21 research outputs found

    TaqI Digestion of PCR Product Increases the Informativity of St14 Vntr for the Diagnosis of Hemophilia A

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    Recently, a pair of PCR primers have been described that make it possible to amplify a highly polymorphic VNTR locus DX552 (St14). PCR products range in size from approximately 650 to 3000 bp. Ninety X chromosomes from unrelated Caucasian subjects were investigated. Digestion of the PCR products with TaQI revealed the presence of a polymorphic TaQI restriction site within the product 200 bp from the end. This restriction site is present on 60% and absent on 40% of all alleles, but the absence is confined solely to the alleles 1690 bp (39%) and 2100 bp (1%). Thus, there is a strong allelic association between the most frequent 1690 bp allele and the absence of the TaQI restriction site. Determination of this polymorphisms within the St 14 VNTR region increases the expected heterozygosity at the DXS52 locus from 72% to 80%. This increases the fraction of hemophilia A families where this marker is informative for indirect prenatal diagnosis and carrier identification

    Deletion delta F508 and haplotype analysis of CFTR gene region in Slovak CF patients.

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    Analysis of a sample of 50 unrelated cystic fibrosis (CF) patients and 46 nuclear families from Slovakia (Czechoslovakia) by the polymerase chain reaction and Southern hybridization revealed that the proportion of the delta F508 mutation was 58% in this population, and that the frequency of the B (i.e., KM19/XV2c [1-2]) haplotype was increased in both delta F508 and non-delta F508 CF chromosomes (98% and 46%, respectively). These results support the view that the trans-European gradient of the delta F508 frequency is of a geographical rather than of an ethnic origin, and that in Slavonic populations, there exists an as yet unidentified but frequent CF mutation other than delta F508, associated with the B haplotype