14,949 research outputs found

    On the minimal number of matrices which form a locally hypercyclic, non-hypercyclic tuple

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    In this paper we extend the notion of a locally hypercyclic operator to that of a locally hypercyclic tuple of operators. We then show that the class of hypercyclic tuples of operators forms a proper subclass to that of locally hypercyclic tuples of operators. What is rather remarkable is that in every finite dimensional vector space over R\mathbb{R} or C\mathbb{C}, a pair of commuting matrices exists which forms a locally hypercyclic, non-hypercyclic tuple. This comes in direct contrast to the case of hypercyclic tuples where the minimal number of matrices required for hypercyclicity is related to the dimension of the vector space. In this direction we prove that the minimal number of diagonal matrices required to form a hypercyclic tuple on Rn\mathbb{R}^n is n+1n+1, thus complementing a recent result due to Feldman.Comment: 15 pages, title changed, section for infinite dimensional spaces adde

    Fluctuation-dissipation theorem for chiral systems in non-equilibrium steady states

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    We consider a three-terminal system with a chiral edge channel connecting the source and drain terminals. Charge can tunnel between the chiral edge and a third terminal. The third terminal is maintained at a different temperature and voltage than the source and drain. We prove a general relation for the current noises detected in the drain and third terminal. It has the same structure as an equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relation with the nonlinear response in place of the linear conductance. The result applies to a general chiral system and can be useful for detecting "upstream" modes on quantum Hall edges.Comment: detailed proo

    Detecting non-Abelian Statistics with Electronic Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

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    Fractionally charged quasiparticles in the quantum Hall state with filling factor Μ=5/2\nu=5/2 are expected to obey non-Abelian statistics. We demonstrate that their statistics can be probed by transport measurements in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The tunneling current through the interferometer exhibits a characteristic dependence on the magnetic flux and a non-analytic dependence on the tunneling amplitudes which can be controlled by gate voltages.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; Revtex; a discussion of the asymmetry of the I-V curve adde

    Remarkable virtual SUSY effects in W±W^{\pm} production at high energy hadron colliders

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    We present a complete 1-loop study of the electroweak corrections to the process ug→dW+ug\to dW^+ in MSSM and SM. The occurrence of a number of remarkable properties in the behavior of the helicity amplitudes at high energies is stressed, and the crucial role of the virtual SUSY contributions in establishing them, is emphasized. The approach to asymptopia of these amplitudes is discussed, comparing the effects of the logarithmic and constant contributions to the mass suppressed ones, which are relevant at lower energies. Applying crossing to ug→dW+ug\to d W^+, we obtain all subprocesses needed for the 1-loop electroweak corrections to W±W^\pm-production at LHC. The SUSY model dependence of such a production is then studied, and illustrations are given for the transverse W±W^{\pm} momentum distribution, as well as the angular distribution in the subprocess center of mass.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    A Rigorous Proof of Fermi Liquid Behavior for Jellium Two-Dimensional Interacting Fermions

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    Using the method of continuous constructive renormalization group around the Fermi surface, it is proved that a jellium two-dimensional interacting system of Fermions at low temperature TT remains analytic in the coupling constant λ\lambda for ∣λ∣∣log⁥TâˆŁâ‰€K|\lambda| |\log T| \le K where KK is some numerical constant and TT is the temperature. Furthermore in that range of parameters, the first and second derivatives of the self-energy remain bounded, a behavior which is that of Fermi liquids and in particular excludes Luttinger liquid behavior. Our results prove also that in dimension two any transition temperature must be non-perturbative in the coupling constant, a result expected on physical grounds. The proof exploits the specific momentum conservation rules in two dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer as a tool to probe fractional statistics

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    We study transport through an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer recently devised at the Weizmann Institute. We show that this device can be used to probe statistics of quasiparticles in the fractional quantum Hall regime. We calculate the tunneling current through the interferometer as the function of the Aharonov-Bohm flux, temperature and voltage bias, and demonstrate that its flux-dependent component is strongly sensitive to the statistics of tunneling quasiparticles. More specifically, the flux-dependent and flux-independent contributions to the current are related by a power law, the exponent being a function of the quasiparticle statistics.Comment: 22 pages; 8 figure

    The Fourth Positive System of Carbon Monoxide in the Hubble Space Telescope Spectra of Comets

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    The rich structure of the Fourth Positive System (A-X) of carbon monoxide accounts for many of the spectral features seen in long slit HST-STIS observations of comets 153P/Ikeya-Zhang, C/2001 Q4 (NEAT), and C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR), as well as in the HST-GHRS spectrum of comet C/1996 B2 Hyakutake. A detailed CO fluorescence model is developed to derive the CO abundances in these comets by simultaneously fitting all of the observed A-X bands. The model includes the latest values for the oscillator strengths and state parameters, and accounts for optical depth effects due to line overlap and self-absorption. The model fits yield radial profiles of CO column density that are consistent with a predominantly native source for all the comets observed by STIS. The derived CO abundances relative to water in these comets span a wide range, from 0.44% for C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR), 7.2% for 153P/Ikeya-Zhang, 8.8% for C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) to 20.9% for C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake). The subtraction of the CO spectral features using this model leads to the first identification of a molecular hydrogen line pumped by solar HI Lyman-beta longward of 1200A in the spectrum of comet 153P/Ikeya-Zhang. (Abridged)Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, ApJ accepte

    Multipair approach to pairing in nuclei

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    The ground state of a general pairing Hamiltonian for a finite nuclear system is constructed as a product of collective, real, distinct pairs. These are determined sequentially via an iterative variational procedure that resorts to diagonalizations of the Hamiltonian in restricted model spaces. Different applications of the method are provided that include comparisons with exact and projected BCS results. The quantities that are examined are correlation energies, occupation numbers and pair transfer matrix elements. In a first application within the picket-fence model, the method is seen to generate the exact ground state for pairing strengths confined in a given range. Further applications of the method concern pairing in spherically symmetric mean fields and include simple exactly solvable models as well as some realistic calculations for middle-shell Sn isotopes. In the latter applications, two different ways of defining the pairs are examined: either with J=0 or with no well-defined angular momentum. The second choice reveals to be more effective leading, under some circumstances, to solutions that are basically exact.Comment: To appear in Physical Review

    LHC Z‘Z^` discovery potential for models with continuously distributed mass

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    We study the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) discovery potential for Z‘Z^` models with continuously distributed mass for s=7,10\sqrt{s} = 7, 10 and 14 TeV centre-of-mass energies. One of possible LHC signatures for such models is the existence of broad resonance in Drell-Yan reaction pp→Z‘+...→l+l−+...pp \to Z^` + ... \to l^+l^- + ....Comment: 14 pages, some references and formula adde

    Comparison of Alternative Safety Net Programs for the 2000 Farm Bill

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    As Congress begins its debate for the 2002 farm bill, there have been calls for a counter cyclical safety net that will provide a better basis for targeting longer term planning than exists with ad hoc emergency assistance. Further subsidization of the multi-peril crop insurance (MPCI) program has been proposed, as well as reliance on a farm and ranch risk management (FARRM) account to help farmers. A whole farm revenue income support program and several variations of national income supplement programs have been put forward. A comprehensive analysis of different safety net alternatives using a common methodology is needed so farmers and policy makers can make objective comparisons. The objective of this paper is to quantitatively analyze the economic effects of alternative safety net/insurance programs on farmers in the Southern United States. The objective is accomplished by simulating representative crop farms in the South over the 2001-2005 planning horizon for alternative safety net options. The simulated net present value distributions for the farms are compared using certainty equivalents to determine the value of alternative safety net options to feed grain, cotton and rice farms in the South.Agricultural and Food Policy,
