2,164 research outputs found

    Cross talk between fanconi anemia and unc5a signaling pathway

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    L’anĂ©mie de Fanconi (AF) est une maladie infantile multigĂ©nique et complexe. Les enfants atteints d’AF souffrent d’une insuffisance mĂ©dullaire progressive potentiellement mortelle. En plus du phĂ©notype hĂ©matologique, les enfants souffrant d’AF prĂ©sentent de nombreuses malformations congĂ©nitales incluant le systĂšme nerveux central et une prĂ©disposition accrue aux cancers particuliĂšrement de type leucĂ©mique. Plusieurs gĂšnes associĂ©s Ă  la maladie ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s mais leur fonction dans l’étiologie de la maladie demeure inconnue. La prĂ©sence d’une mutation dans l’un des gĂšnes Fanconi entraine une perte progressive des cellules souches hĂ©matopoĂŻĂ©tiques (CSH) menant Ă  un Ă©puisement mĂ©dullaire et favorisant l’apparition de leucĂ©mies. Les protĂ©ines Fanconi forment trois complexes protĂ©iques distincts qui participent de maniĂšre sĂ©quentielle dans une voie de signalisation en rĂ©ponse aux dommages Ă  l’ADN. La protĂ©ine Fanconi Anemia de groupe C, ou FANCC, est une composante du complexe majeur de cette voie Fanconi. Outre son rĂŽle dans la voie Fanconi et dans les mĂ©canismes de signalisation en rĂ©ponse aux dommages Ă  l’ADN, FANCC est connue pour son implication dans la mort cellulaire programmĂ©e, la dĂ©toxification des radicaux oxygĂ©nĂ©s et la rĂ©ponse aux cytokines. Afin d’identifier la fonction de la protĂ©ine FANCC dans les mĂ©canismes de dĂ©veloppement, nous avons procĂ©dĂ© Ă  un criblage d’une banque d’ADNc et identifiĂ© certains partenaires biochimiques de FANCC tel le rĂ©cepteur de la Netrine-1, uncoordinated-5A (UNC5A). Puisque le rĂ©cepteur UNC5A a une fonction de signal de survie cellulaire et est impliquĂ© dans les mĂ©canismes de croissance neuronale, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© le rĂŽle de l’interaction FANCC-UNC5A dans les mĂ©canismes de diffĂ©renciation neuronale. Nos rĂ©sultats indiquent que FANCC rĂ©gule la fonction pro-apoptotique de UNC5A. Lorsque FANCC est surexprimĂ©e, les cellules retardent leur entrĂ©e en apoptose tandis qu’en absence de FANCC, UNC5A favorise l’entrĂ©e en apoptose. De plus, nos rĂ©sultats indiquent que FANCC conjointement Ă  UNC5A promeut la neurogĂ©nĂšse; FANCC et UNC5A colocalisent dans les neurites cellulaires. Globalement, nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que FANCC par le biais de UNC5A joue un rĂŽle important dans la mort cellulaire et la croissance axonale. Ainsi, une dĂ©rĂ©gulation de l’interaction FANCC-UNC5A chez les patients souffrent de FA pourrait expliquer certains aspects cliniques notamment les anomalies de dĂ©veloppement.Fanconi anemia (FA) is a recessive syndrome characterized by diverse clinical symptoms including progressive bone marrow failure, various congenital abnormalities, chromosomal instability and predisposition to malignancies. Studies of the canonical FA pathway have focused on the mechanism of repair of DNA cross-linking damage. However, some data suggest that FA proteins may have other functions besides DNA damage signaling events, and these functions may explain some of the disease phenotypes such as defects in hematopoiesis and congenital malformations. For instance, FANCC, which is predominantly located in the cytoplasm, has multifunctional roles and is an anti-apoptotic regulator. In addition to its function as a repulsive mediator in neural development, UNC5A, the receptor for the axon guidance molecule Netrin-1, has also been proposed to be a “dependence receptor” that triggers apoptosis in the absence of its ligand. Here, we identified a novel interaction of UNC5A with FANCC and showed that FANCC positively regulates UNC5A-mediated apoptosis. Under conditions of FANCC overexpression, apoptosis is decreased, whereas the absence of a functional FANCC protein increases UNC5A-mediated apoptosis. Furthermore, FANCC and UNC5A function as a complex in neurogenesis; they co-localize at synapses formed by neurites, and FANCC is required for the promotion of neuronal outgrowth by UNC5A. Based on these findings, we propose that FANCC plays a key role in tissue morphogenesis by either delaying UNC5A-mediated apoptosis or positively impacting the expression of UNC5A. Under FANCC-deficient conditions, dysregulation of the UNC5A signal pathway can lead to developmental defects such as those seen in FA patients

    A Coarse-to-Fine Adaptive Network for Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation

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    Human gaze is essential for various appealing applications. Aiming at more accurate gaze estimation, a series of recent works propose to utilize face and eye images simultaneously. Nevertheless, face and eye images only serve as independent or parallel feature sources in those works, the intrinsic correlation between their features is overlooked. In this paper we make the following contributions: 1) We propose a coarse-to-fine strategy which estimates a basic gaze direction from face image and refines it with corresponding residual predicted from eye images. 2) Guided by the proposed strategy, we design a framework which introduces a bi-gram model to bridge gaze residual and basic gaze direction, and an attention component to adaptively acquire suitable fine-grained feature. 3) Integrating the above innovations, we construct a coarse-to-fine adaptive network named CA-Net and achieve state-of-the-art performances on MPIIGaze and EyeDiap.Comment: 9 pages, 7figures, AAAI-2

    Modeling and Optimal Control of Atmospheric Pollution Hazard in Nuclear and Chemical Disasters

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    AbstractNuclear and chemical disasters can cause heavy atmospheric pollution hazard and threat people's lives and health. In this paper, theory and application for modeling and optimal control of such hazard is studied. The modeling is based on the simulation and visualization of atmospheric dispersion of pollutants, the source term estimation of nuclear and chemical disasters, and the risk evaluation of hazardous substances. The optimal control is based on Natural Cybernetics theory, effective and economic cost evaluation of control techniques, and optimization methods. Some applications and illustrations of modeling and optimal control are reported

    4-(8-Hydr­oxy-3-methyl-1,4-dioxo-1,4-dihydro-2-naphth­yl)butanoic acid

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    In the title compound, C15H14O5, an intramolecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bond occurs. In the crystal, the molecules form inversion dimers linked by pairs of O—H⋯O bonds, which are further linked by C—H⋯O interactions
