30,313 research outputs found
Perturbation Theory around Non-Nested Fermi Surfaces I. Keeping the Fermi Surface Fixed
The perturbation expansion for a general class of many-fermion systems with a
non-nested, non-spherical Fermi surface is renormalized to all orders. In the
limit as the infrared cutoff is removed, the counterterms converge to a finite
limit which is differentiable in the band structure. The map from the
renormalized to the bare band structure is shown to be locally injective. A new
classification of graphs as overlapping or non-overlapping is given, and
improved power counting bounds are derived from it. They imply that the only
subgraphs that can generate factorials in the order of the
renormalized perturbation series are indeed the ladder graphs and thus give a
precise sense to the statement that `ladders are the most divergent diagrams'.
Our results apply directly to the Hubbard model at any filling except for
half-filling. The half-filled Hubbard model is treated in another place.Comment: plain TeX with postscript figures in a uuencoded gz-compressed tar
file. Put it on a separate directory before unpacking, since it contains
about 40 files. If you have problems, requests or comments, send e-mail to
[email protected]
Theoretical Expectations for Bulk Flows in Large Scale Surveys
We calculate the theoretical expectation for the bulk motion of a large scale
survey of the type recently carried out by Lauer and Postman. Included are the
effects of survey geometry, errors in the distance measurements, clustering
properties of the sample, and different assumed power spectra. We consider the
power spectrum calculated from the IRAS--QDOT survey, as well as spectra from
hot cold and standard cold dark matter models. We find that sparse sampling
and clustering can lead to an unexpectedly large bulk flow, even in a very deep
survey. Our results suggest that the expected bulk motion is inconsistent with
that reported by Lauer and Postman at the confidence level.Comment: 13 pages, uuencoded compressed postscript file with two figures and a
table enclosed, UM-AC-93-2
An Unbiased Estimator of Peculiar Velocity with Gaussian Distributed Errors for Precision Cosmology
We introduce a new estimator of the peculiar velocity of a galaxy or group of
galaxies from redshift and distance estimates. This estimator results in
peculiar velocity estimates which are statistically unbiased and that have
errors that are Gaussian distributed, thus meeting the assumptions of analyses
that rely on individual peculiar velocities. We apply this estimator to the
SFI++ and the Cosmicflows-2 catalogs of galaxy distances and, using the fact
that peculiar velocity estimates of distant galaxies are error dominated,
examine their error distributions, The adoption of the new estimator
significantly improves the accuracy and validity of studies of the large-scale
peculiar velocity field and eliminates potential systematic biases, thus
helping to bring peculiar velocity analysis into the era of precision
cosmology. In addition, our method of examining the distribution of velocity
errors should provide a useful check of the statistics of large peculiar
velocity catalogs, particularly those that are compiled out of data from
multiple sources.Comment: 6 Pages, 5 Figure
General triple charged black ring solution in supergravity
We present the general black ring solution in supergravity in 5
dimensions with three independent dipole and electric charges. This immediately
gives the general black ring solution in the minimal 5D supergravity as well.Comment: 10 page
The Cosmic Mach Number: Comparison from Observations, Numerical Simulations and Nonlinear Predictions
We calculate the cosmic Mach number M - the ratio of the bulk flow of the
velocity field on scale R to the velocity dispersion within regions of scale R.
M is effectively a measure of the ratio of large-scale to small-scale power and
can be a useful tool to constrain the cosmological parameter space. Using a
compilation of existing peculiar velocity surveys, we calculate M and compare
it to that estimated from mock catalogues extracted from the LasDamas (a LCDM
cosmology) numerical simulations. We find agreement with expectations for the
LasDamas cosmology at ~ 1.5 sigma CL. We also show that our Mach estimates for
the mocks are not biased by selection function effects. To achieve this, we
extract dense and nearly-isotropic distributions using Gaussian selection
functions with the same width as the characteristic depth of the real surveys,
and show that the Mach numbers estimated from the mocks are very similar to the
values based on Gaussian profiles of the corresponding widths. We discuss the
importance of the survey window functions in estimating their effective depths.
We investigate the nonlinear matter power spectrum interpolator PkANN as an
alternative to numerical simulations, in the study of Mach number.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 3 table
A Rigorous Proof of Fermi Liquid Behavior for Jellium Two-Dimensional Interacting Fermions
Using the method of continuous constructive renormalization group around the
Fermi surface, it is proved that a jellium two-dimensional interacting system
of Fermions at low temperature remains analytic in the coupling constant
for where is some numerical constant
and is the temperature. Furthermore in that range of parameters, the first
and second derivatives of the self-energy remain bounded, a behavior which is
that of Fermi liquids and in particular excludes Luttinger liquid behavior. Our
results prove also that in dimension two any transition temperature must be
non-perturbative in the coupling constant, a result expected on physical
grounds. The proof exploits the specific momentum conservation rules in two
dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, no figure
On the minimal number of matrices which form a locally hypercyclic, non-hypercyclic tuple
In this paper we extend the notion of a locally hypercyclic operator to that
of a locally hypercyclic tuple of operators. We then show that the class of
hypercyclic tuples of operators forms a proper subclass to that of locally
hypercyclic tuples of operators. What is rather remarkable is that in every
finite dimensional vector space over or , a pair of
commuting matrices exists which forms a locally hypercyclic, non-hypercyclic
tuple. This comes in direct contrast to the case of hypercyclic tuples where
the minimal number of matrices required for hypercyclicity is related to the
dimension of the vector space. In this direction we prove that the minimal
number of diagonal matrices required to form a hypercyclic tuple on
is , thus complementing a recent result due to Feldman.Comment: 15 pages, title changed, section for infinite dimensional spaces
Singular Fermi Surfaces II. The Two--Dimensional Case
We consider many--fermion systems with singular Fermi surfaces, which contain
Van Hove points where the gradient of the band function
vanishes. In a previous paper, we have treated the case of spatial dimension . In this paper, we focus on the more singular case and establish
properties of the fermionic self--energy to all orders in perturbation theory.
We show that there is an asymmetry between the spatial and frequency
derivatives of the self--energy. The derivative with respect to the Matsubara
frequency diverges at the Van Hove points, but, surprisingly, the self--energy
is in the spatial momentum to all orders in perturbation theory, provided
the Fermi surface is curved away from the Van Hove points. In a prototypical
example, the second spatial derivative behaves similarly to the first frequency
derivative. We discuss the physical significance of these findings.Comment: 68 pages LaTeX with figure
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