26 research outputs found

    Simple Regularisation for Uncertainty-Aware Knowledge Distillation

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    Considering uncertainty estimation of modern neural networks (NNs) is one of the most important steps towards deploying machine learning systems to meaningful real-world applications such as in medicine, finance or autonomous systems. At the moment, ensembles of different NNs constitute the state-of-the-art in both accuracy and uncertainty estimation in different tasks. However, ensembles of NNs are unpractical under real-world constraints, since their computation and memory consumption scale linearly with the size of the ensemble, which increase their latency and deployment cost. In this work, we examine a simple regularisation approach for distribution-free knowledge distillation of ensemble of machine learning models into a single NN. The aim of the regularisation is to preserve the diversity, accuracy and uncertainty estimation characteristics of the original ensemble without any intricacies, such as fine-tuning. We demonstrate the generality of the approach on combinations of toy data, SVHN/CIFAR-10, simple to complex NN architectures and different tasks

    An Online Learning Method for Microgrid Energy Management Control*

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    We propose a novel Model Predictive Control (MPC) scheme based on online-learning (OL) for microgrid energy management, where the control optimisation is embedded as the last layer of the neural network. The proposed MPC scheme deals with uncertainty on the load and renewable generation power profiles and on electricity prices, by employing the predictions provided by an online trained neural network in the optimisation problem. In order to adapt to possible changes in the environment, the neural network is online trained based on continuously received data. The network hyperparameters are selected by performing a hyperparameter optimisation before the deployment of the controller, using a pretraining dataset. We show the effectiveness of the proposed method for microgrid energy management through extensive experiments on real microgrid datasets. Moreover, we show that the proposed algorithm has good transfer learning (TL) capabilities among different microgrids

    ComBiNet: Compact Convolutional Bayesian Neural Network for Image Segmentation

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    Fully convolutional U-shaped neural networks have largely been the dominant approach for pixel-wise image segmentation. In this work, we tackle two defects that hinder their deployment in real-world applications: 1) Predictions lack uncertainty quantification that may be crucial to many decision-making systems; 2) Large memory storage and computational consumption demanding extensive hardware resources. To address these issues and improve their practicality we demonstrate a few-parameter compact Bayesian convolutional architecture, that achieves a marginal improvement in accuracy in comparison to related work using significantly fewer parameters and compute operations. The architecture combines parameter-efficient operations such as separable convolutions, bilinear interpolation, multi-scale feature propagation and Bayesian inference for per-pixel uncertainty quantification through Monte Carlo Dropout. The best performing configurations required fewer than 2.5 million parameters on diverse challenging datasets with few observations

    ComBiNet: Compact Convolutional Bayesian Neural Network for Image Segmentation

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    Fully convolutional U-shaped neural networks have largely been the dominant approach for pixel-wise image segmentation. In this work, we tackle two defects that hinder their deployment in real-world applications: 1) Predictions lack uncertainty quantification that may be crucial to many decision-making systems; 2) Large memory storage and computational consumption demanding extensive hardware resources. To address these issues and improve their practicality we demonstrate a few-parameter compact Bayesian convolutional architecture, that achieves a marginal improvement in accuracy in comparison to related work using significantly fewer parameters and compute operations. The architecture combines parameter-efficient operations such as separable convolutions, bilinear interpolation, multi-scale feature propagation and Bayesian inference for per-pixel uncertainty quantification through Monte Carlo Dropout. The best performing configurations required fewer than 2.5 million parameters on diverse challenging datasets with few observations.Comment: Accepted for publication at ICANN 2021. Code at: https://github.com/martinferianc/ComBiNe

    On the effects of quantisation on model uncertainty in Bayesian neural networks

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    Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) are making significant progress in many research areas where decision-making needs to be accompanied by uncertainty estimation. Being able to quantify uncertainty while making decisions is essential for understanding when the model is over-/under-confident, and hence BNNs are attracting interest in safety-critical applications, such as autonomous driving, healthcare, and robotics. Nevertheless, BNNs have not been as widely used in industrial practice, mainly because of their increased memory and compute costs. In this work, we investigate quantisation of BNNs by compressing 32-bit floating-point weights and activations to their integer counterparts, that has already been successful in reducing the compute demand in standard pointwise neural networks. We study three types of quantised BNNs, we evaluate them under a wide range of different settings, and we empirically demonstrate that a uniform quantisation scheme applied to BNNs does not substantially decrease their quality of uncertainty estimation

    Toward Full-Stack Acceleration of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGAs

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    Due to the huge success and rapid development of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), there is a growing demand for hardware accelerators that accommodate a variety of CNNs to improve their inference latency and energy efficiency, in order to enable their deployment in real-time applications. Among popular platforms, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have been widely adopted for CNN acceleration because of their capability to provide superior energy efficiency and low-latency processing, while supporting high reconfigurability, making them favorable for accelerating rapidly evolving CNN algorithms. This article introduces a highly customized streaming hardware architecture that focuses on improving the compute efficiency for streaming applications by providing full-stack acceleration of CNNs on FPGAs. The proposed accelerator maps most computational functions, that is, convolutional and deconvolutional layers into a singular unified module, and implements the residual and concatenative connections between the functions with high efficiency, to support the inference of mainstream CNNs with different topologies. This architecture is further optimized through exploiting different levels of parallelism, layer fusion, and fully leveraging digital signal processing blocks (DSPs). The proposed accelerator has been implemented on Intel's Arria 10 GX1150 hardware and evaluated with a wide range of benchmark models. The results demonstrate a high performance of over 1.3 TOP/s of throughput, up to 97% of compute [multiply-accumulate (MAC)] efficiency, which outperforms the state-of-the-art FPGA accelerators

    Cultural Alignment in Large Language Models: An Explanatory Analysis Based on Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions

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    The deployment of large language models (LLMs) raises concerns regarding their cultural misalignment and potential ramifications on individuals from various cultural norms. Existing work investigated political and social biases and public opinions rather than their cultural values. To address this limitation, the proposed Cultural Alignment Test (CAT) quantifies cultural alignment using Hofstede's cultural dimension framework, which offers an explanatory cross-cultural comparison through the latent variable analysis. We apply our approach to assess the cultural values embedded in state-of-the-art LLMs, such as: ChatGPT and Bard, across diverse cultures of countries: United States (US), Saudi Arabia, China, and Slovakia, using different prompting styles and hyperparameter settings. Our results not only quantify cultural alignment of LLMs with certain countries, but also reveal the difference between LLMs in explanatory cultural dimensions. While all LLMs did not provide satisfactory results in understanding cultural values, GPT-4 exhibited the highest CAT score for the cultural values of the US.Comment: 31 page

    Optimizing Bayesian Recurrent Neural Networks on an FPGA-based Accelerator

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    Neural networks have demonstrated their outstanding performance in a wide range of tasks. Specifically recurrent architectures based on long-short term memory (LSTM) cells have manifested excellent capability to model time dependencies in real-world data. However, standard recurrent architectures cannot estimate their uncertainty which is essential for safety-critical applications such as in medicine. In contrast, Bayesian recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are able to provide uncertainty estimation with improved accuracy. Nonetheless, Bayesian RNNs are computationally and memory demanding, which limits their practicality despite their advantages. To address this issue, we propose an FPGA-based hardware design to accelerate Bayesian LSTM-based RNNs. To further improve the overall algorithmic-hardware performance, a co-design framework is proposed to explore the most fitting algorithmic-hardware configurations for Bayesian RNNs. We conduct extensive experiments on healthcare applications to demonstrate the improvement of our design and the effectiveness of our framework. Compared with GPU implementation, our FPGA-based design can achieve up to 10 times speedup with nearly 106 times higher energy efficiency. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work targeting acceleration of Bayesian RNNs on FPGAs