1 research outputs found

    Evaluation of portion size of selected foods

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    Večje porcije živil lahko vodijo k pretiranemu vnosu hrane pri odraslih in otrocih, kar je znano kot fenomen vpliva velikosti porcij. V raziskavi je 60 študentov (52 žensk in 8 moških) 2. letnika Živilstva in prehrane (Biotehniška fakulteta v Ljubljani) ocenilo priporočene porcije 12 izbranih živil. Na krožnike smo natehtali priporočene porcije 10 živil, ki zaradi večje vsebnosti soli, maščobe ali sladkorja ne sodijo med priporočena živila, hkrati pa so med mladimi bolj priljubljena. Za primerjavo smo dodali še 2 živili, ki sodita med priporočena živila: jabolko in solato (berivko). Rezultati kažejo, da je velikost porcije posameznih živil pravilno ovrednotilo 7 % (bomboni) do 48 % (napolitanke). S tem smo potrdili hipotezo, da ocenjene velikosti porcij odstopajo od dejanskih velikosti porcij. Ugotovili smo, da so študentje velikosti porcij bolj pravilno ocenili kot študentke. Rezultati pravijo, da pogostost uživanja živil malo in v nekaterih primerih sploh ne vpliva na pravilnost ocenjevanja velikosti porcij. V povprečju je 45 % anketirancev, ne glede na to ali živilo uživajo pogosto ali ne, podcenilo predstavljeno velikost porcije živila. Občutek sitosti ali lakote vpliva na ocenjevanje velikosti porcij. V povprečju je porcije živil pravilno ocenilo več študentov z občutkom lakote (29 %) kot pa študentov z občutkom sitosti (28 %). Študentje z občutkom lakote so velikost porcij v večji meri podcenili (48 %), medtem ko so jih anketiranci z občutkom sitosti v večji meri precenili (29 %). Moški z občutkom lakote (19 % pravilnih ocen) so velikost porcij ocenili bolj pravilno kot ženske z občutkom lakote (9 % pravilnih ocen). Pri odstotkih pravilnih ocen žensk in moških z občutkom sitosti ni bistvenih razlik.Larger food portions can lead to excessive intake of food in adults and children. This phenomenon is known as the portion size effect. In the study 60 2nd year students (52 women and 8 men) of the of Field Food Science and Nutrition course at the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana evaluated the recommended portions of 12 selected foods. On the plates, the recommended portions of 10 foods which not belong to the group of recommended foods, either due to a higher salt, fat or sugar content, and are more popular among young people, were weighed. For comparison we added 2 foods that are known as healthy foods and are recommended to consume: apples and salad. The results show that the portion size of the individual foods was correctly evaluated by 7 % (candy) to 48 % (wafer) of students. This supports the hypothesis that the estimated portion size deviates from the actual portion size. We found that men\u27s evaluations of portion size were more correct than women\u27s evaluations. The results show that the frequency of food consumption has little or in some cases no effect on the correctness of portion size estimation. On average 45 % of respondents, regardless of whether they ate the food frequently or not, underestimated the portion size of the food. The sense of satiation or hunger affects the evaluation of portion size. Students who had a sense of hunger rated the portion sizes more correctly (29 % of correct evaluations) than those who had a sense of satiation (28%). Students with a sense of hunger were found to have underestimated the portion size more often (48 %), while respondents with a sense of satiation were more often found to have overestimated the portion size (29 %). Men with a sense of hunger (19 % of correct evaluations) estimated portions more correctly than women with a sense of hunger (9 % of correct evaluations). There are no significant differences in the percentage of correct evaluations of women and men with a sense of satiation