679 research outputs found

    Acceptance Speech by the Recipient of the Judaica Reference Book Award

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    Originalism Through Raz-Colored Glasses

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    Hydrometra in a Cat

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    A female Persian cat, eight years of age, was presented at the McGinnis Animal Hospital, Peoria, Ill., on July 6, 1940. The owner had noticed an enlargement of the abdomen with symptoms of anorexia, vomit ion and depression. The abdomen was enormously enlarged and the animal was emaciated. The temperature was 103°. A tentative diagnosis of pyometra was made and permission was granted to proceed with surgery

    The Command, According to Philo, Pseudo-Philo, and Josephus, to Annihilate the Seven Nations of Canaan

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    Interview with Louis Lovelace

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    Louis Lovelance, owner of Fiesta Mexican Restaurant speaks about being Puerto Rican, the term \u27hispanic\u27, and the hispanic community in Mount Vernon. He discusses learning English in Puerto Rico and how he retains that culture in America.https://digital.kenyon.edu/lt_interviews/1029/thumbnail.jp

    Interview with Louis Lovelace and Fernando

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    Louis Lovelance, maneger of Fiesta Mexicana Restaurant and Fernando, an employee, talk about the differences between the United States and Mexico, the Latin community in Knox County, learning English, and immigration.https://digital.kenyon.edu/lt_interviews/1015/thumbnail.jp


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    Centerscope, formerly Scope, was published by the Boston University Medical Center "to communicate the concern of the Medical Center for the development and maintenance of improved health care in contemporary society.

    Interaction-induced Fermi surface deformations in quasi one-dimensional electronic systems

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    We consider serious conceptual problems with the application of standard perturbation theory, in its zero temperature version, to the computation of the dressed Fermi surface for an interacting electronic system. In order to overcome these difficulties, we set up a variational approach which is shown to be equivalent to the renormalized perturbation theory where the dressed Fermi surface is fixed by recursively computed counterterms. The physical picture that emerges is that couplings that are irrelevant tend to deform the Fermi surface in order to become more relevant (irrelevant couplings being those that do not exist at vanishing excitation energy because of kinematical constraints attached to the Fermi surface). These insights are incorporated in a renormalization group approach, which allows for a simple approximate computation of Fermi surface deformation in quasi one-dimensional electronic conductors. We also analyze flow equations for the effective couplings and quasiparticle weights. For systems away from half-filling, the flows show three regimes corresponding to a Luttinger liquid at high energies, a Fermi liquid, and a low-energy incommensurate spin-density wave. At half-filling Umklapp processes allow for a Mott insulator regime where the dressed Fermi surface is flat, implying a confined phase with vanishing effective transverse single-particle coherence. The boundary between the confined and Fermi liquid phases is found to occur for a bare transverse hopping amplitude of the order of the Mott charge gap of a single chain.Comment: 38 pages, 39 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Direct Costs of Second Aqueous Shunt Implant Versus Transscleral Cyclophotocoagulation (The Assists Trial)

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    PRCIS: The cost of cyclophotocoagulation is less than the cost of a second glaucoma drainage device. PURPOSE: To compare the total direct costs of implantation of a second glaucoma drainage device (SGDD) with transscleral cyclophotocoagulation (CPC) for patients with inadequately controlled intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction, despite the presence of a preexisting glaucoma drainage device in the ASSISTS clinical trial. METHODS: We compared the total direct cost per patient, including the initial study procedure, medications, additional procedures, and clinic visits during the study period. The relative costs for each procedure during the 90-day global period and the entire study period were compared. The cost of the procedure, including facility fees and anesthesia costs, were determined using the 2021 Medicare fee schedule. Average wholesale prices for self-administered medications were obtained from AmerisourceBergen.com. The Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to compare costs between procedures. RESULTS: Forty-two eyes of 42 participants were randomized to SGDD (n=22) or CPC (n=20). One CPC eye was lost to follow-up after initial treatment and was excluded. The mean (±SD, median) duration of follow-up was 17.1 (±12.8, 11.7) months and 20.3 (±11.4, 15.1) months for SGDD and CPC, respectively ( P =0.42, 2 sample t test). The mean total direct costs (±SD, median) per patient during the study period were 8790(±8790 (±3421, 6805fortheSGDDgroup)and6805 for the SGDD group) and 4090 (±1424,1424, 3566) for the CPC group ( P CONCLUSION: The total direct cost in the SGDD group was more than double that in the CPC group, driven largely by the cost of the study procedure. The costs of IOP-lowering medications were not significantly different between groups. When considering treatment options for patients with a failed primary GDD, clinicians should be aware of differences in costs between these treatment strategies