1,279 research outputs found

    FPT is Characterized by Useful Obstruction Sets

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    Many graph problems were first shown to be fixed-parameter tractable using the results of Robertson and Seymour on graph minors. We show that the combination of finite, computable, obstruction sets and efficient order tests is not just one way of obtaining strongly uniform FPT algorithms, but that all of FPT may be captured in this way. Our new characterization of FPT has a strong connection to the theory of kernelization, as we prove that problems with polynomial kernels can be characterized by obstruction sets whose elements have polynomial size. Consequently we investigate the interplay between the sizes of problem kernels and the sizes of the elements of such obstruction sets, obtaining several examples of how results in one area yield new insights in the other. We show how exponential-size minor-minimal obstructions for pathwidth k form the crucial ingredient in a novel OR-cross-composition for k-Pathwidth, complementing the trivial AND-composition that is known for this problem. In the other direction, we show that OR-cross-compositions into a parameterized problem can be used to rule out the existence of efficiently generated quasi-orders on its instances that characterize the NO-instances by polynomial-size obstructions.Comment: Extended abstract with appendix, as accepted to WG 201

    Parameterizing by the Number of Numbers

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    The usefulness of parameterized algorithmics has often depended on what Niedermeier has called, "the art of problem parameterization". In this paper we introduce and explore a novel but general form of parameterization: the number of numbers. Several classic numerical problems, such as Subset Sum, Partition, 3-Partition, Numerical 3-Dimensional Matching, and Numerical Matching with Target Sums, have multisets of integers as input. We initiate the study of parameterizing these problems by the number of distinct integers in the input. We rely on an FPT result for ILPF to show that all the above-mentioned problems are fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized in this way. In various applied settings, problem inputs often consist in part of multisets of integers or multisets of weighted objects (such as edges in a graph, or jobs to be scheduled). Such number-of-numbers parameterized problems often reduce to subproblems about transition systems of various kinds, parameterized by the size of the system description. We consider several core problems of this kind relevant to number-of-numbers parameterization. Our main hardness result considers the problem: given a non-deterministic Mealy machine M (a finite state automaton outputting a letter on each transition), an input word x, and a census requirement c for the output word specifying how many times each letter of the output alphabet should be written, decide whether there exists a computation of M reading x that outputs a word y that meets the requirement c. We show that this problem is hard for W[1]. If the question is whether there exists an input word x such that a computation of M on x outputs a word that meets c, the problem becomes fixed-parameter tractable

    Expanding the expressive power of Monadic Second-Order logic on restricted graph classes

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    We combine integer linear programming and recent advances in Monadic Second-Order model checking to obtain two new algorithmic meta-theorems for graphs of bounded vertex-cover. The first shows that cardMSO1, an extension of the well-known Monadic Second-Order logic by the addition of cardinality constraints, can be solved in FPT time parameterized by vertex cover. The second meta-theorem shows that the MSO partitioning problems introduced by Rao can also be solved in FPT time with the same parameter. The significance of our contribution stems from the fact that these formalisms can describe problems which are W[1]-hard and even NP-hard on graphs of bounded tree-width. Additionally, our algorithms have only an elementary dependence on the parameter and formula. We also show that both results are easily extended from vertex cover to neighborhood diversity.Comment: Accepted for IWOCA 201

    Fluctuation spectroscopy as a probe of granular superconducting diamond films

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    We present resistance versus temperature data for a series of boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond films whose grain size is varied by changing the film thickness. Upon extracting the fluctuation conductivity near to the critical temperature we observe three distinct scaling regions -- 3D intragrain, quasi-0D, and 3D intergrain -- in confirmation of the prediction of Lerner, Varlamov and Vinokur. The location of the dimensional crossovers between these scaling regions allows us to determine the tunnelling energy and the Thouless energy for each film. This is a demonstration of the use of \emph{fluctuation spectroscopy} to determine the properties of a superconducting granular system

    Observation of a superconducting glass state in granular superconducting diamond

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    The magnetic field dependence of the superconductivity in nanocrystalline boron doped diamond thin films is reported. Evidence of a glass state in the phase diagram is presented, as demonstrated by electrical resistance and magnetic relaxation measurements. The position of the phase boundary in the H-T plane is determined from resistance data by detailed fitting to zero-dimensional fluctuation conductivity theory. This allows determination of the boundary between resistive and non-resistive behavior to be made with greater precision than the standard ad hoc onset/midpoint/offset criterion

    The effect of cultural and environmental factors on potato seed tuber morphology and subsequent sprout and stem development

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    Seed crops of the variety Estima were grown in each of 2 years using two planting dates, two harvest dates, two plant densities and two irrigation regimes to produce seed tubers which had experienced different cultural and environmental conditions. The effects of these treatments on tuber characteristics, sprout production and stem development in the ware crop were then determined in subsequent experiments using storage regimes of 3 and 10 °C. Time of planting the seed crop affected numbers of eyes, sprouts and above ground stems in the subsequent ware crop because environmental conditions around the time of tuber initiation appeared to alter tuber shape. Cooler, wetter conditions in the 7 days after tuber initiation were associated with tubers which were longer, heavier and had more eyes, sprouts and above ground stems. In contrast, the time of harvesting the seed crop did not affect tuber shape or numbers of above ground stems and there was no interaction with tuber size. The density of the seed crop had no effect on any character measured and irrigation well after tuber initiation did not affect tuber shape, numbers of sprouts or numbers of stems. Seed production treatments, which resulted in earlier dormancy break, were associated with tubers that produced more sprouts and above ground stems, in contrast to the conventional understanding of apical dominance. Storage at 3 °C gave fewer sprouts, a lower proportion of eyes with sprouts and fewer stems than storage at 10 °C. The major effects on stem production appear to result from environmental conditions at the time of tuber initiation of the seed crop and sprouting temperature

    Monomial Testing and Applications

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    In this paper, we devise two algorithms for the problem of testing qq-monomials of degree kk in any multivariate polynomial represented by a circuit, regardless of the primality of qq. One is an O∗(2k)O^*(2^k) time randomized algorithm. The other is an O∗(12.8k)O^*(12.8^k) time deterministic algorithm for the same qq-monomial testing problem but requiring the polynomials to be represented by tree-like circuits. Several applications of qq-monomial testing are also given, including a deterministic O∗(12.8mk)O^*(12.8^{mk}) upper bound for the mm-set kk-packing problem.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted FAW-AAIM 2013. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1302.5898; and text overlap with arXiv:1007.2675, arXiv:1007.2678, arXiv:1007.2673 by other author

    Parameterized Algorithms for Modular-Width

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    It is known that a number of natural graph problems which are FPT parameterized by treewidth become W-hard when parameterized by clique-width. It is therefore desirable to find a different structural graph parameter which is as general as possible, covers dense graphs but does not incur such a heavy algorithmic penalty. The main contribution of this paper is to consider a parameter called modular-width, defined using the well-known notion of modular decompositions. Using a combination of ILPs and dynamic programming we manage to design FPT algorithms for Coloring and Partitioning into paths (and hence Hamiltonian path and Hamiltonian cycle), which are W-hard for both clique-width and its recently introduced restriction, shrub-depth. We thus argue that modular-width occupies a sweet spot as a graph parameter, generalizing several simpler notions on dense graphs but still evading the "price of generality" paid by clique-width.Comment: to appear in IPEC 2013. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1304.5479 by other author

    Polynomial Kernels for Weighted Problems

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    Kernelization is a formalization of efficient preprocessing for NP-hard problems using the framework of parameterized complexity. Among open problems in kernelization it has been asked many times whether there are deterministic polynomial kernelizations for Subset Sum and Knapsack when parameterized by the number nn of items. We answer both questions affirmatively by using an algorithm for compressing numbers due to Frank and Tardos (Combinatorica 1987). This result had been first used by Marx and V\'egh (ICALP 2013) in the context of kernelization. We further illustrate its applicability by giving polynomial kernels also for weighted versions of several well-studied parameterized problems. Furthermore, when parameterized by the different item sizes we obtain a polynomial kernelization for Subset Sum and an exponential kernelization for Knapsack. Finally, we also obtain kernelization results for polynomial integer programs

    On the (non-)existence of polynomial kernels for Pl-free edge modification problems

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    Given a graph G = (V,E) and an integer k, an edge modification problem for a graph property P consists in deciding whether there exists a set of edges F of size at most k such that the graph H = (V,E \vartriangle F) satisfies the property P. In the P edge-completion problem, the set F of edges is constrained to be disjoint from E; in the P edge-deletion problem, F is a subset of E; no constraint is imposed on F in the P edge-edition problem. A number of optimization problems can be expressed in terms of graph modification problems which have been extensively studied in the context of parameterized complexity. When parameterized by the size k of the edge set F, it has been proved that if P is an hereditary property characterized by a finite set of forbidden induced subgraphs, then the three P edge-modification problems are FPT. It was then natural to ask whether these problems also admit a polynomial size kernel. Using recent lower bound techniques, Kratsch and Wahlstrom answered this question negatively. However, the problem remains open on many natural graph classes characterized by forbidden induced subgraphs. Kratsch and Wahlstrom asked whether the result holds when the forbidden subgraphs are paths or cycles and pointed out that the problem is already open in the case of P4-free graphs (i.e. cographs). This paper provides positive and negative results in that line of research. We prove that parameterized cograph edge modification problems have cubic vertex kernels whereas polynomial kernels are unlikely to exist for the Pl-free and Cl-free edge-deletion problems for large enough l
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