61 research outputs found

    Language Integration into Gastronomic Education: A Revolutionary Approach?

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    In an increasingly globalised world, hospitality and culinary arts educators seek to further internationalise the curriculum in an effort to better prepare graduates to work and live in a rapidly changing and intercultural workplace. Jane Knight’s commonly accepted working definition for internationalization is ‘the intentional process of integrating an international, intercultural or global dimension into the purpose, functions and delivery of post-secondary education, in order to enhance the quality of education and research for all students and staff, and to make a meaningful contribution to society’ (Knight, 2003). One of the main barriers to increased internationalisation in the epicurean world is that of language proficiency levels and the nature of teaching and learning engagement. Traditionally hospitality and culinary arts students have often had some difficulty accepting the relevance of modern languages despite the historic role that the language has played in gastronomic discourse down through the centuries. This paper explores a pilot initiative carried out among students on the Wine and Beverage Studies module of a BA programme in International Hospitality and Tourism Management. Students registered on this programme choose to study a language and in year three participate in an internship period abroad. Anecdotally some students in the past have perceived the study of language as something ‘apart’ from their core area of study. While these students are not language students, the pilot had as its objective to better integrate the language component into the core practical area of wine and beverage studies. The aim was to enhance the experience and ultimately improve performance while at the same time making the language more relevant to the student’s learning. As part of the pilot, language lecturers liaised with the programme team involved with delivering of core vocational modules. They designed lesson plans, and co-delivered parts of the module. Our language specialists were asked to leave the language laboratory behind and move into Real Work Environment (RWE) of the training bar and restaurant. This paper presents the qualitative and quantitative findings of this pilot initiative

    Internationalising the Curriculum for Hospitality and Tourism Students through Language Integration

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    This paper seeks to explore the internationalisation of the curriculum, firstly in its broadest sense, secondly within the context of a TU4D and finally through the presentation and review of a practice-based research project carried out among students of Hospitality and Tourism Studies in the Institute of Technology Tallaght. The project was driven by two related but separate motivations which are mirrored by the background of the contributors outlined below. On the one hand we have the linguist’s motivation which stems from a desire to make students at IT Tallaght not only more competent in their spoken language skills but also more engaged with the language through the affirmation that their language skills can be particularly useful in an international environment. On the other hand, we have the industry practitioner’s motivation which originates in a desire for students to become outward looking in terms of their skills development and a recognition that such skills are most useful when considered in terms of global employability

    We Had the Experience but Missed the Meaning: Capacity Building Using Student Diary Pro to Enhance the Mobility Experience

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    The mobility experience is not confined to the sphere of upward social and economic mobility but, in equal measure, to geographical, linguistic and cultural mobility as a function of the public role of the university. Effects of mobility can be registered in terms of their impact on the university directly, the impact of such mobility on society generally, and its impact on those who participate in mobility opportunities in particular. The paper begins with a general overview of ideas and intentions underpinning mobility which in turn inform and are informed by policy considerations in a European Union context. Since mobility is essentially a developmental experience for students the paper discusses ideas which underpin their use of Student Diary Pro to tract their learning development by measuring their learning against agreed competencies. In the third section of this paper, the authors make observations based on samples drawn from student entries in Student Diary Pro while abroad

    Habitus is a fate not a destiny: A Study of Student Completion In First Year at an Irish Institute of Technology

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    Having worked in The Institute of Technology sector for decades as both lecturer and faculty manager, the quality of the student experience has always been of prime interest to the researcher, particularly with regard to student success and retention. This research examines student completion among first year students including those who enter from access schools in socio-economically disadvantaged areas. The study took place over a five year period, 2009-2014 and was carried out through surveys, interviews and an online diary that involved mainly first year students including, students who had withdrawn from programmes, as well as academic and administrative staff. The research sought to capture the student voice primarily but also the perspective of lecturers and administrative support staff involved with year one students. Within the binary system that exists in the Irish Higher Education system the Institutes of Technology have always struggled against public perceptions of being of ‘lesser value’, that students who study in the Institutes of Technology are ‘weaker’ academically, have lower CAO points on entry and have ‘failed’ to enter the traditional university. Using Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of habitus the research also examines the perspectives of academic and support staff on year one completion among this cohort of students. The findings show that completion rates are higher in year one for those students entering ITT from the access schools than from non-access schools. It also finds that there is an association between CAO points on entry and levels of successful completion in year one. The findings also reveal that habitus does have a significant impact on the cohort of students and the students’ quality of experience in year one. There is a notable gap between the perceptions of staff and the students’ reality in year one

    The Lantern Vol. 50, No. 2, Spring 1984

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    • The Storm • Je ne sais pas • The Ghetious Blastious • An Empty Cradle • The Playing Hands • Battle Hymn • A Limerick • Parting Thoughts • The River • Miss You • De la Tristeza • Two So Special • Time of the Unicorn • The Absence • Thru The Breeze • Is the World Really a Round Ball? • Brother • To Michael • Gravity • Refuge • Der Witwer • Plastic Flowers Never Die • Book on the Shelfhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1124/thumbnail.jp

    Journal of Teaching Effectiveness and Student Achievement Volume 1, Issue 1

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    JournalAngelo State University College EducationSupervised Field Experiences for Pre-­Service Teachers:Is it Worth the Effort? Dr. Tammy Abernathy, Dr. Ginny Beck, and Dr. Shanon Taylor………….…..5 Math Remediation?-­ Success is Possible! Dr. Deborah Banker and Dr. Stella Filizola …………………………...……………..17 Improving Pre-­Service Teacher Dispositions Dr. Marcia Bolton and Dr. Dana Reisboard ……….………………………………...24 An Investigation into the Expansive-­‐Restrictive Nature of Teachers’ Learning Situated in the Workplace Dr. Eric J. Feeney ……………………………………………………………………….………33 Using Metacognitive Awareness of Fluency to Enhance Vocabulary Dr. Teri Fowler and Dr. William Laird ………………………………………….……..44 Culturally Responsive Teaching: Increasing Involvement of Minority Students and Parents Ms. Angela Piña …………………………………………………………………………………52 Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of Special Education Dr. S. Nina Saha-­‐Gupta, Dr. Margarita Lara, and Mr. Jeffrey House………………….60 The Teacher Preparation Initiative Dr. Yolanda Salgado, Dr. Janet A. Carter, Dr. Jeannine Hurst, and Dr. Ann Marie Smith……...…..7

    Modelling the Evolution and Spread of HIV Immune Escape Mutants

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    During infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), immune pressure from cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) selects for viral mutants that confer escape from CTL recognition. These escape variants can be transmitted between individuals where, depending upon their cost to viral fitness and the CTL responses made by the recipient, they may revert. The rates of within-host evolution and their concordant impact upon the rate of spread of escape mutants at the population level are uncertain. Here we present a mathematical model of within-host evolution of escape mutants, transmission of these variants between hosts and subsequent reversion in new hosts. The model is an extension of the well-known SI model of disease transmission and includes three further parameters that describe host immunogenetic heterogeneity and rates of within host viral evolution. We use the model to explain why some escape mutants appear to have stable prevalence whilst others are spreading through the population. Further, we use it to compare diverse datasets on CTL escape, highlighting where different sources agree or disagree on within-host evolutionary rates. The several dozen CTL epitopes we survey from HIV-1 gag, RT and nef reveal a relatively sedate rate of evolution with average rates of escape measured in years and reversion in decades. For many epitopes in HIV, occasional rapid within-host evolution is not reflected in fast evolution at the population level

    Discovery of functionally distinct anti-C7 monoclonal antibodies and stratification of anti-nicotinic AChR positive Myasthenia Gravis patients

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    Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is mediated by autoantibodies against acetylcholine receptors that cause loss of the receptors in the neuromuscular junction. Eculizumab, a C5-inhibitor, is the only approved treatment for MG that mechanistically addresses complement-mediated loss of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. It is an expensive drug and was approved despite missing the primary efficacy endpoint in the Phase 3 REGAIN study. There are two observations to highlight. Firstly, further C5 inhibitors are in clinical development, but other terminal pathway proteins, such as C7, have been relatively understudied as therapeutic targets, despite the potential for lower and less frequent dosing. Secondly, given the known heterogenous mechanisms of action of autoantibodies in MG, effective patient stratification in the REGAIN trial may have provided more favorable efficacy readouts. We investigated C7 as a target and assessed the in vitro function, binding epitopes and mechanism of action of three mAbs against C7. We found the mAbs were human, cynomolgus monkey and/or rat cross-reactive and each had a distinct, novel mechanism of C7 inhibition. TPP1820 was effective in preventing experimental MG in rats in both prophylactic and therapeutic dosing regimens. To enable identification of MG patients that are likely to respond to C7 inhibition, we developed a patient stratification assay and showed in a small cohort of MG patients (n=19) that 63% had significant complement activation and C7-dependent loss of AChRs in this in vitro set up. This study provides validation of C7 as a target for treatment of MG and provides a means of identifying patients likely to respond to anti-C7 therapy based on complement-activating properties of patient autoantibodies

    Identification of unique neoantigen qualities in long-term survivors of pancreatic cancer

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is a lethal cancer with fewer than 7% of patients surviving past 5 years. T-cell immunity has been linked to the exceptional outcome of the few long-term survivors1,2, yet the relevant antigens remain unknown. Here we use genetic, immunohistochemical and transcriptional immunoprofiling, computational biophysics, and functional assays to identify T-cell antigens in long-term survivors of pancreatic cancer. Using whole-exome sequencing and in silico neoantigen prediction, we found that tumours with both the highest neoantigen number and the most abundant CD8+ T-cell infiltrates, but neither alone, stratified patients with the longest survival. Investigating the specific neoantigen qualities promoting T-cell activation in long-term survivors, we discovered that these individuals were enriched in neoantigen qualities defined by a fitness model, and neoantigens in the tumour antigen MUC16 (also known as CA125). A neoantigen quality fitness model conferring greater immunogenicity to neoantigens with differential presentation and homology to infectious disease-derived peptides identified long-term survivors in two independent datasets, whereas a neoantigen quantity model ascribing greater immunogenicity to increasing neoantigen number alone did not. We detected intratumoural and lasting circulating T-cell reactivity to both high-quality and MUC16 neoantigens in long-term survivors of pancreatic cancer, including clones with specificity to both high-quality neoantigens and predicted cross-reactive microbial epitopes, consistent with neoantigen molecular mimicry. Notably, we observed selective loss of high-quality and MUC16 neoantigenic clones on metastatic progression, suggesting neoantigen immunoediting. Our results identify neoantigens with unique qualities as T-cell targets in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. More broadly, we identify neoantigen quality as a biomarker for immunogenic tumours that may guide the application of immunotherapies

    The Zwicky Transient Facility: System Overview, Performance, and First Results

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    The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) is a new optical time-domain survey that uses the Palomar 48 inch Schmidt telescope. A custom-built wide-field camera provides a 47 deg 2 field of view and 8 s readout time, yielding more than an order of magnitude improvement in survey speed relative to its predecessor survey, the Palomar Transient Factory. We describe the design and implementation of the camera and observing system. The ZTF data system at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center provides near-real-time reduction to identify moving and varying objects. We outline the analysis pipelines, data products, and associated archive. Finally, we present on-sky performance analysis and first scientific results from commissioning and the early survey. ZTF’s public alert stream will serve as a useful precursor for that of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope