4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Retrofit Refrigeran CFC-12 Dengan HCR-12 Terhadap Kinerja Refrigerator Domestik dan Perawatannya

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    In the recent years,almost every house, has domestic refrigerator wich still use CFC-12 refrigerant as the fluid.When the leakage happen, the  refrigerant causes the demage of ozon such as forming the ozon side then radiation of ultra violet from the sun ray in high intensity reach the surface on each directly and it is dangerous for the human life. The Hidrocarbon refrigerant (HCR-12) is considered as one of alternative, wich is environmentally friendly,more energy to save and without modification, to replace the CFC-12.This research compare the performance of household refrigerator using the CFC-12 refrigerant and HCR-12 without the modification  of refrigerator.The result shown from the COP, that the refrigerators work for both of  refrigerant is relatively the same and the quality of the ice product from HCR-12 is better than CFC-12, because the amount of the energy wich is absorbed by HCR-12 during  the evapouration process is bigger than CFC-12. Analyzing the amount of refrigerant weight fullfilled to refrigerator, HCR-12  only  uses  40 %  from CFC-12,If the price of both refrigerant is the same,the use of HCR-12 is profitible than the use of CFC-1

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Penggulung Tali Rafia

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    Raffia rope is very popular because of its many uses, in other words it is a versatile tool. In general, raffia ropes are widely used for various matters such as business in agriculture, as a binder, as a decoration for crafts, as hangers for clothes, sewing sacks, as reinforcement materials, and many others. Raffia straps are available in the form of rolls. At this time, there are still many processes of rolling raffia still using manual methods such as direct hand rolling or using traditional methods that still use a lot of human power so that it is considered ineffective and inefficient. Because there is still a lot of traditional process of rolling the rope or using hands, the idea arises to make a raffia rope rolling machine using a motorbike and transmission. Technically appropriate technology is a bridge between traditional technology and advanced technology, therefore socio-cultural and economic aspects are also dimensions that must be taken into account in managing appropriate technology. From the desired goals, appropriate technology must apply methods that are resource-efficient, easy to maintain, and have minimal minimalistic impact. The aim of this research is to design, make and test rapia rope rollers so that they are suitable to be used to help facilitate the work of the community in the process of rolling rapia. From the results of design design. From the results of the testing obtained the tool is able to produce rolls as much as an average of 58 rolls per hou

    PKM Pembuatan Pupuk Kompos Limbah Pertanian

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    Kelompok Tani Cahaya Baru Nagari Persiapan Lubuk Gadang Barat Kecamatan Sangir Kabupaten Solok Selatan telah mendapat penyuluhan dari tim pengabdian masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Padang.  Sosialisi yang diberikan adalah tentang bagaimana cara membuat pupuk kompos dari limbah pertanian. Permasalahan yang ditemukan adalah petani sering kekurangan pupuk untuk memupuk tanamannya. Sehingga untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya harus membeli pupuk dengan harga yang mahal. Solusi  yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi pada kelompok tani  tersebut adalah memberikan penyuluhan cara membuat pupuk kompos dari  limbah pertanian. Dengan memberikan penyuluhan ini diharapkan kelompok tani dapat menyediakan pupuk alami untuk kebutuhan petani di desa Bumi Ayu umumnya dan kelompok tani Cahaya Baru khususnya. Kontribusi mendasar pada khalayak sasaran adalah setelah program pengabdian ini diharapkan petani mampu membuat pupuk kompos yang dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk alam untuk mengatasi ketergantungan terhadap pupuk kimia, sehingga dapat menjaga kesuburan tanah di lahan pertanian

    Perancangan Mesin Vakum dan Pengemasan Untuk Produksi Olahan Jamur Tiram Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Nilai Jual dan Masa Pakai

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    The design of this Vacuum and Packaging Machine is made in order to increase the sale value and service life for processed Oyster Mushroom products. Not only that, this machine can do packaging in a short time and efficiently. This machine consists of Frame, Vacuum Motor, Impulse Sealer, Vacuum Clamp. This Vacuum and Packaging Machine has dimensions of length 700 mm x width 500 mm x height 700 mm. The impulse sealer used is Arashi Ais 400 type by using a VE115N 2 CFM type vacuum motor. From this vacuum motor will later be connected to the vacuum clamp as a tool to clamp the packaging during the process of vacuuming the air in the package. This machine is equipped with a limit switch on the vacuum clamp that works to connect the current to the vacuum motor so that the vacuum motor automatically turns on. The operation of this vacuum and packaging machine is quite simple by inserting the packaging containing the product into the sealer and at the end of the package clamped on the vacuum clamp, the vacuum motor will automatically turn on, the next step is to operate the impulse sealer so that the product is finished packed under vacuum. From the design results, the bending stress of the frame is 3.172 N / mm2, the working time of the vacuum and sealer is 1.54 s per package, and the estimated price of the machine is Rp. 1,879,00