6,356 research outputs found

    The focusing of electron flow in a bipolar Graphene ribbon with different chiralities

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    The focusing of electron flow in a symmetric p-n junction (PNJ) of graphene ribbon with different chiralities is studied. Considering the PNJ with the sharp interface, in a armchair ribbon, the electron flow emitting from (−L,0)(-L,0) in n-region can always be focused perfectly at (L,0)(L,0) in p-region in the whole Dirac fermion regime, i.e. in whole regime E0<tE_0<t where E0E_0 is the distance between Dirac-point energy and Fermi energy and tt is the nearest hopping energy. For the bipolar ribbon with zigzag edge, however, the incoming electron flow in n-region is perfectly converged in p-region only in a very low energy regime with E0<0.05tE_0<0.05t. Moreover, for a smooth PNJ, electrons are backscattered near PNJ, which weakens the focusing effect. But the focusing pattern still remains the same as that of the sharp PNJ. In addition, quantum oscillation in charge density occurs due to the interference between forward and backward scattering. Finally, in the presence of weak perpendicular magnetic field, charge carriers are deflected in opposite directions in the p-region and n-region. As a result, the focusing effect is smeared. The lower energy E0E_0, the easier the focusing effect is destroyed. For the high energy E0E_0 (e.g. E0=0.9tE_0=0.9t), however, the focusing effect can still survive in a moderate magnetic field on order of one Tesla.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figure

    Symmetry and transport property of spin current induced spin-Hall effect

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    We study the spin current induced spin-Hall effect that a longitudinal spin dependent chemical potential qVs=x,y,zqV_{s=x,y,z} induces a transverse spin conductances Gss′G^{ss'}. A four terminal system with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (SOI) in the scattering region is considered. By using Landauer-Bu¨\ddot uttiker formula with the aid of the Green function, various spin current induced spin-Hall conductances Gss′G^{ss'} are calculated. With the charge chemical potential qVcqV_c or spin chemical potential qVs=x,y,zqV_{s=x,y,z}, there are 16 elements for the transverse conductances Gpμν=Jp,μ/VνG^{\mu \nu}_p=J_{p,\mu}/V_{\nu} where μ,ν=x,y,z,c\mu,\nu=x,y,z,c. Due to the symmetry of our system these elements are not independent. For the system with C2C_2 symmetry half of elements are zero, when the center region only exists the Rashba SOI or Dresselhaus SOI. The numerical results show that of all the conductance elements, the spin current induced spin-Hall conductances Gss′G^{ss'} are usually much greater (about one or two orders of magnitude) than the spin Hall conductances GscG^{sc} and the reciprocal spin Hall conductances GcsG^{cs}. So the spin current induced spin-Hall effect is dominating in the present device.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Persistent spin current in a spin-orbit coupling/normal hybrid ring

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    We investigate the equilibrium property of a mesoscopic ring with spin orbit (SO) interaction. It is well known that for a normal mesoscopic ring threaded by a magnetic flux, the electron acquires a Berry phase that induces the persistent (charge) current. Similarly, the spin of electron acquires a spin Berry phase traversing the ring with SO interaction. It is this spin Berry phase that induces a persistent spin current. To demonstrate its existence, we calculate the persistent spin current without accompanying charge current in the normal region in a hybrid mesoscopic ring. We point out that this persistent spin current describes the real spin motion and can be observed experimentally.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The transport properties of Floquet topological superconductors at the transition from the topological phase to the Anderson localized phase

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    The Floquet topological superconducting state is a nonequilibrium time-periodic state hosting Majorana fermions. We study its transport properties by using the Kitaev model with time-periodic incommensurate potentials, which experiences phase transition from the Floquet topological superconducting phase to the Anderson localized phase with increasing driving strength. We study both the real time dynamics of the current and the non-analytic behavior of the tunneling conductance at the transition. Especially, we find that the tunneling conductance changes continuously at the transition, being a finite value in the presence of Floquet Majorana fermions, but dropping to zero as the Majorana fermions vanish. For a special choice of parameters, the Majorana fermions revive at larger driving strength, accompanied by the revival of conductances.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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