108 research outputs found

    Töltéssel rendelkező oldalláncok szerepe retrovirális proteinázok szubsztrát-specificitásában = Role of the charged residues on the substrate specificity of retroviral proteinases

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    A HIV-1 életciklusában betöltött szerepe miatt terápiás (AIDS) célponttá vált retrovirális proteáz (PR) vizsgálatával betekintést nyerhetünk az enzim inhibitorokkal szembeni rezisztencia kialakulásának molekuláris mechanizmusáról. A rezisztenciában megjelenő HIV-1 mutánsok szubsztrát-specificitási, stabilitási, gátolhatósági és szerkezeti vizsgálatai mellett részletesen összehasonlítottuk a HIV-1, HTLV-1, MLV és BLV proteázok tulajdonságait. Ezen vizsgálatokhoz kidolgoztunk egy nagy teljesítményű fluoreszcens mérési módszert. Vizsgálatainkat kiterjesztettük egy klinikai kipróbálás alatt álló ígéretes HIV-1 proteáz inhibitornak, valamint szubsztrát-alapú peptid analóg inhibitoroknak vad tipusú és mutáns HIV-1 proteázokkal alkotott komplexeinek szerkezetvizsgálatával. A HFV PR különleges tulajdonságaiért felelős aminosavak feltérképezése céljából mutáns HFV proteázokkal pH-optimum és urea-stabilitási vizsgálatokat végeztünk. | As the retroviral protease became a useful therapeutic target of the AIDS due to its essential role in the life cycle of the HIV-1, the molecular mechanism of the raising resitance against HIV-1 protease inhibitors can be revealed by studying of the enzyme. Besides the substrate specificity, stability, inhibitory and structural studies on the mutant forms of HIV-1 protease appearing in the resistance we compared the features of the wild type HTLV-1, MLV and BLV proteases to the HIV-1 protease. We developed a high-throughput fluorescent method for these studies. We extended our studies to structural analysis of the wild type and mutant HIV-1 proteases complexed with a new potent and promising HIV-1 protease inhibitor which is in clinical trial as well as substrate based peptide analog inhibitors. Urea stability and pH-optimum of mutants of HFV PR were measured to map their special features

    Generation of Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line from a 3-year-old male with pathogenic IDS mutation

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    AbstractPeripheral blood was collected from a 3-year-old male patient with an X-linked recessive mutation of Iduronate 2-sulfatase (IDS) gene (NM_000202.7(IDS):c.85C>T) causing MPS II (OMIM 309900). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were reprogrammed by lentiviral delivery of a self-silencing hOKSM polycistronic vector. The pluripotency of the iPSC line was confirmed by the expression of pluripotency-associated markers and in vitro spontaneous differentiation towards the 3 germ layers. The iPSC line showed normal karyotype. The cell line offers a good platform to study MPS II pathophysiology, for drug testing, early biomarker discovery and gene therapy studies

    GCKR gene functional variants in type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome: do the rare variants associate with increased carotid intima-media thickness?

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    BACKGROUND: Recent studies revealed that glucokinase regulatory protein (GCKR) variants (rs780094 and rs1260326) are associated with serum triglycerides and plasma glucose levels. Here we analyzed primarily the association of these two variants with the lipid profile and plasma glucose levels in Hungarian subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome; and also correlated the genotypes with the carotid intima-media thickness records. METHODS: A total of 321 type 2 diabetic patients, 455 metabolic syndrome patients, and 172 healthy controls were genotyped by PCR-RFLP. RESULTS: Both GCKR variants were found to associate with serum triglycerides and with fasting plasma glucose. However, significant association with the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome could not be observed. Analyzing the records of the patients, a positive association of prevalence the GCKR homozygous functional variants and carotid intima-media thickness was found in the metabolic syndrome patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support that rs780094 and rs1260326 functional variants of the GCKR gene are inversely associated with serum triglycerides and fasting plasma glucose levels, as it was already reported for diabetic and metabolic syndrome patients in some other populations. Besides this positive replication, as a novel feature, our preliminary findings also suggest a cardiovascular risk role of the GCKR minor allele carriage based on the carotid intima-media thickness association

    Establishment and Characterization of a Novel Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Line Stably Expressing the iRFP720 Reporter

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    Stem cell therapy has great potential for replacing beta-cell loss in diabetic patients. However, a key obstacle to cell therapy’s success is to preserve viability and function of the engrafted cells. While several strategies have been developed to improve engrafted beta-cell survival, tools to evaluate the efficacy within the body by imaging are limited. Traditional labeling tools, such as GFP-like fluorescent proteins, have limited penetration depths in vivo due to tissue scattering and absorption. To circumvent this limitation, a near-infrared fluorescent mutant version of the DrBphP bacteriophytochrome, iRFP720, has been developed for in vivo imaging and stem/progenitor cell tracking. Here, we present the generation and characterization of an iRFP720 expressing human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line, which can be used for real-time imaging in various biological applications. To generate the transgenic cells, the CRISPR/Cas9 technology was applied. A puromycin resistance gene was inserted into the AAVS1 locus, driven by the endogenous PPP1R12C promoter, along with the CAG-iRFP720 reporter cassette, which was flanked by insulator elements. Proper integration of the transgene into the targeted genomic region was assessed by comprehensive genetic analysis, verifying precise genome editing. Stable expression of iRFP720 in the cells was confirmed and imaged by their near-infrared fluorescence. We demonstrated that the reporter iPSCs exhibit normal stem cell characteristics and can be efficiently differentiated towards the pancreatic lineage. As the genetically modified reporter cells show retained pluripotency and multilineage differentiation potential, they hold great potential as a cellular model in a variety of biological and pharmacological applications

    A harmadik szinapszis. Molekuláris kölcsönhatások az elhaló sejtek és az azokat eltávolító makrofágok, dendritikus sejtek között. = The third synapsis. Molecular interactions between dying cells and macrophages or dendritic cells.

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    A tudományos iskola keretében új interdiszciplináris kutatási terület megteremtésére került sor az apoptótikus sejtek és az azokat eltávolító sejtek közötti harmadi szinapszis tanulmányozására. Megállapítottuk, hogy a transzglutamináz 2 (TG2) enzim szerepet játszik az apoptotikus sejtek eltávolításában, az enzim hiányában autoimmun kórkép alakúl ki. A TG2 bejuthat a sejmagba, sejtbiokémiai hatása összefügg génkifejeződés befolyásolásával. Alzheimer kórban a TG2 résztvesz kovalensen összekötött fehérje aggregátumok létrehozásában. A TG2 védőhatást fejt ki a sejtelhalással szemben májsejtekben és szívizomsejtekben G fehérje, ill. protein diszulfid izomeráz aktivitásával. A PPAR? szerepet játszik az apoptótikus sejteket eltávolító fagocitáló képesség kialakításában fokozva fagocitózis gének kifejeződését. A PPAR?, a retinoid receptor és az LXR receptor szignál utak összekapcsolódnak a makrofágok koleszterol szintjének szabályozásában. A PPAR? aktiváció hatására a dendritikus sejekből fokozott fagocitózisra, hatékony lipid prezentációra és iNKT aktivitásra képes alpopuláció alakul. Apopto-fagocita Taqman Low Density Array-t fejleszttünkl 94 gén mennyiségi kifejeződése vizsgálatára. Az autofágiával elhaló sejtek eltávolítása szintén fagocitózissal történik, specifikus gének indukálódnak. A dendritikus sejtek kölcsönhatása apoptótikus vagy nekrotikus sejtekkel alkalmas az immunválasz finom szabályozására. | In the supported Research School a new interdisciplinary research area has been developed to study the third synapse formed between apoptotic cells and those which engolfe them. It has been established that the transglutaminase 2 (TG2) enzyme plays an important role in the clearance of apoptotic cells, the lack of this enzyme leads to autoimmune disease. TG2 can enter the nucleus and its cell biochemical effects are related to modulation of gene expression and modification of the cytoskeleton. In Alzheimer's disease TG2 participates in the formation of covalently cross-linked protein aggregates. TG2 can protect hepatocytes and cardiomyocytes against apoptosis through its G protein and protein disulphide isomerase activities. PPARγ contributes to the development of phagocytic capacity of macrophages by inducing specific phagocytic genes. The PPARγ, rretinoid and LXR receptor signal pathways are interlinked in regulating cholesterol content of cells. Activation of PPARγ in dendritic cells leads to the development of a subpopulation with increased phagocytic capacity, effective lipid presentation and iNKT activity. An apopto-phagocytic Taqman Low Density array has been developed for quantitative measuring of 94 genes in parallel. Cells dying by autophagy are removed by the same mechanism as apoptotic cells while specific phagocytic genes are induced. Dendritic cells interacting with apoptotic cells can fine tune the immune system

    EASY-APP : An artificial intelligence model and application for early and easy prediction of severity in acute pancreatitis

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    Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a potentially severe or even fatal inflammation of the pancreas. Early identification of patients at high risk for developing a severe course of the disease is crucial for preventing organ failure and death. Most of the former predictive scores require many parameters or at least 24 h to predict the severity; therefore, the early therapeutic window is often missed.The early achievable severity index (EASY) is a multicentre, multinational, prospective and observational study (ISRCTN10525246). The predictions were made using machine learning models. We used the scikit-learn, xgboost and catboost Python packages for modelling. We evaluated our models using fourfold cross-validation, and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, the area under the ROC curve (AUC), and accuracy metrics were calculated on the union of the test sets of the cross-validation. The most critical factors and their contribution to the prediction were identified using a modern tool of explainable artificial intelligence called SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP).The prediction model was based on an international cohort of 1184 patients and a validation cohort of 3543 patients. The best performing model was an XGBoost classifier with an average AUC score of 0.81 ± 0.033 and an accuracy of 89.1%, and the model improved with experience. The six most influential features were the respiratory rate, body temperature, abdominal muscular reflex, gender, age and glucose level. Using the XGBoost machine learning algorithm for prediction, the SHAP values for the explanation and the bootstrapping method to estimate confidence, we developed a free and easy-to-use web application in the Streamlit Python-based framework (http://easy-app.org/).The EASY prediction score is a practical tool for identifying patients at high risk for severe AP within hours of hospital admission. The web application is available for clinicians and contributes to the improvement of the model

    Effects of bowel cleansing on the composition of the gut microbiota in inflammatory bowel disease patients and healthy controls

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    Background: In patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease (CD), and ulcerative colitis (UC), numerous cases of exacerbations could be observed after colonoscopy, raising the possible pathogenetic effect of colonic microbiota alterations in IBD flare. Objectives: We aimed to investigate the changes in the fecal microbiota composition in IBD patients influenced by the bowel preparation with sodium picosulfate. Design: We enrolled patients with IBD undergoing bowel preparation for colonoscopy in the prospective cohort study. The control group (Con) comprised non-IBD patients who underwent colonoscopy. Clinical data, blood, and stool samples were collected before colonoscopy (timepoint A), 3 days later (timepoint B), and 4 weeks later (timepoint C). Methods: Disease activity and gut microbiota changes were assessed at each timepoint. Fecal microbiota structure – at family level – was determined by sequencing the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene. Statistical analysis included differential abundance analysis and Mann–Whitney tests. Results: Forty-one patients (9 CD, 13 UC, and 19 Con) were included. After bowel preparation, alpha diversity was lower in the CD group than in the UC (p = 0.01) and Con (p = 0.02) groups at timepoint B. Alpha diversity was significantly higher in the UC group than in the CD and Con (p = 0.03) groups at timepoint C. Beta diversity difference differed between the IBD and Con (p = 0.001) groups. Based on the differential abundance analysis, the Clostridiales family was increased, whereas the Bifidobacteriaceae family was decreased in CD patients compared to the Con at timepoint B. Conclusions: Bowel preparation may change the fecal microbial composition in IBD patients, which may have a potential role in disease exacerbation after bowel cleansing