29 research outputs found

    Microscopy with ultraviolet surface excitation for rapid slide-free histology.

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    Histologic examination of tissues is central to the diagnosis and management of neoplasms and many other diseases, and is a foundational technique for preclinical and basic research. However, commonly used bright-field microscopy requires prior preparation of micrometre-thick tissue sections mounted on glass slides, a process that can require hours or days, that contributes to cost, and that delays access to critical information. Here, we introduce a simple, non-destructive slide-free technique that within minutes provides high-resolution diagnostic histological images resembling those obtained from conventional haematoxylin-and-eosin-histology. The approach, which we named microscopy with ultraviolet surface excitation (MUSE), can also generate shape and colour-contrast information. MUSE relies on ~280-nm ultraviolet light to restrict the excitation of conventional fluorescent stains to tissue surfaces, and it has no significant effects on downstream molecular assays (including fluorescence in situ hybridization and RNA-seq). MUSE promises to improve the speed and efficiency of patient care in both state-of-the-art and low-resource settings, and to provide opportunities for rapid histology in research

    Beyond brightfield: a possible future of slide scanners.

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    Using spectral decomposition of the signals from laurdan-derived probes to evaluate the physical state of membranes in live cells

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    Background: We wanted to investigate the physical state of biological membranes in live cells under the most physiological conditions possible. Methods: For this we have been using laurdan, C-laurdan or M-laurdan to label a variety of cells, and a biphoton microscope equipped with both a thermostatic chamber and a spectral analyser. We also used a flow cytometer to quantify the 450/530 nm ratio of fluorescence emissions by whole cells. Results: We find that using all the information provided by spectral analysis to perform spectral decomposition dramatically improves the imaging resolution compared to using just two channels, as commonly used to calculate generalized polarisation (GP). Coupled to a new plugin called Fraction Mapper, developed to represent the fraction of light intensity in the first component in a stack of two images, we obtain very clear pictures of both the intra-cellular distribution of the probes, and the polarity of the cellular environments where the lipid probes are localised. Our results lead us to conclude that, in live cells kept at 37°C, laurdan, and M-laurdan to a lesser extent, have a strong tendency to accumulate in the very apolar environment of intra-cytoplasmic lipid droplets, but label the plasma membrane (PM) of mammalian cells ineffectively. On the other hand, C-laurdan labels the PM very quickly and effectively, and does not detectably accumulate in lipid droplets. Conclusions: From using these probes on a variety of mammalian cell lines, as well as on cells from Drosophila and Dictyostelium discoideum, we conclude that, apart from the lipid droplets, which are very apolar, probes in intracellular membranes reveal a relatively polar and hydrated environment, suggesting a very marked dominance of liquid disordered states. PMs, on the other hand, are much more apolar, suggesting a strong dominance of liquid ordered state, which fits with their high sterol contents

    Multispectral analysis tools can increase utility of RGB color images in histology.

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    Multispectral imaging (MSI) is increasingly finding application in the study and characterization of biological specimens. However, the methods typically used come with challenges on both the acquisition and the analysis front. MSI can be slow and photon-inefficient, leading to long imaging times and possible phototoxicity and photobleaching. The resulting datasets can be large and complex, prompting the development of a number of mathematical approaches for segmentation and signal unmixing. We show that under certain circumstances, just three spectral channels provided by standard color cameras, coupled with multispectral analysis tools, including a more recent spectral phasor approach, can efficiently provide useful insights. These findings are supported with a mathematical model relating spectral bandwidth and spectral channel number to achievable spectral accuracy. The utility of 3-band RGB and MSI analysis tools are demonstrated on images acquired using brightfield and fluorescence techniques, as well as a novel microscopy approach employing UV-surface excitation. Supervised linear unmixing, automated non-negative matrix factorization and phasor analysis tools all provide useful results, with phasors generating particularly helpful spectral display plots for sample exploration

    Hippo-YAP/TAZ signaling in breast cancer: Reciprocal regulation of microRNAs and implications in precision medicine

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    Breast cancer is a molecularly heterogeneous disease and the most common female malignancy. In recent years, therapy approaches have evolved to accommodate molecular diversity, with a focus on more biologically based therapies to minimize negative consequences. To regulate cell fate in human breast cells, the Hippo signaling pathway has been associated with the alpha subtype of estrogen receptors. This pathway regulates tissue size, regeneration, and healing, as well as the survival of tissue-specific stem cells, proliferation, and apoptosis in a variety of organs, allowing for cell differentiation. Hippo signaling is mediated by the kinases MST1, MST2, LATS1, and LATS2, as well as the adaptor proteins SAV1 and MOB. These kinases phosphorylate the downstream effectors of the Hippo pathway, yes-associated protein (YAP), and transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ), suppressing the expression of their downstream target genes. The Hippo signaling pathway kinase cascade plays a significant role in all cancers. Understanding the principles of this kinase cascade would prevent the occurrence of breast cancer. In recent years, small noncoding RNAs, or microRNAs, have been implicated in the development of several malignancies, including breast cancer. The interconnections between miRNAs and Hippo signaling pathway core proteins in the breast, on the other hand, remain poorly understood. In this review, we focused on highlighting the Hippo signaling system, its key parts, its importance in breast cancer, and its regulation by miRNAs and other related pathways