7 research outputs found

    Geological Information System – GEOLIS

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    Gubici uslijed povijesnih potresa na području Balkana: Pregled javno dostupnih podataka

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    This study analyzes catastrophic losses due to earthquakes in the Balkan region. Analysis is based on the following data on earthquakes, collected from the OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database (Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium) for 1900 to 2010: numbers of fatalities, size of the affected population and costs of material damages. Catastrophic losses were caused by 62 earthquakes in countries within the region: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Greece. The analysis shows that a significant number of people in the Balkan region were killed (4974) or were affected (2033723) by the earthquakes and that many countries suffered significant material damages (10410.16 million USD) during the analyzed period. The main disadvantage of using publicly available sources is the lack of consistent data on earthquake damages. A brief review of the most catastrophic earthquakes recorded in databases through the last 110 years is given, based on the data from publicly available databases.U radu se analiziraju gubitci uslijed katastrofalnih potresa u Balkanskoj regiji na temelju podataka o broju stradalih i materijalnoj šteti, a koji su prikupljeni iz OFDA/CRED Međunarodne baze podataka o katastrofama (Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium) za razdoblje od 1900. do 2010. Katastrofalne gubitke prouzročilo je 62 potresa u sljedećim državama u regiji: Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini, Crnoj Gori, Albaniji, Srbiji, Rumunjskoj, Bugarskoj, Makedoniji i Grčkoj. Analiza je pokazala da je u cijeloj regiji tijekom razmatranog razdoblja smrtno stradalo 4974 ljudi, 2033723 ljudi je zahvaćeno posljedicama potresa, dok je ukupna materijalna šteta iznosila 10410,16 milijuna USD. Kao glavni nedostatak javno dostupnih izvora podataka o potresima ističe se nekonzistentnost podataka o štetama nastalim uslijed potresa. U radu se također daje sažeti prikaz zapisa o najkatastrofalnijim potresima koji su se dogodili u posljednjih 110 godina, a na osnovi podataka iz drugih javno dostupnih baza podataka

    Establishment of a Basic Interactive Interpretation and Data Correlation System (IIDCS) at the Croatian Geological Survey

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    Modelling of Geological Basins is typically based on integration of deep seismic and borehole data. In order to have systematically arranged data needed for the interpretation and modelling, it requires establishment of a basic Interactive Interpretation and Data Correlation Sys-tem (IIDCS). The establishment of a basic Interactive Interpretation and Data Correlation System (IIDCS) at the Croatian Geological Survey is one of the main goals of the GeoTwinn project. GeoTwinn is a Horizon 2020 project intended and designed to twin the Croatian Geological Survey (HGI-CGS) with two world-leading geoscience research insti-tutes; the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and the British Geological Survey of the United Kingdom Research and Innovation (BGS-UKRI), leading to significantly strengthen HGI-CGS’s research collabo-ration (http://projects.hgi-cgs.hr/geotwinn/). GeoTwinn project consists four Work Packages (WPs); (1) 3D geo-logical surveying and modelling, (2) advanced groundwater flow and contaminant transport modelling, (3) geological hazards, and (4) geothermal energy.The IIDCS is built primarily for the GeoTwinn project, and will be used for the interpretation of geophysical and geological data, the advanced reservoir modelling, and fi-nally, for building an Initial 3D reservoir-properties model for the greater Zagreb area. It is also the intention of Geo-Twinn to use the IIDCS for introducing the digital storage, organization and management of all kinds of geophysical, geological and petrophysical data available at the Croatian Geological Survey.Geological modelling of the greater Zagreb area and its deep geothermal aquifer is the main objective of WP1. The model is to be used for modelling of geochemical processes, and fluid and heat flow modelling in the WP4. Zagreb geothermal aquifer is situated inside Triassic do-lostones and dolomitic limestones, and Badenian bioclas-tic limestones of the Vrapče formation. Well data shows that geothermal aquifer lays in depths between (approx.) 800 to 900 meters, and seismic data shows very com-plex structural and stratigraphic relations. The bottom and the base of aquifer were mapped using Halliburton Landmark DecisionSpace Geoscience software, and the data was stored into the Interpretation and Data Cor-relation System (IIDCS) using Halliburton Landmark OpenWorks database

    Geološki informacijski sustav – GEOLIS

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    The previous issue of this journal featured a representation of Croatian Geological Survey’s activities on the occasion of its 100th anniversary (Pikija, Halamić, 2009). This article presents the GEOLIS geological information system developed at the Croatian Geological Survey. The system’s thematic units are described, as well as application and purpose of certain maps and conceptual models of spatial database segments.U prethodnom broju ovoga časopisa objavljen je prikaz djelatnosti Hrvatskoga geološkog instituta u povodu njegove 100. obljetnice (Pikija, Halamić, 2009). U ovome članku prikazujemo geološki informacijski sustav GEOLIS razvijen u Hrvatskom geološkom institutu. Opisane su tematske cjeline toga sustava, primjena i namjena pojedinih karata kao i konceptualni modeli segmenata prostorne baze podataka

    Geological Information System – GEOLIS

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    The previous issue of this journal featured a representation of Croatian Geological Survey’s activities on the occasion of its 100th anniversary (Pikija, Halamić, 2009). This article presents the GEOLIS geological information system developed at the Croatian Geological Survey. The system’s thematic units are described, as well as application and purpose of certain maps and conceptual models of spatial database segments

    Geological Modelling at the Croatian Geological Survey

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    Geological modeling at the Croatian Geological Survey is a developing discipline. In the past few years, a number of geological models were made, mostly for internal use, or as a training result for the ongoing projects, primarily GeoTwinn and Geosekva, while others were built for the purposes of scientific publication. This review will give several examples of selected geological models developed during the past few years period. It will also list different types of geological models and needed typical input data, and give a basic workflow for model building. Geological modeling requires acquisition of different spatial surface and subsurface input data, including primarily digital elevation model – DEM (or similar), different base maps, and other spatial data containing various geological information. Besides the resulting geological model, in the model building process, a whole series of resulting maps and other cartographic outputs are developed