45 research outputs found

    Identification and Characterization of Small Molecule Antagonists of the Human Papillomavirus Oncoproteins

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted pathogen, and is associated with almost all cervical cancers, about 20 percent of head and neck cancers and an array of other cancers. Current HPV vaccines offer preventative care, however, long-term benefits are unknown and the vaccines are not effective for therapy. High risk forms of HPV mediate cell transformation via two viral oncoproteins, E6 and E7, which lead to cell cycle disruption and cancer. E7 deregulates the cell cycle and abrogates other pathways mediated by the retinoblastoma protein, pRb. pRb is essential for regulating many cellular activities through its binding and inhibition of E2F transcription activators, and pRb inactivation leads to many cancers. pRb activity can be perturbed by viral oncoproteins, including HPV, that contain an LxCxE motif. E6 mediates cell transformation, in part, by forming a complex with the cellular E3 ligase E6-Association Protein (E6AP) to target p53 for degradation. To tackle these problems, we performed two high throughput solution screens of ~88,000 compounds to search for (1) compounds that inhibit the ability of HPV-E7 to disrupt pRb/E2F complexes and (2) small molecule inhibitors of the E6/E6AP interaction. The HPV-E7 screen led to the identification of thiadiazolidinedione compounds that bind to pRb with mid-high nanomolar affinity, are competitive with the binding of viral oncoproteins containing an LxCxE motif and are selectively cytotoxic in HPV positive cells alone and in mice. The HPV-E6 screen resulted in 30 inhibitors with in vitro IC50 values in the low-micromolar to mid-nanomolar range. Six of these compounds were shown to associate with HPV-E6, block p53 degradation and promote apoptosis in high risk HPV positive cells. These E6 and E7 inhibitors provide promising scaffolds for the development of therapies to treat HPV-mediated pathologies. An in silico screen was also done to identify small molecules that bind directly to E7 and prevent its interaction with E2F. This resulted in two compounds that prevented E7-mediated displacement of E2F from pRb, however, the IC50 values were very high, and not pursued further. The interaction between E7 and another cellular target, p300, was characterized by various biochemical and biophysical techniques. The interaction seemed very weak, different from the adenovirus E1A interaction with p300. This suggested that the E1A/p300 interaction would be easier to characterize

    Structural Insights From HIV-Antibody Co-Evolution And Related Immunization Studies

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    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a rapidly evolving pathogen and causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. There are ~30-35 million people infected with HIV around the world, and ~25 million have died since the first reported cases in 1981. Additionally, each year 2-3 million people become newly infected and more than one million die of AIDS. An HIV-1 vaccine would help halt an AIDS pandemic, and efforts to develop a vaccine have focused on targeting the HIV-1 envelope, Env, found on the surface of the virus. A number of chronically infected individuals have been shown to produce antibodies, called broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs), that target many strains of HIV-1 by binding to Env, thus suggesting promise for HIV-1 vaccine development. BnAbs to take years to develop and have a number of traits that inhibit their production; thus, a number of researchers are trying to understand the pathways that result in bnAb production so that they can be elicited more rapidly by vaccination. This review discusses results and implications from two HIV-1 infected individuals studied longitudinally who produced bnAbs against two different sites on HIV-1 Env, and immunization studies that use Envs deriving from those individuals

    Boosting of HIV Envelope Cd4 Binding Site Antibodies with Long Variable Heavy Third Complementarity Determining Region in the Randomized Double Blind Rv305 Hiv-1 Vaccine Trial

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    The canary pox vector and gp120 vaccine (ALVAC-HIV and AIDSVAX B/E gp120) in the RV144 HIV-1 vaccine trial conferred an estimated 31% vaccine efficacy. Although the vaccine Env AE.A244 gp120 is antigenic for the unmutated common ancestor of V1V2 broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAbs), no plasma bnAb activity was induced. The RV305 (NCT01435135) HIV-1 clinical trial was a placebo-controlled randomized double-blinded study that assessed the safety and efficacy of vaccine boosting on B cell repertoires. HIV-1- uninfected RV144 vaccine recipients were reimmunized 6–8 years later with AIDSVAX B/E gp120 alone, ALVAC-HIV alone, or a combination of ALVAC-HIV and AIDSVAX B/E gp120 in the RV305 trial. Env-specific post-RV144 and RV305 boost memory B cell VH mutation frequencies increased from 2.9% post-RV144 to 6.7% post-RV305. The vaccine was well tolerated with no adverse events reports

    The Effects Of Framework Mutations At The Variable Domain Interface On Antibody Affinity Maturation In An HIV-1 Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Lineage

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    Understanding affinity maturation of antibodies that can target many variants of HIV-1 is important for vaccine development. While the antigen-binding site of antibodies is known to mutate throughout the co-evolution of antibodies and viruses in infected individuals, the roles of the mutations in the antibody framework region are not well understood. Throughout affinity maturation, the CH103 broadly neutralizing antibody lineage, from an individual designated CH505, altered the orientation of one of its antibody variable domains. The change in orientation was a response to insertions in the variable loop 5 (V5) of the HIV envelope. In this study, we generated CH103 lineage antibody variants in which residues in the variable domain interface were mutated, and measured the binding to both autologous and heterologous HIV-1 envelopes. Our data show that very few mutations in an early intermediate antibody of the lineage can improve binding toward both autologous and heterologous HIV-1 envelopes. We also crystallized an antibody mutant to show that framework mutations alone can result in a shift in relative orientations of the variable domains. Taken together, our results demonstrate the functional importance of residues located outside the antigen-binding site in affinity maturation

    RAG: RNA-As-Graphs web resource

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    BACKGROUND: The proliferation of structural and functional studies of RNA has revealed an increasing range of RNA's structural repertoire. Toward the objective of systematic cataloguing of RNA's structural repertoire, we have recently described the basis of a graphical approach for organizing RNA secondary structures, including existing and hypothetical motifs. DESCRIPTION: We now present an RNA motif database based on graph theory, termed RAG for RNA-As-Graphs, to catalogue and rank all theoretically possible, including existing, candidate and hypothetical, RNA secondary motifs. The candidate motifs are predicted using a clustering algorithm that classifies RNA graphs into RNA-like and non-RNA groups. All RNA motifs are filed according to their graph vertex number (RNA length) and ranked by topological complexity. CONCLUSIONS: RAG's quantitative cataloguing allows facile retrieval of all classes of RNA secondary motifs, assists identification of structural and functional properties of user-supplied RNA sequences, and helps stimulate the search for novel RNAs based on predicted candidate motifs

    Structure-Guided Molecular Grafting Of A Complex Broadly Neutralizing Viral Epitope

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    Antigenic variation and viral evolution have thwarted traditional influenza vaccination strategies. The broad protection afforded by a “universal” influenza vaccine may come from immunogens that elicit humoral immune responses targeting conserved epitopes on the viral hemagglutinin (HA), such as the receptor-binding site (RBS). Here, we engineered candidate immunogens that use noncirculating, avian influenza HAs as molecular scaffolds to present the broadly neutralizing RBS epitope from historical, circulating H1 influenzas. These “resurfaced” HAs (rsHAs) remove epitopes potentially targeted by strain-specific responses in immune-experienced individuals. Through structure-guided optimization, we improved two antigenically different scaffolds to bind a diverse panel of pan-H1 and H1/H3 cross-reactive bnAbs with high affinity. Subsequent serological and single germinal center B cell analyses from murine prime-boost immunizations show that the rsHAs are both immunogenic and can augment the quality of elicited RBS-directed antibodies. Our structure-guided, RBS grafting approach provides candidate immunogens for selectively presenting a conserved viral epitope

    The biological and clinical significance of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants.

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    The past several months have witnessed the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants with novel spike protein mutations that are influencing the epidemiological and clinical aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. These variants can increase rates of virus transmission and/or increase the risk of reinfection and reduce the protection afforded by neutralizing monoclonal antibodies and vaccination. These variants can therefore enable SARS-CoV-2 to continue its spread in the face of rising population immunity while maintaining or increasing its replication fitness. The identification of four rapidly expanding virus lineages since December 2020, designated variants of concern, has ushered in a new stage of the pandemic. The four variants of concern, the Alpha variant (originally identified in the UK), the Beta variant (originally identified in South Africa), the Gamma variant (originally identified in Brazil) and the Delta variant (originally identified in India), share several mutations with one another as well as with an increasing number of other recently identified SARS-CoV-2 variants. Collectively, these SARS-CoV-2 variants complicate the COVID-19 research agenda and necessitate additional avenues of laboratory, epidemiological and clinical research

    Structural Analysis Of Neutralizing Epitopes Of The SARS-CoV-2 Spike To Guide Therapy And Vaccine Design Strategies

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    Coronavirus research has gained tremendous attention because of the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (nCoV or SARS-CoV-2). In this review, we highlight recent studies that provide atomic-resolution structural details important for the development of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that can be used therapeutically and prophylactically and for vaccines against SARS-CoV-2. Structural studies with SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing mAbs have revealed a diverse set of binding modes on the spike’s receptor-binding domain and N-terminal domain and highlight alternative targets on the spike. We consider this structural work together with mAb effects in vivo to suggest correlations between structure and clinical applications. We also place mAbs against severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronaviruses in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 spike to suggest features that may be desirable to design mAbs or vaccines capable of conferring broad protection

    Staged induction of HIV-1 glycan–dependent broadly neutralizing antibodies

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    A preventive HIV-1 vaccine should induce HIV-1–specific broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs). However, bnAbs generally require high levels of somatic hypermutation (SHM) to acquire breadth, and current vaccine strategies have not been successful in inducing bnAbs. Because bnAbs directed against a glycosylated site adjacent to the third variable loop (V3) of the HIV-1 envelope protein require limited SHM, the V3-glycan epitope is an attractive vaccine target. By studying the cooperation among multiple V3-glycan B cell lineages and their coevolution with autologous virus throughout 5 years of infection, we identify key events in the ontogeny of a V3-glycan bnAb. Two autologous neutralizing antibody lineages selected for virus escape mutations and consequently allowed initiation and affinity maturation of a V3-glycan bnAb lineage. The nucleotide substitution required to initiate the bnAb lineage occurred at a low-probability site for activation-induced cytidine deaminase activity. Cooperation of B cell lineages and an improbable mutation critical for bnAb activity defined the necessary events leading to breadth in this V3-glycan bnAb lineage. These findings may, in part, explain why initiation of V3-glycan bnAbs is rare, and suggest an immunization strategy for inducing similar V3-glycan bnAbs