11,477 research outputs found

    Growth, Welfare, and Public Infrastructure: A General Equilibrium Analysis of Latin American Economies

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    Empirical studies have found infrastructure investment important for a country¡¯s economic performance, but have not provided clear guidelines for infrastructure policy or its effects on other macroeconomic variables. This paper develops a general equilibrium model of a small open economy to study the effects of public infrastructure on output, private investment and welfare. The model is parameterized and solved for three Latin American countries: Brazil, Mexico, and Peru. Results show that infrastructure can have positive effects on output, private investment and welfare. However, raising public infrastructure investment past a certain threshold can be detrimental. All three countries are shown to have under-invested in infrastructure in the 1970s and 1980s. The gains from optimal infrastructure policy are greatest for Peru, the country with lowest infrastructure expenditure.

    Continuous joint measurement and entanglement of qubits in remote cavities

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    We present a first-principles theoretical analysis of the entanglement of two superconducting qubits in spatially separated microwave cavities by a sequential (cascaded) probe of the two cavities with a coherent mode, that provides a full characterization of both the continuous measurement induced dynamics and the entanglement generation. We use the SLH formalism to derive the full quantum master equation for the coupled qubits and cavities system, within the rotating wave and dispersive approximations, and conditioned equations for the cavity fields. We then develop effective stochastic master equations for the dynamics of the qubit system in both a polaronic reference frame and a reduced representation within the laboratory frame. We compare simulations with and analyze tradeoffs between these two representations, including the onset of a non-Markovian regime for simulations in the reduced representation. We provide conditions for ensuring persistence of entanglement and show that using shaped pulses enables these conditions to be met at all times under general experimental conditions. The resulting entanglement is shown to be robust with respect to measurement imperfections and loss channels. We also study the effects of qubit driving and relaxation dynamics during a weak measurement, as a prelude to modeling measurement-based feedback control in this cascaded system.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. Published versio

    A Viable Flavor Model for Quarks and Leptons in RS with T' Family Symmetry

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    We propose a Randall-Sundrum model with a bulk family symmetry based on the double tetrahedral group, T', which generates the tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing pattern and a realistic CKM matrix. The T' symmetry forbids tree-level flavor-changing-neutral-currents in both the quark and lepton sectors, as different generations of fermions are unified into multiplets of T'. This results in a low first KK mass scale and thus the model can be tested at collider experiments.Comment: 4 pages; based on talk presented at the 17th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY09), Boston, MA, June 5-10, 200

    Spectral Estimates and Non-Selfadjoint Perturbations of Spheroidal Wave Operators

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    We derive a spectral representation for the oblate spheroidal wave operator which is holomorphic in the aspherical parameter Ω\Omega in a neighborhood of the real line. For real Ω\Omega, estimates are derived for all eigenvalue gaps uniformly in Ω\Omega. The proof of the gap estimates is based on detailed estimates for complex solutions of the Riccati equation. The spectral representation for complex Ω\Omega is derived using the theory of slightly non-selfadjoint perturbations.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures, typo in Lemma 4.1 corrected (published version

    The Demographics of Georgia IV: Hispanic Immigration Economic Policy Issues - Brief

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    This report analyzes the economic policy issues in education, health care, the labor market, financial services and the fiscal impact arising from the large increase in Hispanic immigration in Georgia. FRC Brief 12

    The Demographics of Georgia IV: Hispanic Immigration Economic Policy Issues

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    This report analyzes the economic policy issues in education, health care, the labor market, financial services and the fiscal impact arising from the large increase in Hispanic immigration in Georgia. FRC Report 12
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