5 research outputs found

    Dynamic interfacial trapping of flexural waves in structured plates

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    The paper presents new results on the localization and transmission of flexural waves in a structured plate containing a semi-infinite two-dimensional array of rigid pins. In particular, localized waves are identified and studied at the interface boundary between the homogeneous part of the flexural plate and the part occupied by rigid pins. A formal connection has been made with the dispersion properties of flexural Bloch waves in an infinite doubly periodic array of rigid pins. Special attention is given to regimes corresponding to standing waves of different types as well as Dirac-like points that may occur on the dispersion surfaces. A single half-grating problem, hitherto unreported in the literature, is also shown to bring interesting solutions

    Planning the Most Important Branch and Territorial Proportions of Social Reproduction

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    Implementation of the resolutions of the September (1965) Plenary Meeting of the CPSU Central Committee and transition to the branch principle of management of industry must be accompanied by further development of interbranch and interregional production ties, an increase in specialization, and an expansion of cooperation among enterprises. Favorable conditions have been created for organizing economically advantageous ties between enterprises in different economic regions while maintaining the existing rational ties within the regions.

    The Interaction Between Production And Social Needs In Planned Economic Development

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    In its varied aspects and the mediate forms in which it is manifested, the relationship between socialist production and social needs constitutes the content of objective economic laws of socialismâin particular, the basic economic law which, as we know, predetermines the most complete satisfaction of the constantly growing material and nonmaterial needs of society through the steady growth and improvement of production. To gain a proper understanding of the role of social needs in socialist reproduction, one must at least schematically define the content of this category and the patterns that determine the volume and structure of social needs.

    Surface-wave propagation on an impedance surface in a medium with negative permittivity

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