29 research outputs found

    Evaluation Possibilities of Different Parts of Pomegranate, a Historical Fruit and Its Effects on Health

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    Today, with the faster development of science and technology, people have started to pay more attention to healthy living and consuming foods that are beneficial for human health. In this context, the value given to fruit species has become increasingly important and the importance of plants whose seeds are consumed has increased, as well as colourful fruits and vegetables. Pomegranate is a fruit grown in many countries in the world, especially in the Mediterranean climate, and its economic value has been increasing in recent years. This fruit has gained great nutritional importance not only because of its flavour but also because it contains many antioxidant substances and phenolic compounds that are beneficial to human health. There are nearly fifty pomegranate varieties registered in our country. These pomegranate varieties range from sweet to sour, from small-in size to large in size, and from hard-seeded to soft-seeded in terms of skin colour and fruit colour. In recent years, the use of pomegranate parts such as peel, seeds, and flowers in cosmetics and food industry has become widespread and studies on the antioxidant properties of different parts of pomegranate have attracted interest. The aim of this review is to investigate the health effects of pomegranate fruit, different parts of pomegranate, and products made from pomegranate

    Genetic characterization of edible fig (Ficus carica L.) genotypes grown in Siirt region based on trnL-F region

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    In this study, molecular characterization of fig genotypes grown in Siirt province was provided based on the trnL-F region. Phylogenetic trees created using NJ and UPGMA methods formed a total of 10 groups for both regions. The genotypes 10, 16, 5 and 4 from the same location were successfully separated from others, while genotype 13 of the same location were grouped in a different cluster. When the phylogenetic trees are examined, the groups differ from each other. In conclusion, genotypes with diversity should be studied in depth with further evaluations

    Potential Status of Persimmon (Diospyrus kaki L.) in Türkiye and Its Impact on Human Health

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    Anatolia is the gene center of many fruit species grown in the world and is also very rich in terms of fruit species and varieties. Diospyrus kaki L., known as persimmon, is one of these fruit species. Considering Türkiye’s ecological conditions, persimmon has a great potential for production. In recent studies, the potential health effects of persimmon have been cited as an important factor, increasing the popularity and consumption of persimmon. In addition, persimmon has become the center of attention in recent years due to the attractive orange color of the fruit, its distinctive taste and structure, rich in antioxidants and phenolic compounds. In this review study, it was aimed to increase awareness of the production potential of persimmon grown in Turkiye by revealing its production potential, and to shed light on decision-makers in future production planning by providing information in terms of economic importance and health

    Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Gastroenteroloji Bilim dalı’nda siroz nedeniyle yatan 225 hastanin retrospektif irdelenmesi

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    Siroz normal karaciğer hücrelerinin hasarlanarak bağ dokusu ile yer değiştirdiği kronik ilerleyici bir karaciğer hastalığıdır. Siroz ya da eski Yunancada kullanılan şekliyle scirrhus, karaciğerin otopside görülen portakal kabuğu görünümünü tanımlamak için kullanılmıştır (1). Karaciğer sirozu gerek hastaların çektiği acılar nedeniyle hayat kalitesini önemli derecede etkileyen, gerekse geniş komplikasyon yelpazesi ve yüksek mortalite ve morbiditeden dolayı iş gücü kaybı ve yüksek sağlık harcalamalarından dolayı irdelenmesi gereken bir konudur. Günümüzde birçok ülkede karaciğer sirozu ile ilgili epidemiyolojik verilere yönelik bilgi yetersizliği mevcut olduğundan dolayı (12) ülkemizin en büyük gastroenteroloji merkezlerinden biri olan EÜTF Gastroenteroloji Bilim Dalı’nda retrosppektif ve tek merkezli olarak karaciğer sirozlu olgular irdelenmiştir (9,11). Bu çalışmaya; Aralık 2011 ile Mayıs 2013 tarihleri arasında 18 aylık sürede Ege Üniversitesi Gastroenteroloji Bilim Dalında herhangi bir yakınma ya da karaciğer sirozu komplikasyonları nedeniyle yatarak tedavi gören, taburculuk esnasında “Karaciğer Sirozu” tanısı olan 255 olgu alındı. Ancak bu olgulardan; 30 hastanın çoğu verilerine ulaşılamadığı için çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Bu nedenle verilerimiz 225 hastayı içermektedir. Çalışmaya alınma kriterleri; hastane yatmış olmak, taburculuk esnasında veya hastanede yatışı esnasında karaciğer sirozu tanısı almış olmak, 18 yaş üstü, verilerine tam olarak ulaşılabilen olgulardır. Çalışmadan dışlama kriterleri; ayaktan başvuran olgular, siroz dışı portal hipertansiyon varlığı, 18 yaş altı, verilerinin çoğuna ulaşılamayan olgulardır. Çalışmaya dahil edilen hastaların dosyaları çıkarıldı; dosyalardan ve/veya Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi labaratuar ve sonuç sisteminden verilerine ulaşıldı (tüm bu veriler hastanın hastaneye yattığı ilk gün verileridir). Bu hastaların; yaş, cinsiyet, hastane protokol numaraları, hastaneye yatış nedenleri, karaciğer sirozu etyolojisi, hepatit B ve hepatit C’li olgularda viral yük, özefagus varis varlığı, hastaneye yatış esnasında hemoglobin düzeyi, lökosit sayısı, trombosit sayısı, INR/PZ, CRP, AFP seviyesi, AST, ALT, ALP, GGT düzeyi, kreatinin, total bilirubin, direk bilirubin, albumin, globulin seviyesi, MELD skoru, CHİLD puan ve skoru, HCC varlığı, asit varlığı maddeler halinde olgu rapor formuna yazıldı. Asit olan olgularda; Serum Assit Abümin Gradienti (SAAG), SAİ varlığı, asit sıvısında albumin, total protein seviyesi, lökosit düzeyi, üreyen bakteri varlığı, ateş yüksekliği ve tedavi süresi ile tedavide kullanılan antibiyotikler olgu rapor formuna yazıldı. Yatışı esnasında eksitus olan hastalar ve eksitus tarihleri not edildi. Sonuç olarak; bu çalışmada hastaların çoğunu erkekler (%70,2) oluştururken erkeklerin ortalama yaşı 62 olup kadınların ortalama yaşı 67 bulundu. Karaciğer sirozu nedeniyle yatırılarak tetkik ve tedavi edilen olgularımızın hastaneye başlıca yatış nedenleri HCC(%21,8) (ileri girişimsel tedavi amacıyla), Hepatik Ensefalopati (%21,3), Kc-S (etyoloji ve ileri tetkik) (%20,4) ve ÖVK (%13,8) olarak tespit edildi. Karaciğer sirozlu olgularımızın etyolojileri incelendiğinde HBV ilk sırayı alırken (%32,8) bunu sırasıyla HCV (%21,3), kriptojenik (%20) ve alkole bağlı nedenler (%18,2) izlendi. Karaciğer sirozlu olgularımızın çoğunda özefagus varisi saptandı (%83,6). Özefagus varis saptanan olgularda Child ve MELD skoru anlamlı bir şekilde yüksek bulundu. Aynı şekilde özefagus varisli olgularımızın çoğunda asit saptandı (%68,1). Karaciğer sirozlu olgularımızın Child sınıflamasına bakıldığında büyük bölümünü Child B ve Child C oluşturduğu (%77,3) tespit edildi. Karaciğer sirozlu olgularımızın büyük bir çoğunluğunda asit saptandı(%64). Asitli olguların %95 kadarında SAAG 1,1’in üstünde saptandı. Asit ponksiyonu yapılan olgularımızın %8’inde SAİ saptandı. Bu SAİ’lerin büyük bir çoğunluğunu KNNA olduğu görüldü (%65). Ayrıca eksitus olan olgular irdelendiğinde 26 eksitus olan olgunun 8 tanesinde (%30) SAİ saptandı. SAİ’li olgularda istatistiksel olarak ateş, karın ağrısı, kan lökosit düzeyi SAİ olmayan olgulara oranla anlamlı olarak yüksek bulundu. HCC nedeniyle yatışı yapılıp tetkik edilen olgularımızın ilginç bir şekilde beklenenin aksine Child ve MELD skorları düşük çıktığı tespit edildi. Karaciğer sirozlu olgularımızın %11,6’sı hastanede yattığı süre içerisinde eksitus oldu. Eksitus olan olguların karaciğer sirozu etyolojileri irdelendiğinde sırasıyla HCV (%34), HBV(deltasız)(%19), alkol (%19) ve kriptojenik (%11) karaciğer sirozu oluşturduğu görüldü. Karaciğer sirozlu hastalarda daha fazla ve tüm bölgeleri içeren epidemiyolojik araştırmalara ihtiyaç olduğu anlaşıldı.Cirrhosis is a chronic and progressive liver disease in which normal liver cells are damaged and replaced by connective tissue. Cirrhosis, namely “scirrhus” in ancient Greek language, was first used to describe its “orange peel” like appereance in liver autopsies. Liver cirrhosis is a condition that needs further elaboration for following reasons; it decreases the quality of life significantly due to the pain patients suffer, it causes wide range of complications with high rate of morbidity and mortality causing massive health expenditure and labor loss. As there is lack of epidemiologic research regarding liver cirrhosis in many countries today, cases with liver cirrhosis were analyzed retrospectively in Gastroenterology Department at Ege University Facult of Medicine one of the largest gastroenterology departments in Turkey. 255 cases with liver cirrhosis in Ege University Department of Gastroenterology, either newly diagnosed, or hospitalized due to cirrhosis complications or another symptom between December 2011 and May 2013 were surveyed in this study. 30 of these cases were excluded from the study due to insufficient health data regarding their conditions, hence our study includes 225 cases. The inclusion criterias are as follows: history of hospitalization, diagnosis during either hospitalization or discharge, being over 18, and having complete health data. The exclusion criterias are as follows: Outpatient cases, presence of portal hypertension due to a non-cirrhosis factor, being under 18, having incomplete health data. All patients' health reports including laboratory results were obtained (the data was from the first day of hospitalization). The factors of patients which were noted in the report are as follows: age, sex, patient's protocol number, reason for hospitalization, etiology of cirrhosis, viral load (if applicable), presence of esophageal varices; initial levels of hemoglobin, leukocyte, trombocyte, INR/PT, CRP, AFP, AST, ALT, GGT, creatinin, total and direct bilirubin, albumine, globuline; MELD score, CHILD score, presence of HCC and ascites. In cases with ascites, we also noted followings in the report: Serume Ascite Albumine Gradient (SAAG), presence of spontaneous ascites infection, fewer, the names and duration of antibiotics used; and the ascites level of albumine, total proteine, leukocyte, presence of cultere positive bacteria. The dates of exitus during hospitalization were recorded as well. Finally, most of the patients were male (70,2%), and the mean age was 62 for men as opposed to 67 for women. The reasons for hospitalization regarding liver cirrhosis were: Hepatocellular Carcinoma (21,8%) for further interventional treatment, Hepatic encephalopathy (21,3%), cirrhosis (20,4%) for etiology and further investigation, and esophageal variceal bleeding (13,8). The most common etiologic factor for liver cirrhosis in the study was HBV (32,8%), and other factors in order of frequency were: HCV (21,3%), cryptogenic (20%), and alcohol related (18,2%). Esophageal varices were found in most of the patients (83,6%). CHILD and MELD scores were found significantly high in cases with esophageal varices. Similarly, ascites were found to be present in most of the patients with esophageal varices (68,1%). Analysing the patients according to CHILD classification, it was recognized that most of the patients were in group CHILD B and C (77,3%). Majority of the patients had ascites (64%). SAAG was higher than 1,1 in 95% of the patients with ascites. Spontaneous Ascites Infection was found in 8% of the patients who underwent ascitic fluid examination. These spontaneous ascites Infections were mostly Culture Negative Neutrocytic Acid (65%). Analysing the all patients who died (26), Spontaneous Ascites Infection was found in 8 patients (30%). The number of patients with fewer or abdominal pain, and the level of blood leukocyte were found statistically high in patients with Spontaneous Ascites Infection when compared to patients without Spontaneous Ascites Infection. Interestingly, CHILD and MELD scores of the patients hospitalized due to HCC were found to be low. 11,6% of all patients died while hospitalized. The reasons for liver cirrhosis in these patients who died while hospitalized were as follows : HCV (34%), HBV without delta(19%), alcohol (19%), and criptogenic (11%). We have concluded that further epidemiologic studies comprising all regions are needed

    Endoscopic findings in the older patients with iron-deficiency anemia

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    Aim: The presence of iron-deficiency anemia, which is an important indication for endoscopic procedures, in the geriatric population necessitates the exclusion of a possible malignancy in the gastrointestinal system. This study aims to examine endoscopic findings in geriatric patients that underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy because of iron-deficiency anemia. Materials and Methods: Sixty patients aged 65 and over who underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy because of iron-deficiency anemia between August 2019 and August 2020 were retrospectively evaluated. Age, sex, geriatric age groups of patients, presence of Helicobacter pylori in gastric biopsy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy findings, colonoscopy findings, presence of internal and / or external hemorrhoids, and duodenal biopsy results were examined. Results: Thirty (50%) of 60 patients included in the study were male and the mean age was 72.47 ± 6.07 years. Of these patients, 41 (68.4%) were young-old, 17 (28.3%) were middle-old and 2 (3.3%) were old-old. The most common causes that might explain iron-deficiency anemia in esophagogastroduodenoscopy were atrophic gastritis (21.2%), Helicobacter pylori-positive gastritis (20%), gastric polyp (11.7%), and gastric cancer (3.3%), whereas colonoscopy results were found colon polyps in 23.3% of patients, diverticulum in 15% and angiodysplasia in 15%, and colon cancer in 8.3%. Internal hemorrhoids were also observed in 44 (73.3%) patients. Conclusion: In the older population, blood loss from the gastrointestinal system is the most important cause of iron-deficiency anemia and just hemorrhoids cannot explain IDA. While examining the etiology of patients diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia, performing both esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy is an accurate approach to reach the underlying cause and not to miss a possible malignancy

    Some Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Promising Walnuts (Juglans regia L.) Genotypes Selected From Tavas (Denizli)

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    Denizli ilinin Tavas yöresinde 2006-2008 yılları arasında yürütülen bu çalışmada, yörenin tohumdan yetişmiş doğal ceviz popülasyonları incelenmiştir. Doğal popülasyondan başlangıçta 100 ağaç işaretlenmiş, daha sonra meyve özellikleri dikkate alınarak 9 genotip seçilmiştir. Seçilen 9 ceviz genotipinde meyve ağırlığı 7.30-12.72 g, iç ağırlığı 3.44-6.30 g, iç oranı %42.22-56.60, kabuk kalınlığı 1.26-2.06 mm, toplam yağ oranı %62.02-71.56 ve protein oranı %11.31-17.69 arasında kaydedilmiştir. Genotiplerde 100 g iç meyvede makro ve mikro element içerikleri de analiz edilmiştir. Genotiplerin meyvelerinde ortalama % 2.33 N, 254.0 mg P, 362.9 mg K, 100.8 mg Mg, 126.4 mg Ca, 160.9 mg S, 1.97 mg Na, 2.46 mg Fe, 2.50 mg Mn, 2.21 mg Zn ve 1.11 mg Cu içerdikleri belirlenmiştir.In this study conducted in Tavas district of Denizli province during 2006 and 2008 years, the native walnut populations of the district was investigated. In the native populations, a hundred of seedling trees of walnut were marked, nine genotypes were selected for fruit characteristics. Selections had a range of 7.30-12.72 g for nut weight, 3.44-6.30 g for kernel weight, 42.22-56.60% for kernel percentage, 1.26-2.06 mm for shell thickness, 62.0271.56% for oil content and 11.31-17.69% for protein content. Their kernels (in 100g dried kernel) average contained macro and micro elements levels; % 2.33 N, 254.0 mg P, 362.9 mg K, 100.8 mg Mg, 126.4 mg Ca, 160.9 mg S, 1.97 mg Na, 2.46 mg Fe, 2.50 mg Mn, 2.21 mg Zn and 1.11 mg Cu

    Single-center retrospective evaluation of short and long-term efficacy of intragastric balloon placement in obesity treatment

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    Obesity is a serious chronic disease caused by genetic and environmental factors. One of the treatment options is intragastric balloon application. This study aimed to evaluate the results of patients who underwent intragastric balloon placement on the short- and long-term treatment of obesity. The data and long-term follow-up results of 34 patients who underwent intragastric balloon placement due to obesity between December 2011 and August 2013 were retrospectively evaluated. Age, sex, body mass index (BMI), presence of additional diseases, duration of intragastric balloon remaining in the stomach, patients’ weight, and BMI at intragastric balloon removal, weight measured in December 2019, bariatric surgery performed during the study period if any, and general health status during this period were obtained. The mean weight loss of the patients after intragastric balloon removal was 15.6 ± 9.6 kg (range, 0–45 kg). The mean decrease in BMI after intragastric balloon removal was 11.4 ± 6.4% (range, 0%–26.5%). No patients developed any complications. The procedure was ineffective in the long-term in 76.4% of the patients. The most important disadvantage of intragastric balloon placement application in the treatment of obesity is that the weight lost in the early period is regained in the long-term after balloon removal. In patients scheduled to undergo bariatric surgery, intragastric balloon placement can be applied as a bridge therapy to facilitate preoperative weight loss to reduce complications