18,261 research outputs found

    Implications of new data in charmless B decays

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    Based on the latest experimental data of BππB \to \pi\pi and πK\pi K modes, a model-independent analytical analysis is presented. The CP-averaged branching ratio difference ΔR=RcRn\Delta R = R_c - R_n in BπKB\to \pi K decays with Rc=2Br(π0K)/Br(πKˉ0)R_c = 2Br(\pi^0K^-)/Br(\pi^-\bar{K}^0) and Rn=Br(π+K)/2Br(π0Kˉ0)R_n =Br(\pi^+K^-)/2Br(\pi^0\bar{K}^0) is reduced though it remains larger than the prediction from the standard model(SM) as both measured RnR_n and RcR_c are enhanced, which indicates that a room for new physics becomes smaller. The present data of ππ\pi\pi decay reduce the ratio C/T|C/T| from the previous value of C/T0.8|C/T|\simeq 0.8 to C/T0.65|C/T| \simeq 0.65, which is still larger than the theoretical estimations based on QCD factorization and pQCD. Within SM and flavor SU(3) symmetry, the current πK\pi K data also diminish the ratio C/T|C'/T'| from the previous value C/T2|C'/T'| \simeq 2 to C/T1.16|C'/T'| \simeq 1.16 with a large strong phase δC2.65\delta_{C'} \simeq -2.65, while its value remains much larger than the one extracted from the ππ\pi \pi modes. The direct CP violation ACP(π0Kˉ0)A_{CP}(\pi^0\bar{K}^0) is predicted to be ACP(π0Kˉ0)=0.15±0.03A_{CP}(\pi^0\bar{K}^0) = -0.15\pm0.03, which is consistent with the present data. Two kinds of new effects in both strong and weak phases of the electroweak penguin diagram are considered. It is found that both cases can reduce the ratio to C/T=0.400.80|C'/T'| = 0.40\sim 0.80 and lead to roughly the same predictions for CP violation in π0K0\pi^0 K^0.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Charmless decays B->pipi, piK and KK in broken SU(3)symmetry

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    Charmless B decay modes Bππ,πKB \to \pi \pi, \pi K and KKKK aresystematically investigated with and without flavor SU(3) symmetry. Independent analyses on ππ\pi \pi and πK\pi K modes both favor a large ratio between color-suppressed tree (CC) and tree (T)T) diagram, which suggests that they are more likely to originate from long distance effects. The sizes of QCD penguin diagrams extracted individually from ππ\pi\pi, πK\pi K and KKKK modes are found to follow a pattern of SU(3) breaking in agreement with the naive factorization estimates. Global fits to these modes are done under various scenarios of SU(3)relations. The results show good determinations of weak phase γ\gamma in consistency with the Standard Model (SM), but a large electro-weak penguin (P_{\tmop{EW}}) relative to T+CT + C with a large relative strong phase are favored, which requires an big enhancement of color suppressed electro-weak penguin (P_{\tmop{EW}}^C) compatible in size but destructively interfering with P_{\tmop{EW}} within the SM, or implies new physics. Possibility of sizable contributions from nonfactorizable diagrams such as WW-exchange (EE), annihilation(AA) and penguin-annihilation diagrams(PAP_A) are investigated. The implications to the branching ratios and CP violations in KKK Kmodes are discussed.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, reference added, to appear in Phy.Rev.

    Approach to accurately measuring the speed of optical precursors

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    Precursors can serve as a bound on the speed of information with dispersive medium. We propose a method to identify the speed of optical precursors using polarization-based interference in a solid-state device, which can bound the accuracy of the precursors' speed to less than 10410^{-4} with conventional experimental conditions. Our proposal may have important implications for optical communications and fast information processing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Derivation of Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian from One Family Technicolor Model

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    Based on previous studies deriving the chiral Lagrangian for pseudo scalar mesons from the first principle of QCD in the path integral formalism, we derive the electroweak chiral Lagrangian and dynamically compute all its coefficients from the one family technicolor model. The numerical results of the p4p^4 order coefficients obtained in this paper are proportional to the technicolor number NTCN_{\rm TC} and the technifermion number NTFN_{\rm TF}, which agrees with the arguments in previous works, and which confirms the reliability of this dynamical computation.Comment: 6 page

    Building stock dynamics and its impacts on materials and energy demand in China

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    China hosts a large amount of building stocks, which is nearly 50 billion square meters. Moreover, annual new construction is growing fast, representing half of the world's total. The trend is expected to continue through the year 2050. Impressive demand for new residential and commercial construction, relative shorter average building lifetime, and higher material intensities have driven massive domestic production of energy intensive building materials such as cement and steel. This paper developed a bottom-up building stock turnover model to project the growths, retrofits and retirements of China's residential and commercial building floor space from 2010 to 2050. It also applied typical material intensities and energy intensities to estimate building materials demand and energy consumed to produce these building materials. By conducting scenario analyses of building lifetime, it identified significant potentials of building materials and energy demand conservation. This study underscored the importance of addressing building material efficiency, improving building lifetime and quality, and promoting compact urban development to reduce energy and environment consequences in China

    Searching for Dark Matter Signals in the Left-Right Symmetric Gauge Model with CP Symmetry

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    We investigate singlet scalar dark matter (DM) candidate in a left-right symmetric gauge model with two Higgs bidoublets (2HBDM) in which the stabilization of the DM particle is induced by the discrete symmetries P and CP. According to the observed DM abundance, we predict the DM direct and indirect detection cross sections for the DM mass range from 10 GeV to 500 GeV. We show that the DM indirect detection cross section is not sensitive to the light Higgs mixing and Yukawa couplings except the resonance regions. The predicted spin-independent DM-nucleon elastic scattering cross section is found to be significantly dependent on the above two factors. Our results show that the future DM direct search experiments can cover the most parts of the allowed parameter space. The PAMELA antiproton data can only exclude two very narrow regions in the 2HBDM. It is very difficult to detect the DM direct or indirect signals in the resonance regions due to the Breit-Wigner resonance effect.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures. minor changes and a reference added, published in Phys. Rev.

    Superstructure-induced splitting of Dirac cones in silicene

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    Atomic scale engineering of two-dimensional materials could create devices with rich physical and chemical properties. External periodic potentials can enable the manipulation of the electronic band structures of materials. A prototypical system is 3x3-silicene/Ag(111), which has substrate-induced periodic modulations. Recent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements revealed six Dirac cone pairs at the Brillouin zone boundary of Ag(111), but their origin remains unclear [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113, 14656 (2016)]. We used linear dichroism angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, the tight-binding model, and first-principles calculations to reveal that these Dirac cones mainly derive from the original cones at the K (K') points of free-standing silicene. The Dirac cones of free-standing silicene are split by external periodic potentials that originate from the substrate-overlayer interaction. Our results not only confirm the origin of the Dirac cones in the 3x3-silicene/Ag(111) system, but also provide a powerful route to manipulate the electronic structures of two-dimensional materials.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure