar Ejaculates Yielding Appropriate Seminal Plasma for Post-Thawing Supplementation

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    .Artificial insemination (AI) with cryopreserved semen is still unreliable for extensive pig industry application. Adding seminal plasma (SP) could improve post-thawing quality, but its suitability could vary. We applied a simple cold-shock test (CST, 5 min at 0 °C) on neat semen for classifying ejaculates (n = 63) as resistant or sensitive, obtaining two SP pools (CST-resistant: SPr, sensitive: SPs). Subsequently, frozen/thawed spermatozoa from six boars were incubated (37 °C) in MR-A® extender (control), 20% SPr, or 20% SPs, and analyzed at 0, 2, and 4 h. SP improved total and progressive motility, with a higher effect for SPr and STR (p < 0.05), decreasing kinematic parameters VCL and VAP, ALH, and BCF. Sperm viability was unaffected. SP increased apoptotic and membrane disorder ratios, and acrosomal damage, not affecting the chromatin structure (DNA fragmentation and immaturity by SCSA), protamination (CMA3), or disulfide levels (mBBr). However, the proportion of spermatozoa with elevated free thiols (disulfide bridges reduction) significantly increased. Results support a stimulatory role of SP on thawed semen, with additional benefits from SPr. The effect of SP and especially SPr after AI should be tested since CST could be a practical test for selecting suitable ejaculates in AI centers.S

    Removal of bacteria from boar semen using a low-density colloid

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    P. 272-278Antibiotics are added to semen extenders when preparing commercial semen doses for artificial insemination according to national and international guidelines. However, this addition of antibiotics represents non-therapeutic usage and could be contributing to the development of antibiotic resistance. Colloid centrifugation was shown to reduce the load of bacteria present in boar semen and was capable of removing all bacteria if performed directly after semen collection, albeit with some loss of spermatozoa. The present experiment was conducted with a low density colloid to investigate whether it was possible to separate all of the spermatozoa from seminal plasma i.e. without selection for robust spermatozoa, or whether this would have a detrimental effect on sperm quality. Ejaculates from nine boars were extended in Beltsville Thawing Solution without antibiotics and were transported to the laboratory for Single Layer Centrifugation (SLC) on modified Porcicoll i.e. at a low density (S). A further modification was that a sterile inner tube was included inside some of the 50 mL centrifuge tubes to facilitate harvesting of the sperm pellet (M). Aliquots of all samples (control, S and M) were cultured for bacterial quantification and identification using standard microbiological methods. Sperm quality was evaluated daily. Three of the C and M samples and five of the S samples did not contain any bacteria. Mean bacterial counts for the remaining samples (colony forming units/mL) were as follows: C 259 ± 216; S 30 ± 22; M 33 ± 15 (P < 0.01). Citrobacter spp., Staphylococcus simulans, Klebsiella variicola, Escherichia coli, Myroides odoratimimus, Proteus spp. and Enterococcus faecalis were identified in the control samples. There were marginal differences in sperm quality among treatments, with sperm velocity and linearity being higher in S and M samples than in C at all time points. However, sperm viability, capacitation and acrosome status were marginally better in controls than in S or M on day 0, but these differences disappeared during storage. Conclusions: centrifugation through a low density colloid can remove or reduce bacterial contamination in boar ejaculates without using antibiotics. Furthermore, it is possible to collect boar ejaculates without bacterial contamination by paying strict attention to hygiene.S