12 research outputs found

    <i>Roxochampsa paulistanus</i> comb. nov. UFRJ-DG 451-R, d12 multicrenulate tooth features.

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    <p>A- detail of the basal region, showing multicrenulated high relief enamel ridges; B- detail of apical region, showing granulated protuberances “scaly-forms”; C- detail of mid-apex region, showing overlapping projections; D- section of distal and crenulated carena. Scale bar for the tooth = 10 mm; in A, C and D scale bars = 1 mm; in B scale bar = 0.1mm.</p

    Calibrated strict consensus tree from 225 MLTs (1520 steps, CI = 0.304 and RI = 0.692).

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    <p>The phylogenetic relationships (thin lines) come from the strict consensus tree calibrated with the geological ages (chronostratigraphic chart). Thick lines represents the species temporal range based on specimens occurrence. Also, colors in thick lines represent the inferred habit for studied species.</p

    <i>Roxochampsa paulistanus</i> comb. nov. (UFRJ-DG 501-R).

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    <p>A- lateral view; B- medial view; C- detail, mesio-lingual surface view of tenth hemimandibular tooth; D- detail, lingual surface view of twelfth hemimandibular tooth; E- oclusal view; F- isolate tooth: a- lateral profile; b-lingual view; c- labial view. Each scale bar = 10 mm. Legend in text.</p