33 research outputs found

    Trascendencia de la Bibliograf铆a Latinoamericana de la UNAM

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    An inventory of the contributions made by the databases specialized in Latin-American journals (Biblat, Clase, Latindex, Periodica y Scielo-Mexico) produced by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is presented. Permanence and scope of these information services are emphasized. A reflection is made on their contribution for the compilation, dissemination, access and visibility of the scholarly journals edited in the region. A projection for the future is outlined

    Cr铆tica de Libros

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    Revistas latinoamericanas de ciencia, tecnolog铆a y medicina en la base de datos Peri贸dica: una visi贸n de 40 a帽os / Latin-American journals of Science, Technology and Medicine in Periodica database: a 40-year overview

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    The most outstanding characteristics of the literature published in Latin American journals specialized in Science, Technology and Medicine (STM) are described, from documents compiled from 1978 to 2018 in the Peri贸dica database. On the 40th anniversary of this database, reference is made to its current situation and future challenges as well as a reflection on the contributions of bibliographic databases

    Revistas latinoamericanas de ciencia, tecnolog铆a y medicina en la base de datos Peri贸dica: una visi贸n de 40 a帽os / Latin-American journals of Science, Technology and Medicine in Periodica database: a 40-year overview

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    The most outstanding characteristics of the literature published in Latin American journals specialized in Science, Technology and Medicine (STM) are described, from documents compiled from 1978 to 2018 in the Peri贸dica database. On the 40th anniversary of this database, reference is made to its current situation and future challenges as well as a reflection on the contributions of bibliographic databases

    Revistas latinoamericanas de ciencia, tecnolog铆a y medicina en la base de datos Peri贸dica: una visi贸n de 40 a帽os

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    Se analizan las caracter铆sticas m谩s sobresalientes de un conjunto de revistas latinoamericanas especializadas en ciencia, tecnolog铆a y medicina (CTM), a partir de los documentos compilados desde 1978 hasta 2018 en la base de datos Peri贸dica. En ocasi贸n del 40 aniversario de esta base de datos se hace tambi茅n referencia a su situaci贸n actual y retos futuros

    Visibilidad en bases de datos del n煤cleo de revistas mexicanas de ciencias sociales y humanidades

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    The purpose of this chapter is to analyze the visibility profile in databases of what is called the basic core of Social Sciences and humanities Mexican journals

    Las revistas digitales de bibliotecolog铆a y ciencia de la informaci贸n frente a los nuevos criterios de calidad de Latindex

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    The results of the application of the new editorial quality criteria of the Latindex Catalogue to a selection of Latin American journals specialized in Library and Information Science are presented. The results show a compliance greater than 90% in 25 of the 38 characteristics, evidencing a high degree of standardization in the journals of these disciplines. Nonetheless, some features that underwent adjustments in the new methodology faced difficulties to be fulfilled. When analyzing by groups of characteristics, it was found that the set of features inherent to online journals had the lowest percentage of compliance.Se presentan los resultados de la aplicaci贸n de los nuevos criterios de calidad editorial del Cat谩logo Latindex a una selecci贸n de revistas latinoamericanas especializadas en bibliotecolog铆a y ciencia de la informaci贸n. Al analizar los resultados se observa un cumplimiento mayor al 90% en 25 de las 38 caracter铆sticas, lo que muestra un alto grado de normalizaci贸n en las revistas de estas disciplinas. Sin embargo, algunas caracter铆sticas que sufrieron ajustes en la nueva metodolog铆a enfrentaron dificultades para ser cumplidas. Al analizar por grupos, se encontr贸 que el conjunto de caracter铆sticas inherentes a las revistas en l铆nea fue el de menor porcentaje de cumplimiento

    Caracter铆sticas y calidad editorial de las revistas cient铆ficas mexicanas: la aportaci贸n de Latindex

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    From existing records in the Latindex information system the Mexican scientific journals are analyzed from the perspective of their bibliographical features and editorial quality. The editorial profile of the publications is described in terms of their life-span, nature of its contents, distribution format, thematic orientation as well as publishing institutions; for online journals the type of access is also analyzed. Regarding editorial quality, a comparison was made with the results obtained in 1999 and 2015 that show an improvement in the fulfillment of editorial quality criteria, as well as the quality characteristics less observed by Mexican print and online journals. Finally, some impacts identified through the work carried out by Latindex in Mexico in relation to journals and the publishing and scientific information sector are exposed

    Biblioteca Universitaria: una d茅cada de evoluci贸n editorial

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    Having reached ten years of existence of the New Series of Biblioteca Universitaria a review is made of its trajectory, contents as well as of the editorial work performed which increased diffusion and quality of the journal not only in terms of the editorial criteria added but also in those related to graphical and editorial design. Biblioteca Universitaria is a technical-professional journal specialized in Library and Information Science and published by the General Directorate for Libraries (DGB) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

    Revistas iberoamericanistas:: perfil editorial y acad茅mico

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    The document studies the set of academic journals defined as Ibero-Americanist by the Latindex System, in terms of its academic and editorial profile to know its main characteristics and relevance as a source of information and research on this political-cultural region.  It is considered an original contribution since these informative resources, which study Ibero-American affairs from an external perspective, have not been studied yet from this profile of specialization.El documento estudia el conjunto de revistas acad茅micas definidas por el Sistema Latindex como iberoamericanistas, en cuanto a su perfil acad茅mico y editorial para conocer sus caracter铆sticas principales y su relevancia como fuente de informaci贸n e investigaci贸n sobre esta regi贸n pol铆tica y cultural. Se considera una aportaci贸n original ya que estos recursos informativos, que estudian los asuntos iberoamericanos desde un perspectiva exterior, no se han estudiado a煤n desde este perfil de especializaci贸n