128 research outputs found

    Towards Real World HDRTV Reconstruction: A Data Synthesis-based Approach

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    Existing deep learning based HDRTV reconstruction methods assume one kind of tone mapping operators (TMOs) as the degradation procedure to synthesize SDRTV-HDRTV pairs for supervised training. In this paper, we argue that, although traditional TMOs exploit efficient dynamic range compression priors, they have several drawbacks on modeling the realistic degradation: information over-preservation, color bias and possible artifacts, making the trained reconstruction networks hard to generalize well to real-world cases. To solve this problem, we propose a learning-based data synthesis approach to learn the properties of real-world SDRTVs by integrating several tone mapping priors into both network structures and loss functions. In specific, we design a conditioned two-stream network with prior tone mapping results as a guidance to synthesize SDRTVs by both global and local transformations. To train the data synthesis network, we form a novel self-supervised content loss to constraint different aspects of the synthesized SDRTVs at regions with different brightness distributions and an adversarial loss to emphasize the details to be more realistic. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we synthesize SDRTV-HDRTV pairs with our method and use them to train several HDRTV reconstruction networks. Then we collect two inference datasets containing both labeled and unlabeled real-world SDRTVs, respectively. Experimental results demonstrate that, the networks trained with our synthesized data generalize significantly better to these two real-world datasets than existing solutions

    Mitigating Pooling Bias in E-commerce Search via False Negative Estimation

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    Efficient and accurate product relevance assessment is critical for user experiences and business success. Training a proficient relevance assessment model requires high-quality query-product pairs, often obtained through negative sampling strategies. Unfortunately, current methods introduce pooling bias by mistakenly sampling false negatives, diminishing performance and business impact. To address this, we present Bias-mitigating Hard Negative Sampling (BHNS), a novel negative sampling strategy tailored to identify and adjust for false negatives, building upon our original False Negative Estimation algorithm. Our experiments in the Instacart search setting confirm BHNS as effective for practical e-commerce use. Furthermore, comparative analyses on public dataset showcase its domain-agnostic potential for diverse applications.Comment: Submitted to WWW'24 Industry Trac

    Towards Personalized Federated Learning via Heterogeneous Model Reassembly

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    This paper focuses on addressing the practical yet challenging problem of model heterogeneity in federated learning, where clients possess models with different network structures. To track this problem, we propose a novel framework called pFedHR, which leverages heterogeneous model reassembly to achieve personalized federated learning. In particular, we approach the problem of heterogeneous model personalization as a model-matching optimization task on the server side. Moreover, pFedHR automatically and dynamically generates informative and diverse personalized candidates with minimal human intervention. Furthermore, our proposed heterogeneous model reassembly technique mitigates the adverse impact introduced by using public data with different distributions from the client data to a certain extent. Experimental results demonstrate that pFedHR outperforms baselines on three datasets under both IID and Non-IID settings. Additionally, pFedHR effectively reduces the adverse impact of using different public data and dynamically generates diverse personalized models in an automated manner

    MedDiffusion: Boosting Health Risk Prediction via Diffusion-based Data Augmentation

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    Health risk prediction is one of the fundamental tasks under predictive modeling in the medical domain, which aims to forecast the potential health risks that patients may face in the future using their historical Electronic Health Records (EHR). Researchers have developed several risk prediction models to handle the unique challenges of EHR data, such as its sequential nature, high dimensionality, and inherent noise. These models have yielded impressive results. Nonetheless, a key issue undermining their effectiveness is data insufficiency. A variety of data generation and augmentation methods have been introduced to mitigate this issue by expanding the size of the training data set through the learning of underlying data distributions. However, the performance of these methods is often limited due to their task-unrelated design. To address these shortcomings, this paper introduces a novel, end-to-end diffusion-based risk prediction model, named MedDiffusion. It enhances risk prediction performance by creating synthetic patient data during training to enlarge sample space. Furthermore, MedDiffusion discerns hidden relationships between patient visits using a step-wise attention mechanism, enabling the model to automatically retain the most vital information for generating high-quality data. Experimental evaluation on four real-world medical datasets demonstrates that MedDiffusion outperforms 14 cutting-edge baselines in terms of PR-AUC, F1, and Cohen's Kappa. We also conduct ablation studies and benchmark our model against GAN-based alternatives to further validate the rationality and adaptability of our model design. Additionally, we analyze generated data to offer fresh insights into the model's interpretability

    Weak Supervision for Fake News Detection via Reinforcement Learning

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    Today social media has become the primary source for news. Via social media platforms, fake news travel at unprecedented speeds, reach global audiences and put users and communities at great risk. Therefore, it is extremely important to detect fake news as early as possible. Recently, deep learning based approaches have shown improved performance in fake news detection. However, the training of such models requires a large amount of labeled data, but manual annotation is time-consuming and expensive. Moreover, due to the dynamic nature of news, annotated samples may become outdated quickly and cannot represent the news articles on newly emerged events. Therefore, how to obtain fresh and high-quality labeled samples is the major challenge in employing deep learning models for fake news detection. In order to tackle this challenge, we propose a reinforced weakly-supervised fake news detection framework, i.e., WeFEND, which can leverage users' reports as weak supervision to enlarge the amount of training data for fake news detection. The proposed framework consists of three main components: the annotator, the reinforced selector and the fake news detector. The annotator can automatically assign weak labels for unlabeled news based on users' reports. The reinforced selector using reinforcement learning techniques chooses high-quality samples from the weakly labeled data and filters out those low-quality ones that may degrade the detector's prediction performance. The fake news detector aims to identify fake news based on the news content. We tested the proposed framework on a large collection of news articles published via WeChat official accounts and associated user reports. Extensive experiments on this dataset show that the proposed WeFEND model achieves the best performance compared with the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: AAAI 202

    Rethinking GNN-based Entity Alignment on Heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs: New Datasets and A New Method

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    The development of knowledge graph (KG) applications has led to a rising need for entity alignment (EA) between heterogeneous KGs that are extracted from various sources. Recently, graph neural networks (GNNs) have been widely adopted in EA tasks due to GNNs' impressive ability to capture structure information. However, we have observed that the oversimplified settings of the existing common EA datasets are distant from real-world scenarios, which obstructs a full understanding of the advancements achieved by recent methods. This phenomenon makes us ponder: Do existing GNN-based EA methods really make great progress? In this paper, to study the performance of EA methods in realistic settings, we focus on the alignment of highly heterogeneous KGs (HHKGs) (e.g., event KGs and general KGs) which are different with regard to the scale and structure, and share fewer overlapping entities. First, we sweep the unreasonable settings, and propose two new HHKG datasets that closely mimic real-world EA scenarios. Then, based on the proposed datasets, we conduct extensive experiments to evaluate previous representative EA methods, and reveal interesting findings about the progress of GNN-based EA methods. We find that the structural information becomes difficult to exploit but still valuable in aligning HHKGs. This phenomenon leads to inferior performance of existing EA methods, especially GNN-based methods. Our findings shed light on the potential problems resulting from an impulsive application of GNN-based methods as a panacea for all EA datasets. Finally, we introduce a simple but effective method: Simple-HHEA, which comprehensively utilizes entity name, structure, and temporal information. Experiment results show Simple-HHEA outperforms previous models on HHKG datasets.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    A Benchmark Dataset for Understandable Medical Language Translation

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    In this paper, we introduce MedLane -- a new human-annotated Medical Language translation dataset, to align professional medical sentences with layperson-understandable expressions. The dataset contains 12,801 training samples, 1,015 validation samples, and 1,016 testing samples. We then evaluate one naive and six deep learning-based approaches on the MedLane dataset, including directly copying, a statistical machine translation approach Moses, four neural machine translation approaches (i.e., the proposed PMBERT-MT model, Seq2Seq and its two variants), and a modified text summarization model PointerNet. To compare the results, we utilize eleven metrics, including three new measures specifically designed for this task. Finally, we discuss the limitations of MedLane and baselines, and point out possible research directions for this task