1,657 research outputs found

    Non-conservative Evolution of Cataclysmic Variables

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    We suggest a new mechanism to account for the loss of angular momentum in binaries with non-conservative mass exchange. It is shown that in some cases the loss of matter can result in increase of the orbital angular momentum of a binary. If included into consideration in evolutionary calculations, this mechanism appreciably extends the range of mass ratios of components for which mass exchange in binaries is stable. It becomes possible to explain the existence of some observed cataclysmic binaries with high donor/accretor mass ratio, which was prohibited in conservative evolution models.Comment: LaTeX, 32 pages, to be published in Astron. Z

    Fréchet mimo-filters

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    Медианная фильтрация получила широкое распространение при обработке скалярных изображений в качестве методов фильтрации, сохраняющих перепады яркости. Главная идея медианной фильтрации состоит в том, что центральный пиксель сканирующей маски заменяется медианой всех пикселей, содержащихся в маске. В этой работе идея расширяется на векторно-значные изображения. Расширение основывается на том факте, что медиана является также точкой, которая минимизирует сумму расстояний между ней и всеми скалярными пикселями внутри маски. Точкой Фреше конечного множества векторно-значных пикселей в некотором метрическом пространстве (с заданной метрикой) является такой вектор, сумма расстояний до которого от всех векторных пикселей (находящихся внутри маски) имеет минимальное значение. В данной статье понятие точки Фреше расширяется до обобщенной медианы Фреше, в которой используется агрегация расстояний, а не их сумма. Более того, при обобщении используются не классические расстояния, а их агрегационные обобщения. Обобщенные медианы Фреше используются для построения новых медианных MIMO-фильтров

    Sodium balance structure within the elementary geosystems (by the example of basin of the Elva River in the Komi republic)

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    The evaluation of the sodium ionic balance by the example of the little-developed area of the Elva River basin in the Russian Federation has been performed in the present research. It has been established that the main role in the element circulation belongs to the lithogenic base due to prevalence of the freely-soluble rocks composing the basin. The contribution of the atmospheric precipitations to the ion delivery and removal within the catchment area is insignificant and makes about 20% which is related to remoteness of the area from the large industrial centers and areas of the seas. It has been discovered that the plant industry plays a small part in the sodium circulation. In general, the anthropogenic transformation of the sodium circulation is primarily associated with the animal industry facilities due to the cattle-feeding with NaCl. © 2014 AENSI Publisher All rights reserved

    N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) Gene Polymorphisms and the Effectiveness of Infertility Treatment in Patients with Peritoneal Endometriosis

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    Today, infertility has become a global issue. WHO ranks it the fifth among the major diseases of those below 60 years, after alcoholism, depression, injuries and eyesight disorders. Numerous studies conducted on the problems of infertility in endometriosis still do not offer clear answers regarding the pathogenesis and mechanisms of this disease and its influences on fertility. According to the survey results, point mutations of the NAT2 gene (NAT2*5 and NAT2*6) have been identified in 75.6% of the patients with infertility problems and the peritoneal form of endometriosis, that create “slow” allelic variants, which exceed the average index in the population. The peculiarities of the NAT2 gene polymorphisms have been proven to be associated with the effectiveness of the infertility treatment of female patients with peritoneal endometriosis. In the group of non-pregnant patients, the presence of с.341Т>C, c.481C>T, c.590G>A and c.803A>G heterozygous point mutations are 73.2, 73.2, 5.4, and 62.5%, respectively. The significant difference in the comparison of the allelic polymorphism during the various stages of the endometriosis was not identified. At stage III-IV endometriosis the frequency of three and more point substitutions was significantly higher. NAT2 gene polymorphisms can find use as an additional criterion for predicting the effectiveness of the infertility treatment of patients with peritoneal endometriosis