480 research outputs found

    The processing of ambiguous sentences by first and second language learners of English

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    This study compares the way English-speaking children and adult second language learners of English resolve relative clause attachment ambiguities in sentences such as The dean liked the secretary of the professor who was reading a letter. Two groups of advanced L2 learners of English with Greek or German as their L1 participated in a set of off-line and on-line tasks. While the participants ' disambiguation preferences were influenced by lexical-semantic properties of the preposition linking the two potential antecedent NPs (of vs. with), there was no evidence that they were applying any structure-based ambiguity resolution strategies of the type that have been claimed to influence sentence processing in monolingual adults. These findings differ markedly from those obtained from 6 to 7 yearold monolingual English children in a parallel auditory study (Felser, Marinis, & Clahsen, submitted) in that the children's attachment preferences were not affected by the type of preposition at all. We argue that whereas children primarily rely on structure-based parsing principles during processing, adult L2 learners are guided mainly by non-structural informatio

    Evolution of magnetic fluctuations through the Fe-induced paramagnetic to ferromagnetic transition in Cr2_2B

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    In itinerant ferromagnets, the quenched disorder is predicted to dramatically affect the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic quantum phase transition driven by external control parameters at zero temperature. Here we report a study on Fe-doped Cr2_2B, which, starting from the paramagnetic parent, orders ferromagnetically for Fe-doping concentrations xx larger than xc=2.5x_{\rm c}=2.5\%. In parent Cr2_2B, 11^{11}B nuclear magnetic resonance data reveal the presence of both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic fluctuations. The latter are suppressed with Fe-doping, before the ferromagnetic ones finally prevail for x>xcx>x_{\rm c}. Indications for non-Fermi liquid behavior, usually associated with the proximity of a quantum critical point, were found for all samples, including undoped Cr2_2B. The sharpness of the ferromagnetic-like transition changes on moving away from xcx_{\rm c}, indicating significant changes in the nature of the magnetic transitions in the vicinity of the quantum critical point. Our data provide constraints for understanding quantum phase transitions in itinerant ferromagnets in the limit of weak quenched disorder.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Lone Pair Effect, Structural Distortions and Potential for Superconductivity in Tl Perovskites

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    Drawing the analogy to BaBiO3, we investigate via ab-initio electronic structure calculations potential new superconductors of the type ATlX3 with A = Rb, Cs and X = F, Cl, and Br, with a particular emphasis on RbTlCl3. Based on chemical reasoning, supported by the calculations, we show that Tl-based perovskites have structural and charge instabilities driven by the lone pair effect, similar to the case of BaBiO3, effectively becoming A2Tl1+Tl3+X6. We find that upon hole doping of RbTlCl3, structures without Tl1+, Tl3+ charge disproportionation become more stable, although the ideal cubic perovskite, often viewed as the best host for superconductivity, should not be the most stable phase in the system. The known superconductor (Sr,K)BiO3 and hole doped RbTlCl3, predicted to be most stable in the same tetragonal structure, display highly analogous calculated electronic band structures.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Premartensite to martensite transition and its implications on the origin of modulation in Ni2MnGa ferromagnetic shape memory alloy

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    We present here results of temperature dependent high resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction study of sequence of phase transitions in Ni2MnGa. Our results show that the incommensurate martensite phase results from the incommensurate premartensite phase, and not from the austenite phase assumed in the adaptive phase model. The premartensite phase transforms to the martensite phase through a first order phase transition with coexistence of the two phases in a broad temperature interval (~40K), discontinuous change in the unit cell volume as also in the modulation wave vector across the transition temperature and considerable thermal hysteresis in the characteristic transition temperatures. The temperature variation of the modulation wave vector q shows smooth analytic behaviour with no evidence for any devilish plateau corresponding to an intermediate or ground state commensurate lock-in phases. The existence of the incommensurate 7M like modulated structure down to 5K suggests that the incommensurate 7M like modulation is the ground state of Ni2MnGa and not the Bain distorted tetragonal L10 phase or any other lock-in phase with a commensurate modulation. These findings can be explained within the framework of the soft phonon model

    Indium-Gallium Segregation in CuInx_{x}Ga1−x_{1-x}Se2_2: An ab initio based Monte Carlo Study

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    Thin-film solar cells with CuInx_xGa1−x_{1-x}Se2_2 (CIGS) absorber are still far below their efficiency limit, although lab cells reach already 19.9%. One important aspect is the homogeneity of the alloy. Large-scale simulations combining Monte Carlo and density functional calculations show that two phases coexist in thermal equilibrium below room temperature. Only at higher temperatures, CIGS becomes more and more a homogeneous alloy. A larger degree of inhomogeneity for Ga-rich CIGS persists over a wide temperature range, which may contribute to the low observed efficiency of Ga-rich CIGS solar cells

    Field-induced charge symmetry revealed by nuclear magnetic resonance in the topological insulator Bi<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>3</sub>

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was recently shown to measure the bulk band inversion of Bi2Se3 through changes in the Bi-209 nuclear quadrupole interaction, and the corresponding tensor of the local electric field gradient was found to follow, surprisingly, the direction of the external magnetic field if the sample is rotated. This manifests a hidden property of the charge carriers in the bulk of this topological insulator, which is explored here with another material, Bi2Te3. It is found that two electric field gradients appear to be present at Bi-209, one rests with the lattice, as usual, while a second follows the external field if it is rotated with respect to the crystal axes. These electronic degrees of freedom and their lifetime is believed to be responsible for an alternate quadrupolar relaxation that should lead to other special properties including the electronic specific heat

    Residual stress induced stabilization of martensite phase and its effect on the magneto-structural transition in Mn rich Ni-Mn-In/Ga magnetic shape memory alloys

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    The irreversibility of the martensite transition in magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) with respect to external magnetic field is one of the biggest challenges that limits their application as giant caloric materials. This transition is a magneto-structural transition that is accompanied with a steep drop in magnetization (i.e., 'delta M') around the martensite start temperature (Ms) due to the lower magnetization of the martensite phase. In this communication, we show that 'delta M' around Ms in Mn rich Ni-Mn based MSMAs gets suppressed by two orders of magnitude in crushed powders due to the stabilization of the martensite phase at temperatures well above the Ms and the austenite finish (Af) temperatures due to residual stresses. Analysis of the intensities and the FWHM of the x-ray powder diffraction patterns reveals stabilized martensite phase fractions as 97, 75 and 90% with corresponding residual microstrains as 5.4, 5.6 and 3% in crushed powders of the three different Mn rich Ni-Mn alloys, namely, Mn1.8Ni1.8In0.4, Mn1.75Ni1.25Ga and Mn1.9Ni1.1Ga, respectively. Even after annealing at 773 K, the residual stress stabilised martensite phase does not fully revert to the equilibrium cubic austenite phase as the magneto-structural transition is only partially restored with reduced value of 'delta M'. Our results have very significant bearing on application of such alloys as inverse magnetocaloric and barocaloric materials

    Investigation of Co2_2FeSi: The Heusler compound with Highest Curie Temperature and Magnetic Moment

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    This work reports on structural and magnetic investigations of the Heusler compound Co2_2FeSi. X-Ray diffraction and M\"o\ss bauer spectrometry indicate an ordered L21L2_1 structure. Magnetic measurements by means of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and magnetometry revealed that this compound is, currently, the material with the highest magnetic moment (6μB6 \mu_B) and Curie-temperature (1100K) in the classes of Heusler compounds as well as half-metallic ferromagnets

    Magnetic and electric properties of double-perovskites and estimation of their Curie temperatures by ab initio calculations

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    First principles electronic structure calculations have been carried out on ordered double perovskites Sr_2B'B"O_6 (for B' = Cr or Fe and B" 4d and 5d transition metal elements) with increasing number of valence electrons at the B-sites, and on Ba_2MnReO_6 as well as Ba_2FeMoO_6. The Curie temperatures are estimated ab initio from the electronic structures obtained with the local spin-density functional approximation, full-potential generalized gradient approximation and/or the LDA+U method (U - Hubbard parameter). Frozen spin-spirals are used to model the excited states needed to evaluate the spherical approximation for the Curie temperatures. In cases, where the induced moments on the oxygen was found to be large, the determination of the Curie temperature is improved by additional exchange functions between the oxygen atoms and between oxygen and B' and B" atoms. A pronounced systematics can be found among the experimental and/or calculated Curie temperatures and the total valence electrons of the transition metal elements.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to the Physical Review
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