6 research outputs found

    Are faults localizable?

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    When would this bug get reported?

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    Abstract—Not all bugs in software would be experienced and reported by end users right away: Some bugs manifest themselves quickly and may be reported by users a few days after they get into the code base; others manifest many months or even years later, and may only be experienced and reported by a small number of users. We refer to the period of time between the time when a bug is introduced into code and the time when it is reported by a user as bug reporting latency. Knowledge of bug reporting latencies has an implication on prioritization of bug fixing activities—bugs with low reporting latencies may be fixed earlier than those with high latencies to shift debugging resources towards bugs highly concerning users. To investigate bug reporting latencies, we analyze bugs from three Java software systems: AspectJ, Rhino, and Lucene. We extract bug reporting data from their version control repositories and bug tracking systems, identify bug locations based on bug fixes, and back-trace bug introducing time based on change histories of the buggy code. Also, we remove nonessential changes, and most importantly, recover root causes of bugs from their treatments/fixes. We then calculate the bug reporting latencies, and find that bugs have diverse reporting latencies. Based on the calculated reporting latencies and features we extract from bugs, we build classification models that can predict whether a bug would be reported early (within 30 days) or later, which may be helpful for prioritizing bug fixing activities. Our evaluation on the three software systems shows that our bug reporting latency prediction models could achieve an AUC (Area Under the Receiving Operating Characteristics Curve) of 70.869%. I

    iFixR: bug report driven program repair

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    Issue tracking systems are commonly used in modern software development for collecting feedback from users and developers. An ultimate automation target of software maintenance is then the systematization of patch generation for user-reported bugs. Although this ambition is aligned with the momentum of automated program repair, the literature has, so far, mostly focused on generate-and- validate setups where fault localization and patch generation are driven by a well-defined test suite. On the one hand, however, the common (yet strong) assumption on the existence of relevant test cases does not hold in practice for most development settings: many bugs are reported without the available test suite being able to reveal them. On the other hand, for many projects, the number of bug reports generally outstrips the resources available to triage them. Towards increasing the adoption of patch generation tools by practitioners, we investigate a new repair pipeline, iFixR, driven by bug reports: (1) bug reports are fed to an IR-based fault localizer; (2) patches are generated from fix patterns and validated via regression testing; (3) a prioritized list of generated patches is proposed to developers. We evaluate iFixR on the Defects4J dataset, which we enriched (i.e., faults are linked to bug reports) and carefully-reorganized (i.e., the timeline of test-cases is naturally split). iFixR generates genuine/plausible patches for 21/44 Defects4J faults with its IR-based fault localizer. iFixR accurately places a genuine/plausible patch among its top-5 recommendation for 8/13 of these faults (without using future test cases in generation-and-validation)

    To What Extent Could We Detect Field Defects? —An Empirical Study of False Negatives in Static Bug Finding Tools

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    Software defects can cause much loss. Static bug-finding tools are believed to help detect and remove defects. These tools are designed to find programming errors; but, do they in fact help prevent actual defects that occur in the field and reported by users? If these tools had been used, would they have detected these field defects, and generated warn-ings that would direct programmers to fix them? To answer these questions, we perform an empirical study that investi-gates the effectiveness of state-of-the-art static bug finding tools on hundreds of reported and fixed defects extracted from three open source programs: Lucene, Rhino, and As-pectJ. Our study addresses the question: To what extent could field defects be found and detected by state-of-the-art static bug-finding tools? Different from past studies that are concerned with the numbers of false positives produced by such tools, we address an orthogonal issue on the numbers of false negatives. We find that although many field defects could be detected by static bug finding tools, a substantial proportion of defects could not be flagged. We also analyze the types of tool warnings that are more effective in finding field defects and characterize the types of missed defects. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.5 [Testing and Debugging]: Debugging aids/Testing tool