14 research outputs found

    An obesity clinic model

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    Using focus groups to gather information for LIS curriculum review

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    Focus groups can provide a useful means of gathering information for use in making decisions about core and elective courses in a library and information science (LIS) curriculum. Ideally, the focus group consists of six to eight people who are invited to participate in a discussion of some issues of common interest. Before implementing focus groups, the curriculum committee should decide what it wants to know and whom it wants to participate. The focus group should be conducted in a businesslike but pleasant manner. Opinions offered by the focus group should be fed by the curriculum committee into a decision apparatus. Focus groups are beneficial in that they enable employers to experience involvement with LIS program review and can teach faculty what employers expect from new graduates of LIS programs

    Evaluación comparativa del desempeño de los sistemas estatales de salud usando cobertura efectiva Benchmarking of performance of Mexican states with effective coverage

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    Realizar un análisis comparativo del desempeño (benchmarking) de las unidades subnacionales en un sistema de salud descentralizado es importante para favorecer la rendición de cuentas, monitorear el progreso, identificar los factores que determinan tanto el éxito como el fracaso, y crear una cultura basada en la evidencia. Desde 2001, la Secretaría de Salud de México se ha dedicado a desarrollar esta tarea basándose en el concepto de cobertura efectiva promovido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), que la define como la fracción de ganancia potencial en salud que el sistema de salud podría aportar, con los servicios que actualmente ofrece. Usando los sistemas de información en salud, que incluyen encuestas de salud representativas a nivel estado, registros vitales y registros de egresos hospitalarios, se ha monitoreado la prestación de 14 intervenciones para mejorar la salud entre 2005 y 2006. La cobertura efectiva en general va desde 54% en Chiapas hasta 65% en el Distrito Federal. La cobertura efectiva para intervenciones en salud materno-infantil es mayor que para las intervenciones que abordan otros problemas de salud del adulto. La cobertura efectiva para el quintil de ingresos más bajo es de 52%, comparada con 61% para el quintil de ingresos más alto. La cobertura efectiva guarda especial relación con el gasto público en salud per cápita en todos los estados, y esta relación es más estrecha con las intervenciones ajenas a la salud materno-infantil que con las que tienen que ver directamente con ella. También se observan variaciones considerables en la cobertura efectiva en niveles de gasto similares. Asimismo, se discuten algunas implicaciones para el desarrollo que debiera seguir el sistema de información en salud en México. Este enfoque alienta a quienes toman decisiones a concentrarse en brindar servicios de calidad y no sólo en ofrecer la disponibilidad del servicio. El cálculo de la cobertura efectiva es una herramienta clave para la rectoría del sistema de salud. Al adoptar este enfoque, otros países podrán elegir intervenciones con base en criterios de accesibilidad, efecto en la salud de la población, efecto en desigualdades de salud y en la capacidad para medir dichos efectos. Para alcanzar el éxito en este tipo de análisis comparativo del desempeño a nivel subnacional, las instituciones nacionales que lo lleven a cabo deberán contar con autoridad, habilidades técnicas, recursos e independencia suficientes.Benchmarking of the performance of states, provinces, or districts in a decentralised health system is important for fostering of accountability, monitoring of progress, identification of determinants of success and failure, and creation of a culture of evidence. The Mexican Ministry of Health has, since 2001, used a benchmarking approach based on the World Health Organization (WHO) concept of effective coverage of an intervention, which is defined as the proportion of potential health gain that could be delivered by the health system to that which is actually delivered. Using data collection systems, including state representative examination surveys, vital registration, and hospital discharge registries, we have monitored the delivery of 14 interventions for 2005-06. Overall effective coverage ranges from 54.0% in Chiapas, a poor state, to 65.1% in the Federal District. Effective coverage for maternal and child health interventions is substantially higher than that for interventions that target other health problems. Effective coverage for the lowest wealth quintile is 52% compared with 61% for the highest quintile. Effective coverage is closely related to public-health spending per head across states; this relation is stronger for interventions that are not related to maternal and child health than those for maternal and child health. Considerable variation also exists in effective coverage at similar amounts of spending. We discuss the implications of these issues for the further development of the Mexican health-information system. Benchmarking of performance by measuring effective coverage encourages decision-makers to focus on quality service provision, not only service availability. The effective coverage calculation is an important device for health-system stewardship. In adopting this approach, other countries should select interventions to be measured on the basis of the criteria of affordability, effect on population health, effect on health inequalities, and capacity to measure the effects of the intervention. The national institutions undertaking this benchmarking must have the mandate, skills, resources, and independence to succeed

    Benchmarking of performance of Mexican states with effective coverage

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    Benchmarking of the performance of states, provinces, or districts in a decentralised health system is important for fostering of accountability, monitoring of progress, identification of determinants of success and failure, and creation of a culture of evidence. The Mexican Ministry of Health has, since 2001, used a benchmarking approach based on the World Health Organization (WHO) concept of effective coverage of an intervention, which is defined as the proportion of potential health gain that could be delivered by the health system to that which is actually delivered. Using data collection systems, including state representative examination surveys, vital registration, and hospital discharge registries, we have monitored the delivery of 14 interventions for 2005-06. Overall effective coverage ranges from 54.0% in Chiapas, a poor state, to 65.1% in the Federal District. Effective coverage for maternal and child health interventions is substantially higher than that for interventions that target other health problems. Effective coverage for the lowest wealth quintile is 52% compared with 61% for the highest quintile. Effective coverage is closely related to public-health spending per head across states; this relation is stronger for interventions that are not related to maternal and child health than those for maternal and child health. Considerable variation also exists in effective coverage at similar amounts of spending. We discuss the implications of these issues for the further development of the Mexican health-information system. Benchmarking of performance by measuring effective coverage encourages decision-makers to focus on quality service provision, not only service availability. The effective coverage calculation is an important device for health-system stewardship. In adopting this approach, other countries should select interventions to be measured on the basis of the criteria of affordability, effect on population health, effect on health inequalities, and capacity to measure the effects of the intervention. The national institutions undertaking this benchmarking must have the mandate, skills, resources, and independence to succeed