11 research outputs found

    Fiscal and Public Health Impact of a Change in Tobacco Excise Taxes in Ghana

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    Cigarettes have generally become less affordable over time in developed economies, with increased taxes and low income growth, but more affordable in developing countries, where there have been minimal changes in taxes (Chaloupka et al. 2019). Studies by the WHO suggest that 80% of the world’s smokers live in low- and middleincome countries (LMICs), and that by 2030 more than 80% of those dying from tobacco-related diseases will be from those countries (Ho et. al. 2018). In Ghana, more than 5,000 people are killed by tobacco-caused diseases every year (Tobacco Atlas 2018). Recent estimates show that more than 5,000 children (10-14 years old) and 804,000 adults (15+ years old) in Ghana use tobacco every day (Tobacco Atlas 2018). This is a Summary of ATAP Working Paper 20 by Ama Pokuaa Fenny, Aba Obrumah Crentsil, Christian Kwaku Osei and Felix Ankomah Asant

    Economic evaluations of non-communicable diseases conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa: a critical review of data sources.

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    BACKGROUND: Policymakers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) face challenging decisions regarding the allocation of health resources. Economic evaluations can help decision makers to determine which health interventions should be funded and or included in their benefits package. A major problem is whether the evaluations incorporated data from sources that are reliable and relevant to the country of interest. We aimed to review the quality of the data sources used in all published economic evaluations for cardiovascular disease and diabetes in SSA. METHODS: We systematically searched selected databases for all published economic evaluations for CVD and diabetes in SSA. We modified a hierarchy of data sources and used a reference case to measure the adherence to reporting and methodological characteristics, and descriptively analysed author statements. RESULTS: From 7,297 articles retrieved from the search, we selected 35 for study inclusion. Most were modelled evaluations and almost all focused on pharmacological interventions. The studies adhered to the reporting standards but were less adherent to the methodological standards. The quality of data sources varied. The quality level of evidence in the data domains of resource use and costs were generally considered of high quality, with studies often sourcing information from reliable databases within the same jurisdiction. The authors of most studies referred to data sources in the discussion section of the publications highlighting the challenges of obtaining good quality and locally relevant data. CONCLUSIONS: The data sources in some domains are considered high quality but there remains a need to make substantial improvements in the methodological adherence and overall quality of data sources to provide evidence that is sufficiently robust to support decision making in SSA within the context of UHC and health benefits plans. Many SSA governments will need to strengthen and build their capacity to conduct economic evaluations of interventions and health technology assessment for improved priority setting. This capacity building includes enhancing local infrastructures for routine data production and management. If many of the policy makers are using economic evaluations to guide resource allocation, it is imperative that the evidence used is of the feasibly highest quality

    Impact of COVID-19 on the management of hypertension: a perspective on disease severity, service use patterns and expenditures from Ghana’s health insurance claims data

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    Hypertension is a leading cause of morbidity in Ghana and other sub-Saharan African countries, but management has historically suffered from the fragility of health systems in these countries. This has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated measures. Our study examines and quantifies the effect of the pandemic on the management of hypertension in Ghana by determining changes in disease severity and presentation, as well as changes in health service use patterns and expenditures. We used cross-sectional data to perform an impact evaluation of COVID-19 on hypertension management before and during the pandemic. We employed statistical tests including t-tests, z-tests, and exact Poisson tests to estimate and compare hypertension episode intensity and related claim expenditures before and during the pandemic using medical claims data from Ghana’s National Health Insurance Authority database. The study duration includes a 12-month reference/pre-pandemic period (March 2019- February 2020) relative to the target/pandemic period (March 2020 - February 2021). We observed that although there was a 20% reduction in the number of hypertension claimants in the pandemic year, there was an increase in hypertension severity as measured by the number of hypertension episodes per claimant. There was also an 18.64% or 22.88(9522.88 (95% CI: 21 – $25, p=0.01042) increase in the average cost per hypertension claimant in the pandemic year. The increase in episodes per claimant had the largest financial impact on the average cost per claimant. The findings from our studies are relevant for future policymaking and strategy implementation for hypertension control in Ghana

    Sepsis among Neonates in a Ghanaian Tertiary Military Hospital: Culture Results and Turnaround Times.

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    In this study, we described the bacterial profile, antibiotic resistance pattern, and laboratory result turnaround time (TAT) in neonates with suspected sepsis from a tertiary-level, military hospital in Accra, Ghana (2017-2020). This was a cross-sectional study using secondary data from electronic medical records. Of 471 neonates clinically diagnosed with suspected sepsis in whom blood samples were collected, the median TAT from culture request to report was three days for neonates who were culture-positive and five days for neonates who were culture-negative. There were 241 (51%) neonates discharged before the receipt of culture reports, and of them, 37 (15%) were culture-positive. Of 471 neonates, twenty-nine percent (n = 139) were bacteriologically confirmed, of whom 61% (n = 85) had late-onset sepsis. Gram-positive bacterial infection (89%, n = 124) was the most common cause of culture-positive neonatal sepsis. The most frequent Gram-positive pathogen was coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (55%, n = 68) followed by Staphylococcus aureus (36%, n = 45), of which one in two were multidrug resistant. The reasons for large numbers being discharged before the receipt of culture reports need to be further explored. There is a need for improved infection prevention and control, along with ongoing local antimicrobial resistance surveillance and antibiotic stewardship to guide future empirical treatment

    Trends and antecedents of inequalities in maternal healthcare coverage in four African countries

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    Using data between 2003 and 2016, this paper assesses the degree and evolution of socio-economic inequalities in maternal health outcomes in four African countries. The study measures the trends of socio-economic inequalities in maternal healthcare and assesses the sources of socio-economic inequalities in maternal health through a decomposition approach. We find cross-country differences in the evolution of maternal healthcare inequalities. Rwanda and Uganda witnessed a decline in pro-rich inequalities, whereas changes in Ethiopia and Kenya have been mixed. Further, the study finds significant contributions of personal characteristics of the woman to inequalities in maternal healthcare access

    Health technology assessment in sub-Saharan Africa: a descriptive analysis and narrative synthesis

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    BACKGROUND: Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are moving towards universal health coverage. The process of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) can support decisions relating to benefit package design and service coverage. HTA involves institutional cooperation with agreed methods and procedural standards. We systematically reviewed the literature on policies and capacity building to support HTA institutionalisation in SSA. METHODS: We systematically reviewed the literature by searching major databases (PubMed, Embase, etc.) until June 2019 using terms considering three aspects: HTA; health policy, decision making; and SSA. We quantitatively extracted and descriptively analysed content and conducted a narrative synthesis eliciting themes from the selected literature, which varied in study type and apporach. RESULTS: Half of the 49 papers identified were primary research studies and mostly qualitative. Five countries were represented in six of ten studies; South Africa, Ghana, Uganda, Cameroon, and Ethiopia. Half of first authors were from SSA. Most informants were policy makers. Five themes emerged: (1) use of HTA; (2) decision-making in HTA; (3) values and criteria for setting priority areas in HTA; (4) involving stakeholders in HTA; and (5) specific examples of progress in HTA in SSA. The first one was the main theme where there was little use of evidence and research in making policy. The awareness of HTA and economic evaluation was low, with inadequate expertise and a lack of local data and tools. CONCLUSIONS: Despite growing interest in HTA in SSA countries, awareness remains low and HTA-related activities are uncoordinated and often disconnected from policy. Further training and skills development are needed, firmly linked to a strategy focusing on strengthening within-country partnerships, particularly among researchers and policy makers. The international community has an important role here by supporting policy- relevant technical assistance, highlighting that sustainable financing demands evidence-based processes for effective resource allocation, and catalysing knowledge-sharing opportunities among countries facing similar challenges

    Additional file 1 of Economic evaluations of non-communicable diseases conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa: a critical review of data sources

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    Dataset for "Economic evaluations of non-communicable diseases conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa: a critical review of data sources"

    Pattern of Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Antimicrobial Treatment of Neonates Admitted with Suspected Sepsis in a Teaching Hospital in Ghana, 2021

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    Neonatal sepsis is a life-threatening emergency, and empirical antimicrobial prescription is common. In this cross-sectional study of neonates admitted with suspected sepsis in a teaching hospital in Ghana from January–December 2021, we described antimicrobial prescription patterns, compliance with national standard treatment guidelines (STG), blood culture testing, antimicrobial resistance patterns and treatment outcomes. Of the 549 neonates admitted with suspected sepsis, 283 (52%) were males. Overall, 529 (96%) received empirical antimicrobials. Most neonates (n = 407, 76.9%) were treated empirically with cefuroxime + gentamicin, while cefotaxime was started as a modified treatment in the majority of neonates (46/68, 67.6%). Only one prescription complied with national STGs. Samples of 257 (47%) neonates underwent blood culture testing, of which 70 (27%) were positive. Isolates were predominantly Gram-positive bacteria, with coagulase-negative Staphylococcus and Staphylococcus aureus accounting for 79% of the isolates. Isolates showed high resistance to most penicillins, while resistance to aminoglycosides and quinolones was relatively low. The majority of neonates (n = 497, 90.5%) were discharged after successfully completing treatment, while 50 (9%) neonates died during treatment. Strengthening of antimicrobial stewardship programmes, periodic review of STGs and increased uptake of culture and sensitivity testing are needed to improve management of sepsis

    Malaria care seeking behavior of individuals in Ghana under the NHIS: Are we back to the use of informal care?

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria is Ghana's most endemic disease; occurring across most parts of the country with a significant impact on individuals and the health system as whole. Treatment seeking for malaria care takes various forms. The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) was introduced in 2004 to promote access to health services to mitigate the negative impact of the user fee regime. Ten years on, national coverage is less than 40% of the total population and patients continue to make direct payments for health services. This paper analyses the care-seeking behaviour of households for treatment of malaria in Ghana under the NHI policy. METHOD: Using a cross-sectional survey of household data collected from three districts in Ghana covering the 3 ecological zones namely the coastal, forest and savannah, a multinomial logit model is estimated. The sample consists of 365 adults and children reporting being ill with malaria in the last four weeks prior to the study. RESULTS: Out of the total, 58% were insured and 71% of them sought care from a formal health facility. Among the insured, 15% chose informal care compared to 48% among the uninsured. The results from the multinomial logit estimations show that health insurance and travel time to health facility are significant determinants of health care demand. The results show that the insured are 6 times more likely to choose regional/district hospitals: 5 times more likely to choose health centres/clinics and 7 times more likely to choose private hospitals/clinics over informal care when compared with the uninsured. Individual characteristics such as age, education and wealth status were significant determinants of health care provider choice for specific categories of health facilities. CONCLUSION: Overall, for malaria care the uninsured are more likely to choose informal care compared to the insured for the treatment of malaria