28 research outputs found

    Low-Rank Matrix Recovery via Efficient Schatten p-Norm Minimization

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    As an emerging machine learning and information retrieval technique, the matrix completion has been successfully applied to solve many scientific applications, such as collaborative prediction in information retrieval, video completion in computer vision, \emph{etc}. The matrix completion is to recover a low-rank matrix with a fraction of its entries arbitrarily corrupted. Instead of solving the popularly used trace norm or nuclear norm based objective, we directly minimize the original formulations of trace norm and rank norm. We propose a novel Schatten pp-Norm optimization framework that unifies different norm formulations. An efficient algorithm is derived to solve the new objective and followed by the rigorous theoretical proof on the convergence. The previous main solution strategy for this problem requires computing singular value decompositions - a task that requires increasingly cost as matrix sizes and rank increase. Our algorithm has closed form solution in each iteration, hence it converges fast. As a consequence, our algorithm has the capacity of solving large-scale matrix completion problems. Empirical studies on the recommendation system data sets demonstrate the promising performance of our new optimization framework and efficient algorithm

    A Probabilistic Derivation of LASSO and L12-Norm Feature Selections

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    LASSO and β„“2,1-norm based feature selection had achieved success in many application areas. In this paper, we first derive LASSO and β„“1,2-norm feature selection from a probabilistic framework, which provides an independent point of view from the usual sparse coding point of view. From here, we further propose a feature selection approach based on the probability-derived β„“1,2-norm. We point out some inflexibility in the standard feature selection that the feature selected for all different classes are enforced to be exactly the same using the widely used β„“2,1-norm, which enforces the joint sparsity across all the data instances. Using the probabilityderived β„“1,2-norm feature selection, allowing certain flexibility that the selected features do not have to be exactly same for all classes, the resulting features lead to better classification on six benchmark datasets

    Feature Selection at the Discrete Limit

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    Feature selection plays an important role in many machine learning and data mining applications. In this paper, we propose to use L2,p norm for feature selection with emphasis on small p. As p approaches 0, feature selection becomes discrete feature selection problem. We provide two algorithms, proximal gradient algorithm and rank one update algorithm, which is more efficient at large regularization. We provide closed form solutions of the proximal operator at p = 0, 1/2. Experiments onreal life datasets show that features selected at small p consistently outperform features selected at p = 1, the standard L2,1 approach and other popular feature selection methods

    Dyadic transfer learning for cross-domain image classification

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    Because manual image annotation is both expensive and labor intensive, in practice we often do not have sufficient labeled images to train an effective classifier for the new image classification tasks. Although multiple labeled im-age data sets are publicly available for a number of com-puter vision tasks, a simple mixture of them cannot achieve good performance due to the heterogeneous properties and structures between different data sets. In this paper, we propose a novel nonnegative matrix tri-factorization based transfer learning framework, called as Dyadic Knowledge Transfer (DKT) approach, to transfer cross-domain image knowledge for the new computer vision tasks, such as clas-sifications. An efficient iterative algorithm to solve the pro-posed optimization problem is introduced. We perform the proposed approach on two benchmark image data sets to simulate the real world cross-domain image classification tasks. Promising experimental results demonstrate the ef-fectiveness of the proposed approach. 1

    Supervised and Projected Sparse Coding for Image Classification

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    Classic sparse representation for classification (SRC) method fails to incorporate the label information of training images, and meanwhile has a poor scalability due to the expensive computation for l_1 norm. In this paper, we propose a novel subspace sparse coding method with utilizing label information to effectively classify the images in the subspace. Our new approach unifies the tasks of dimension reduction and supervised sparse vector learning, by simultaneously preserving the data sparse structure and meanwhile seeking the optimal projection direction in the training stage, therefore accelerates the classification process in the test stage. Our method achieves both flat and structured sparsity for the vector representations, therefore making our framework more discriminative during the subspace learning and subsequent classification. The empirical results on 4 benchmark data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method