306 research outputs found

    The Traditions of Geometrical Representation and the Rise of Local Mapmaking in the Pontifical City of Avignon (14th-15th Centuries)

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    Exploring the Time to Intervene with a Reactive Mass Vaccination Campaign in Measles Epidemics.

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    The current WHO policy during measles outbreaks focuses on case management rather than reactive vaccination campaigns in urban areas of resource-poor countries having low vaccine coverage. Vaccination campaigns may be costly, or not timely enough to impact significantly on morbidity and mortality. We explored the time available for intervention during two recent epidemics. Our analysis suggests that the spread of measles in African urban settings may not be as fast as expected. Examining measles epidemic spread in Kinshasa (DRC), and Niamey (Niger) reveals a progression of smaller epidemics. Intervening with a mass campaign or in areas where cases have not yet been reported could slow the epidemic spread. The results of this preliminary analysis illustrate the importance of revisiting outbreak response plans

    La diffusion publique de données relatives à l’activité, la performance, les résultats des établissements de santé – Etude bibliographique.

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    Evaluation économique de la santé; Diffusion publique d'indicateurs sur la qualité des soins; Etablissements de soin;

    Resource competition between macrobenthic epifauna in a Kenyan <i>Avicennia marina</i> mangrove forest

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    A cage exclusion experiment was used to examine the interaction between the epibenthos (permanent and visiting) and the macroinfauna of a high intertidal Kenyan Avicennia marina mangrove sediment. Densities of Oligochaeta (families Tubificidae and Enchytraeidae), Amphipoda, Insecta larvae, Polychaeta and macro-Nematoda, and a broad range of environmental factors were followed over 5 mo of caging. A significant increase of amphipod and insect larvae densities in the cages indicated a positive exclusion effect, while no such effect was observed for oligochaetes (Tubificidae in particular), polychaetes or macronematodes. Resource competitive interactions were a plausible explanation for the status of the amphipod community. This was supported by the parallel positive exclusion effect detected of microalgal densities. It is therefore hypothesized that competition for microalgae and deposited food sources is the determining structuring force exerted by the epibenthos on the macrobenthic infauna. However, the presence of epibenthic predation can not be excluded

    Adherence to the combination of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine and artesunate in the Maheba refugee settlement, Zambia.

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    Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) is one strategy recommended to increase cure rates in malaria and to contain resistance to Plasmodium falciparum. In the Maheba refugee settlement, children aged 5 years or younger with a confirmed diagnosis of uncomplicated falciparum malaria are treated with the combination of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (1 day) and artesunate (3 days). To measure treatment adherence, home visits were carried out the day after the last treatment dose. Patients who had any treatment dose left were considered certainly non-adherent. Other patients' classification was based on the answers to the questionnaire: patients whose caretakers stated the child had received the treatment regimen exactly as prescribed were considered probably adherent; all other patients were considered probably non-adherent. Reasons for non-adherence were assessed. We found 21.2% (95% CI [15.0-28.4]) of the patients to be certainly non-adherent, 39.4% (95% CI [31.6-47.6]) probably non-adherent, and 39.4% (95% CI [31.6-47.6]) probably adherent. Insufficient explanation by the dispenser was identified as an important reason for non-adherence. When considering the use of ACT, the issue of patient adherence remains challenging. However, it should not be used as an argument against the introduction of ACT. For these treatment regimens to remain efficacious on a long-term basis, specific and locally adapted strategies need to be implemented to ensure completion of the treatment

    Les Haplochromis spp. (Teleostei, Cichlidae) des zones rocheuses du Mwanza Gulf, lac Victoria, Tanzanie : structure des communautés et écomorphologie

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    L'ichtyofaune du lac Victoria est principalement composée d'espèces endémiques de Téléostéens appartenant à la famille des Cichlidés. La diversité des formes, observée chez ces poissons, en fait un des exemples les plus remarquables de radiation adaptative chez les vertébrés. Néanmoins, en raison du jeune âge (25 000 ans) de cet "essaim d'espèces", il est très difficile de séparer les espèces entre elles. En effet, la plasticité phénotypique de ces Cichlidés fait que les variations intraspécifiques peuvent être plus importantes que les variations interspécifiques. Dans le cadre d'un programme sur les Cichlidés pétricoles du Mwanza Gulf, en Tanzanie, nous avons étudié les structures des communautés de poissons des zones rocheuses selon différentes échelles spatiales afin d'apporter des éléments préliminaires à leur connaissance. A l'échelle du Mwanza Gulf, nous avons étudié les variations de la richesse spécifique. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence un effet "région". A l'échelle d'une station rocheuse, nous avons étudié les variations morphologiques d'une espèce, #Halochromis nyererei$ Witte & Witte-Maas, 1985... Des analyses multivariées ont été utilisées pour caractériser les variations morphologiques... Ce travail de thèse a donc permis de mettre en évidence la complexité de la structure des communautés des Cichlidés pétricoles du Mwanza Gulf. L'étude écomorphologique à l'échelle d'une population a démontré la plasticité écologique et phénotypique au sein d'une même espèce. Cette plasticité est probablement à la base de "l'essaim d'espèces" de Cichlidés observé dans le lac Victoria... (D'après résumé d'auteur

    Implantação de controle social nos hospitais universitários federais

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    Este projeto de intervenção tem como objetivo apresentar um modelo de controle social em hospitais universitários subordinados à Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares (Ebserh), por meio da criação de uma rede de empresas privadas de controle social para acompanhar as ações do Estado quanto à prestação de serviço do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) nessas unidades de saúde. A ideia é elaborar um modelo, a ser apreciado pela Ebserh, e que poderá ser empregado nas unidades caso seja aprovado. O projeto é fundamentado na Constituição, que prevê a possibilidade de a sociedade exercer participação nas gestões dos órgãos públicos, comumente chamado de controle social do Estado, e pelo Decreto-Lei 8.243/2014, que institui a Política Nacional de Participação Social - PNPS e o Sistema Nacional de Participação Social – SNPS. O projeto está dividido em três fases. Na fase I, serão feitos levantamentos de dados e estudo do problema, com formulação de objetivos e elaboração do relatório do projeto. Na fase II ocorre a apresentação do projeto à Ebserh. Na fase III, serão feitas reuniões para avaliação da deliberação da Ebserh sobre o projeto e, caso seja aprovado, serão estabelecidos cronograma de trabalho, etapas, distribuição de funções e outras tarefas atinentes à implantação do projeto. O que se espera alcançar é melhoria na qualidade dos serviços de saúde prestados pelos hospitais universitários no âmbito do SUS.Número de páginas: 24 p.Controle SocialTrabalho de conclusão de curso apresentado como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do título de especialista em Gestão Pública

    L'hôpital et l'économie : le mariage impossible ?.

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    Économie de la santé; Hôpitaux; Soins hospitaliers;