7,212 research outputs found

    Convergence of continuous-time quantum walks on the line

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    The position density of a "particle" performing a continuous-time quantum walk on the integer lattice, viewed on length scales inversely proportional to the time t, converges (as t tends to infinity) to a probability distribution that depends on the initial state of the particle. This convergence behavior has recently been demonstrated for the simplest continuous-time random walk [see quant-ph/0408140]. In this brief report, we use a different technique to establish the same convergence for a very large class of continuous-time quantum walks, and we identify the limit distribution in the general case.Comment: Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Statistical Curse of the Second Half Rank

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    In competitions involving many participants running many races the final rank is determined by the score of each participant, obtained by adding its ranks in each individual race. The "Statistical Curse of the Second Half Rank" is the observation that if the score of a participant is even modestly worse than the middle score, then its final rank will be much worse (that is, much further away from the middle rank) than might have been expected. We give an explanation of this effect for the case of a large number of races using the Central Limit Theorem. We present exact quantitative results in this limit and demonstrate that the score probability distribution will be gaussian with scores packing near the center. We also derive the final rank probability distribution for the case of two races and we present some exact formulae verified by numerical simulations for the case of three races. The variant in which the worst result of each boat is dropped from its final score is also analyzed and solved for the case of two races.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Equations of structural relaxation

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    In the mode coupling theory of the liquid to glass transition the long time structural relaxation follows from equations solely determined by equilibrium structural parameters. The present extension of these structural relaxation equations to arbitrarily short times on the one hand allows calculations unaffected by model assumptions about the microscopic dynamics and on the other hand supplies new starting points for analytical studies. As a first application, power-law like structural relaxation at a glass-transition singularity is explicitly proven for a special schematic MCT model.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; talk given at the Seventh international Workshop on disordered Systems, Molveno, Italy, March 199

    Exact results for the Barabasi queuing model

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    Previous works on the queuing model introduced by Barab\'asi to account for the heavy tailed distributions of the temporal patterns found in many human activities mainly concentrate on the extremal dynamics case and on lists of only two items. Here we obtain exact results for the general case with arbitrary values of the list length LL and of the degree of randomness that interpolates between the deterministic and purely random limits. The statistically fundamental quantities are extracted from the solution of master equations. From this analysis, new scaling features of the model are uncovered

    On-off intermittency over an extended range of control parameter

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    We propose a simple phenomenological model exhibiting on-off intermittency over an extended range of control parameter. We find that the distribution of the 'off' periods has as a power-law tail with an exponent varying continuously between -1 and -2, at odds with standard on-off intermittency which occurs at a specific value of the control parameter, and leads to the exponent -3/2. This non-trivial behavior results from the competition between a strong slowing down of the dynamics at small values of the observable, and a systematic drift toward large values.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Subexponential instability implies infinite invariant measure

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    We study subexponential instability to characterize a dynamical instability of weak chaos. We show that a dynamical system with subexponential instability has an infinite invariant measure, and then we present the generalized Lyapunov exponent to characterize subexponential instability.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Global fluctuations and Gumbel statistics

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    We explain how the statistics of global observables in correlated systems can be related to extreme value problems and to Gumbel statistics. This relationship then naturally leads to the emergence of the generalized Gumbel distribution G_a(x), with a real index a, in the study of global fluctuations. To illustrate these findings, we introduce an exactly solvable nonequilibrium model describing an energy flux on a lattice, with local dissipation, in which the fluctuations of the global energy are precisely described by the generalized Gumbel distribution.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; final version with minor change

    Localization, anomalous diffusion and slow relaxations: a random distance matrix approach

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    We study the spectral properties of a class of random matrices where the matrix elements depend exponentially on the distance between uniformly and randomly distributed points. This model arises naturally in various physical contexts, such as the diffusion of particles, slow relaxations in glasses, and scalar phonon localization. Using a combination of a renormalization group procedure and a direct moment calculation, we find the eigenvalue distribution density (i.e., the spectrum) and the localization properties of the eigenmodes, for arbitrary dimension. Finally, we discuss the physical implications of the results

    Chaotic itinerancy and power-law residence time distribution in stochastic dynamical system

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    To study a chaotic itinerant motion among varieties of ordered states, we propose a stochastic model based on the mechanism of chaotic itinerancy. The model consists of a random walk on a half-line, and a Markov chain with a transition probability matrix. To investigate the stability of attractor ruins in the model, we analyze the residence time distribution of orbits at attractor ruins. We show that the residence time distribution averaged by all attractor ruins is given by the superposition of (truncated) power-law distributions, if a basin of attraction for each attractor ruin has zero measure. To make sure of this result, we carry out a computer simulation for models showing chaotic itinerancy. We also discuss the fact that chaotic itinerancy does not occur in coupled Milnor attractor systems if the transition probability among attractor ruins can be represented as a Markov chain.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figure
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