20 research outputs found

    The effect of technological oil spill in soil within electrical generation substations, analysed by ecological regime in the context of relief properties

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    Technological oil spills within electrical substations are the source of considerable environmental contamination. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relation between phytoindication assessments of ecological factors and geomorphological covariates and investigate the effect of the technological oil spill on ecological regimes within electrical substations. During the fieldwork 175 geobotanical releves were analysed in the years 2016–2017 within Dnipropetrovsk region (Ukraine). Within each electrical substation the geobotanical prospecting was conducted both in plots with undisturbed vegetation cover (control, the plot size 3 × 6 m) and in plots with technological oil spill (pollution, plot size 3 × 3 m). Phytoindication assessment of the following ecological factors was made: soil water regime, soil aeration, soil acidity, total salt regime, carbonate content in the soil, nitrogen content in the soil, radiation balance, aridity or humidity, continental climate, cryo-climate, light regime. HydroSHEDS data were taken for the basis for creating a digital elevation model with resolution of the data layer 15 arcseconds. The phytoindication assessments of the ecological regimes are characterized by correlation of geomorphological properties. The soil humidity is characterized by statistically significant negative correlation with the topographic position index and positive correlation with the vector ruggedness measure. The variability of damping correlates with four geomorphological predictors. This environmental regime has positive correlation with digital elevation model and diffuse insolation and negative correlation with topographic wetness index and direct insolation. The soil acidity of the edaphotope within Dnipropetrovsk region correlates with statistical signiicance with the vector ruggedness measure. The soil humidity of the edaphotope is associated with variation of the topographic wetness index, direct insolation, diffuse insolation and entropy of terrain diversity. The highest carbonate content in the soil correlates with higher risks of erosion, which is characterized by loss of soil and vertical distance to channel network. The nitrogen content in the soil is very sensitive to geomorphological features of the area. This results in the correlation of this indicator with six geomorphological predictors. Obviously, the most favourable supply of the nitrogen content in the soil is formed on upland areas. This allows positive correlation of the phytoindication assessment of the nitrogen content in the soil and the height relief. The use of relief variable as the covariate revealed the nature of the impact of soil contamination on ecological factors. Technological oil pollution leads to deterioration of water regime, reducing the availability of plant available forms of nitrogen and deterioration of soil aeration. There are also changes in microclimatic properties. There are more extreme thermal regimes and greater level of illumination. A key task for further research is to study the influence of relief features on the degree of negative transformation of soil due to technological oil pollution

    Temporal dynamic of the phylogenetic diversity of the bird community of agricultural lands in Ukrainian steppe drylands

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    This study discussed the importance of the phylogenetic components in the structure of bird communities of anthropogenically transformed ecosystems. The investigation was conducted in the landscapes of the south and south-east of Ukraine in the nesting seasons 1988–2018. The bird community in the agricultural landscape was found to be presented by 10 species. The number of species was closely correlated with its phylogenetic analogue – Faith’s index. Both indices were stationary over time, as they do not show a statistically significant time trend. The two axes were extracted as a result of the DPCOA procedure and the permutation test showed their statistical significance. The axis 1 was the most sensitive to the opposite dynamics of the abundance of Coturnix coturnix and Burhinus oedicnemus on the one hand and Alauda arvensis and Melanocorypha calandra on the other. The axis 2 is the most sensitive to the opposite dynamics of Corvus monedula and Melanocorypha calandra on the one hand and Coturnix coturnix and Motacilla flava on the other. Based on phylogenetic diversity, the years can be clustered with the extraction of four relatively homogeneous phylogenetic structures of bird communities. The indicator of the initial period of dynamics (1988–1992) was Burhinus oedicnemus. Sowing or mechanical weeding may be considered as a major factor of nest destruction of Burhinus oedicnemus. The decreasing of the abundance of the trophic recourses because of agricultural activity may have caused the monotonous negative trend over time of the Burhinus oedicnemus populations. The period 1993–2003 was a transitional one, for which there were no clear indicators, as a characteristic feature of this period was the processes of bird community restructuring. The period 2004–2013 was characterized by the loss of Burhinus oedicnemus from the community and a sharp increase in the abundance of Corvus monedula. These species are distinguished by their phylogenetic specificity and are located on the periphery relative to the phylogenetic core of the community. There was growing importance in the community of such species as Alauda arvensis, Anthus campestris, and Melanocorypha calandra between 2014 and 2018. Our results also confirm the assumption that phylogenetic overdispersion is an important requirement for the stability of the bird community in anthropogenically transformed landscapes

    The effect of technological oil spill in soil within electrical generation substations, analysed by ecological regime in the context of relief properties

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    Technological oil spills within electrical substations are the source of considerable environmental contamination. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relation between phytoindication assessments of ecological factors and geomorphological covariates and investigate the effect of the technological oil spill on ecological regimes within electrical substations. During the fieldwork 175 geobotanical releves were analysed in the years 2016–2017 within Dnipropetrovsk region (Ukraine). Within each electrical substation the geobotanical prospecting was conducted both in plots with undisturbed vegetation cover (control, the plot size 3 × 6 m) and in plots with technological oil spill (pollution, plot size 3 × 3 m). Phytoindication assessment of the following ecological factors was made: soil water regime, soil aeration, soil acidity, total salt regime, carbonate content in the soil, nitrogen content in the soil, radiation balance, aridity or humidity, continental climate, cryo-climate, light regime. HydroSHEDS data were taken for the basis for creating a digital elevation model with resolution of the data layer 15 arcseconds. The phytoindication assessments of the ecological regimes are characterized by correlation of geomorphological properties. The soil humidity is characterized by statistically significant negative correlation with the topographic position index and positive correlation with the vector ruggedness measure. The variability of damping correlates with four geomorphological predictors. This environmental regime has positive correlation with digital elevation model and diffuse insolation and negative correlation with topographic wetness index and direct insolation. The soil acidity of the edaphotope within Dnipropetrovsk region correlates with statistical signiicance with the vector ruggedness measure. The soil humidity of the edaphotope is associated with variation of the topographic wetness index, direct insolation, diffuse insolation and entropy of terrain diversity. The highest carbonate content in the soil correlates with higher risks of erosion, which is characterized by loss of soil and vertical distance to channel network. The nitrogen content in the soil is very sensitive to geomorphological features of the area. This results in the correlation of this indicator with six geomorphological predictors. Obviously, the most favourable supply of the nitrogen content in the soil is formed on upland areas. This allows positive correlation of the phytoindication assessment of the nitrogen content in the soil and the height relief. The use of relief variable as the covariate revealed the nature of the impact of soil contamination on ecological factors. Technological oil pollution leads to deterioration of water regime, reducing the availability of plant available forms of nitrogen and deterioration of soil aeration. There are also changes in microclimatic properties. There are more extreme thermal regimes and greater level of illumination. A key task for further research is to study the influence of relief features on the degree of negative transformation of soil due to technological oil pollution

    Time turnover of species in bird communities: the role of landscape diversity and climate change

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    The challenge of searching for patterns of species turnover dynamics in communities of living organisms is directly related to solving problems of stability and functioning of ecosystems. Avian communities are an essential structural and functional component of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems which are highly diverse and play an important role in a wide range of ecosystem functions. The issue of changes in the dynamics of amphibiotic landscape complexes, where terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems conjugate, is practically not solved. In this connection, a study was carried out within a landscape system, which presents terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems that were in different degrees of anthropogenic transformation. The dynamics of bird communities was considered in the context of recent global climate change. The investigation was conducted in the landscapes of the south and south-east of Ukraine in the nesting seasons 1988–2018. Within the landscape system associated with the Molochny estuary, the ten most important types of ecosystems were distinguished, which included : agricultural lands, artificial forest belts, meadows, islands and spits, reed beds, urban areas, solonchaks, steppe, cliffs, artificial forests. The temporal turnover of the bird communities was decomposed into two parts: the first term (D1) related to the amount of change in community composition, and the second term (D2) being dependent only on the amount of change in community size sensu its abundance. The contribution ratio of the species and of the environment variable were calculated to identify drivers that influence the turnover measure. The average annual temperature and the sum of annual temperatures were considered as environment variables. The bird metacommunity of the studied landscape system was represented by 132 species from 86 genera, 42 families and 13 orders. During the research period the average annual temperature varied from 9.5 to 12.5 ˚C. and the temperature dynamics were subject to the linear trend. An oscillatory component was also present in the temperature dynamics. The annual rainfall ranged 220–761 mm. A coherent change in precipitation and temperature was observed in the period until 2011. After that, the temperature growth stabilized and the amount of precipitation began to fall sharply. The steppe bird community was represented by an extremely small number of species, but demonstrated the ability to maintain a stable structure for a long time. The main fluctuations of the community were quantitative changes in abundance, while the turnover of species was practically absent. Species of the community replace each other cyclically, but there were no targeted changes in community structure. Temperature and precipitation were the main drivers of the bird community in the steppe. The bird communities on salt marshes were characterized by a stable abundance, but a constant directed turnover of species. Reduced water levels and the disappearance of islands in the salt marshes increased the risk of threats from predators, which could lead to a decrease in the abundance of some species. The islands and spits were characterized by high species turnover with quasi-cyclical population dynamics. The main feature of the community dynamics was a decrease in the role of precipitation and an increase in the role of the time factor. The role of temperature remained stably low. The species richness of bird communities in agrarian lands was higher than in steppe communities. The turnover measure was significant because of the increased abundance of Alauda arvensis. Over time, the role of precipitation in the community dynamics has been decreasing and the role of time has been increasing. The value of temperature varied, but was at a stationary level. The turnover of species was compensated by an increase in the abundance of bird communities. The obtained results are in line with findings indicating that despite more stable land use intensities in recent years, climate change has not overtaken land use intensities as the main driver of bird population dynamics

    Temperature effect on the temporal dynamic of terrestrial invertebrates in technosols formed after reclamation at a post-mining site in Ukrainian steppe drylands

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    The research was carried out at the Research Centre of the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University in Pokrov city. Sampling was carried out in 2013–2015 on a variant of artificial soil (technosols) formed on loess-like loam, red-brown clay, green-grey clay, technological mixture of rocks, and also formed on loess-like loam with a humus-rich 70 cm top soil layer. To investigate the spatiotemporal variation in the abundance, species richness and species composition of invertebrate assemblages within the experimental polygon, the animals were sampled using pitfall traps. In total, 60 pitfall traps were operated simultaneously during each sampling period. Each year the pitfalls were emptied 26 times every 7–9 days. Invertebrates (Arthropoda and Mollusca) of 6 classes, 13 orders, 50 families and 202 species or parataxonomic units were recorded. Diplopoda was most abundant taxonomic group, though it was represented by only one species Rossiulus kessleri (Lohmander, 1927). Coleoptera and Araneae were the most numerous taxonomic groups. Readily available water for plants, precipitation, wind speed, atmospheric temperature (daily minimum, daily maximum, daily mean), atmospheric humidity and atmospheric pressure were used as environmental predictors. Two dimension geographic coordinates of the sampling locations were used to generate a set of orthogonal eigenvector-based spatial variables. Time series of sampling dates were used to generate a set of orthogonal eigenvector-based temporal variables. The moisture content in the technosols was revealed to be the most important factor determining the temporal dynamics of the terrestrial invertebrate community in conditions of semi-arid climate and the ecosystem which formed as a result of the reclamation process. Following soil moisture, the factor most strongly affecting invertebrates in the technosols was temperature. From the total set of the invertebrates, two relatively homogeneous species groups in terms of thermal preferences were extracted: the microtemperature and mesotemperature groups. The microtemperature species are more tolerant to the thermal factor, and the mesotemperature species are more sensitive. The Huisman-Olff-Fresco approach expanded by Jansen-Oksanen provides a wide set of ecologically relevant models which are able to explain species response. The species response to temperature is affected by a complex of other environmental, temporal and spatial factors. The effect of other factors on the species response must be previously extracted to find real estimations of the species temperature optima and tolerance. The approaches to solving this problem may be the object of future investigation

    Effects of temperature patterns on the spawining phenology and niche overlap of fish assemblages in the water bodies of the Dnipro River basin

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    The effect of the temperature on the spawining phenology of the fish assemblages and the role of the exogenious and endogenious factors in temporal niche overlaping of fish assemblages were investigated in different water body types of the Dnipro River basin within the “Dnipro-Orilskiy" Nature Reserve (Ukraine in the years 1997-2018. The period of spawning (beginning and end) of the Blicca bjoerkna, Carassius gibelio, Scardinius erythrophthalmus, Abramis brama,Perca fluviatilis, Rutilus rutilus, and Esox lucius was estimated. Community niche overlap was estimated by calculating the pairwise Pianka index. The temperature was discused as an exogenous factor effecting on the fishes spawn timing. From 1998 to 2018 the average temperature in the study area continued to rise. The annual course of the temperature takes the sinusoidal waveform, which can be described by a fourth-degree polynomial. The residuals of the corresponding polynomial trend are specific for each year. The regular components of the residuals variation were revealed by dbMEM-variables. Fishes spawning occurred within the narrow water temperature ranges, which are specific for each fish species. There are statistically significant differences between ponds in water temperatures at which the spawning start occurred. The water temperature at which the spawning start occurred is linearly dependent on the time of the spawning start. There were temporal overlaps between spawning of the different species. The deviation of the Pianka mean niche overlap indexes from random alternatives does not depend on the habitat type. The decreasing trend of the Pianka mean niche overlap indexes was observed during the study period. There is no statistically significant correlation between the average annual air temperature and the level of the niche overlap. The degree of niche overlapping depends on broad-, medium-, and fine-scale temperature patterns

    The impact of temporal patterns of temperature and precipitation on silver Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) spawning events

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    It was revealed that Gibel carp, Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) spawning phenology is determined by regular patterns of variability in temperature and precipitation over the period of time after spawning in the previous year. The sensitivity to temperature of water as a stimulus to spawning was shown as being dependent on the characteristics of the environment and fish development trajectories over the previous year. Information about fish spawning was collected in the Dnipro-Orylskiy Nature Reserve in the following locations: Nikolayev system of water bodies, River Protoch system and the Obukhov floodplain, the channel of the River Dnipro, water bodies of the Taromske ledge. The materials that formed the basis of this research were collected from the waters of the reserve in the years 1997–2018. There are dependencies between the air and water temperatures that have their own characteristics depending on the type of water body. These dependencies are described by a logistic equation. The temperature regime in water bodies of the Taromske ledge is very similar to the temperature regime of Nikolayev system of water bodies. The difference is that the spring period of the temperature increase in water bodies of the Taromske ledge comes earlier – in late February – early March. The air temperature dynamics over the year is described by the fourth degree polynomial. The residuals of the polynomial regression for each year were subjected to principal component analysis. The principal component analysis allowed us to identify 8 principal components of the temperature regimes, which together describe 59.2% of the variation of the residual of the polynomial trend. Deviations from the linear trend of the precipitation are systematic throughout the year, reflecting the uneven nature of rainfall during the year. The residuals of linear trend regression models of cumulative precipitation can be used as indicators of the dynamics characteristic of precipitation during the year. The residuals were used for principal component analysis, which revealed that the dynamics of the precipitation can be divided into five orthogonal principal components. The first five principal components explain 82.6% of the feature space variation. The timing of the onset of C. gibelio spawning in 95% of cases occurs on the 113–139th days of the year (on average, it takes place on the 125th day). Regression analysis revealed that the climate principal components and types of the lake systems can explain 79% of the variation in the timing of the onset of C. gibelio spawning. The water temperature at the time of C. gibelio spawning was exposed to natural dynamics in year aspect. The local minimum of the onset of spawning temperatures occured in the mid 2000s. Total of 69% of the water temperature variation at which spawning begins can be described by climatic predictors and water biotope types. The variation explained by some temperature principal components may be increased considerably after including as covariates such variables as the precipitation principal component and the biotope type. This principal component which represents the high frequency variation of the air temperature regime with a characteristic period 20 and 45 days has the highest explanation ability of all the components and is a constant explanatory predictor for all considered spawning characteristics

    The Bird Communities Diversity and Indicator Groups of Natural and Anthropogenic Landscapes of the South and South-East of Ukraine

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    Abstract. In the paper the factors affecting on the α- and β-diversity of bird communities in the south and south-east of Ukraine were identified. Also indicator species for most typical habitats of the territory were identified. The relationship between indicators of bird communities diversity and area of habitats were found. The recording of the comminities of birds was held in the zonal, azonal, intrazonal, and anthropogenically transformed landscapes in the river of Danube, Dniester, Moloshnaya, Moloshniy lagoons, in artificial forests, agricultural landscapes, steppe, meadow, reed, saltmarsh habitats of the sea islands in the settlements of various type. The quantitative assessments of bird communities biodiversity were made using the logarithm of the number of species, Shannon-Wiener index, the Pielow index. The effect of the area and the type habitat on a diversity index variance was estimated using the General linear models (GLM) procedure. The estimation of the mean α-diversity of the bierd communities diversity was found to be equal of 11.0 species varying from 10.9 to 11.11. Evaluation of the γ-diversity gived a mean value of 174 species with varying scores from 170 to 177 species. Evaluation of β-diversity gived a mean value of 15.8 varying from 15.4 to 16.1. The richest in the number of birds is forests and reed belts. The smallest species richness was characterized for steppes, marshes and cliffs. Between Shannon index and Pielow index there was a positive correlation. The greatest evennes in the number of species of birds are characterized by step, shelterbelts and forests communities. The smal-lest evennes was characteristic for pits, islands and cliffs communities. The fractioning of β-diversity indicated that the type of habitat determines 37% of the variation of this indicator and the area of habitat variation determining β-diversity. The joint effect of habitat type and area determines 11% of the variation of β-diversity. The main source of variation β-diversity was the differentiation gradient “open habitats” (steppe or agriculture biotopes) – forest habitats (forests, artificial forest plantations). Indices of species diversity of birds communities was found to be depend on the area and habitat types. Also shown the dependence of species diversity of the area is specific for each type of habitat. In most cases, the number of species increased from natural habitat area. You can select habitats with high levels of species depending on the area. These included belts, woodlands, thickets of reeds. The group with the lack of statistically significant association between the number of species and habitat area, or even negative bond include anthropogenically transformed or dynamic natural habitats (alluvial sand spit islands and estuaries, agricultural, residential areas, cliffs, steppes, lakes). Species richness of these habitats was formed by the representatives of other habitat factors result in landscape diversity. With the increase in some areas monocoenosis (steppe, lake or island) the relative area of contact with neighboring habitats and ecotonic effect was reduced, resulting in species richness decreases with increasing their area. The indicators species grops were reveales due to realation between biotopes types and bird distribution. Keywords: indicating value; landscape diversity; diversity fractioning; regression analysis; ecotone

    Time turnover of species in bird communities: the role of landscape diversity and climate change

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    The challenge of searching for patterns of species turnover dynamics in communities of living organisms is directly related to solving problems of stability and functioning of ecosystems. Avian communities are an essential structural and functional component of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems which are highly diverse and play an important role in a wide range of ecosystem functions. The issue of changes in the dynamics of amphibiotic landscape complexes, where terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems conjugate, is practically not solved. In this connection, a study was carried out within a landscape system, which presents terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems that were in different degrees of anthropogenic transformation. The dynamics of bird communities was considered in the context of recent global climate change. The investigation was conducted in the landscapes of the south and south-east of Ukraine in the nesting seasons 1988–2018. Within the landscape system associated with the Molochny estuary, the ten most important types of ecosystems were distinguished, which included : agricultural lands, artificial forest belts, meadows, islands and spits, reed beds, urban areas, solonchaks, steppe, cliffs, artificial forests. The temporal turnover of the bird communities was decomposed into two parts: the first term (D1) related to the amount of change in community composition, and the second term (D2) being dependent only on the amount of change in community size sensu its abundance. The contribution ratio of the species and of the environment variable were calculated to identify drivers that influence the turnover measure. The average annual temperature and the sum of annual temperatures were considered as environment variables. The bird metacommunity of the studied landscape system was represented by 132 species from 86 genera, 42 families and 13 orders. During the research period the average annual temperature varied from 9.5 to 12.5 ˚C. and the temperature dynamics were subject to the linear trend. An oscillatory component was also present in the temperature dynamics. The annual rainfall ranged 220–761 mm. A coherent change in precipitation and temperature was observed in the period until 2011. After that, the temperature growth stabilized and the amount of precipitation began to fall sharply. The steppe bird community was represented by an extremely small number of species, but demonstrated the ability to maintain a stable structure for a long time. The main fluctuations of the community were quantitative changes in abundance, while the turnover of species was practically absent. Species of the community replace each other cyclically, but there were no targeted changes in community structure. Temperature and precipitation were the main drivers of the bird community in the steppe. The bird communities on salt marshes were characterized by a stable abundance, but a constant directed turnover of species. Reduced water levels and the disappearance of islands in the salt marshes increased the risk of threats from predators, which could lead to a decrease in the abundance of some species. The islands and spits were characterized by high species turnover with quasi-cyclical population dynamics. The main feature of the community dy-namics was a decrease in the role of precipitation and an increase in the role of the time factor. The role of temperature remained stably low. The species richness of bird communities in agrarian lands was higher than in steppe communities. The turnover measure was significant because of the increased abundance of Alauda arvensis. Over time, the role of precipitation in the community dynamics has been decreasing and the role of time has been increasing. The value of temperature varied, but was at a stationary level. The turno-ver of species was compensated by an increase in the abundance of bird communities. The obtained results are in line with findings indicating that despite more stable land use intensities in recent years, climate change has not overtaken land use intensities as the main driver of bird population dynamics. Keywords: ecosystem stability, temporal dynamic, estuary, beta-diversity, temperature, precipitation

    Annual course of temperature and precipitation as proximal predictors of birds’ responses to climatic changes on the species and community level

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    The study was conducted in the landscapes of south-eastern Ukraine during the nesting seasons 1988–2018. Within the landscape system associated with the Molochny Estuary, the ten most important ecosystem types were investigated, including the following: agricultural land, vegetated strips, meadows, islands and spits, reedbeds, urban areas, salt marshes, steppe, cliffs, artificial forests. Bird species responded to temperature and precipitation gradients. The patterns of responses were presented using Huisman, Olff and Fresco expanded by the Jansen-Oksanen hierarchical models. The nature of species response in the gradient of temperature or precipitation conditions depends on the type of particular ecosystem and is not uniform for all populations inhabiting the different landscape types. The bird communities were revealed to demonstrate an abrupt dynamic over time. The continuous changes in community structure initiated by the external environmental factors are combined with modifications of internal biotic interactions, which may lead to abrupt reorganization of the community