343 research outputs found

    Monitoring and Performance of a Bridge Abutment

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    The performance of a bridge abutment founded on spread footings was monitored. The construction sequence, the instrumentation and the results of the bridge behaviour over several years is discussed

    Journey to Success: A co-curricular pathway aimed toward the development of the whole person for emerging leaders in the Franciscan tradition (Mission Award Winner)

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    Siena College recently embarked on a new strategic plan: Tradition. Transformed. 2017 - 2022. One of the five goals is Distinctive Value; Enhance our value and brand and broadcast to all stakeholders while maximizing our Franciscan, liberal arts advantage. During this time, the college also developed five core values, one of which is compassionate leadership: We lead by putting others first, through our commitment to social justice, service with others, and concern for the poor and vulnerable. A college-wide tactic under Distinctive Value is to implement delivery of programs through student activities to advance the development of the whole person. Our division enthusiastically responded with the following key action: Create an integrated programming model for the development of the whole person based upon six pillars. This session will review our process and journey to success

    Incidencia de la directiva de servicios en la legislación turística. Estudio autonómico comparado.

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    La adaptación de la legislación turística –de competencia autonómica en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico- a la Directiva 123/2006/CE ha sido y está siendo desigual, de manera que algunas regulaciones sustituyen por completo la autorización previa por la declaración responsable, otras distinguen aquellas actividades turísticas que pueden afectar a razones imperiosas de interés general para someterlas a licencia; unas vinculan la declaración responsable a la inscripción en el registro de empresas y actividades turísticas, otras permiten el inicio de la actividad sin más trámites que una comunicación. Por ello resulta indispensable una aproximación a las diecisiete regulaciones autonómicas al objeto de analizar en qué se distinguen y en qué coinciden unas adaptaciones que debieran caracterizarse por la homogeneidad en desarrollo de una directiva comunitaria.Tourism is a regional competence in Spain. Touristic legislation is being adapted in different terms to Directive 123/2006/CE. Some regions make license disappear in favor of a responsible declaration, others separate those activitiesthat can affect general interest reasons that justify a license; some bind the declaration to the inscription in touristic registers, others allow to beguin the activity with nothing else than a communication. That’s the reason why it is necessary to study the seventeen regional regulations in order to see differences between laws that should be similar as they develope a european directive

    Programas de doctorado en Colombia

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