47 research outputs found

    Политическая социология и политический менеджмент в предметном поле политической науки

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    The article deals with the methodological problems of transformation processes in political science in the late XIX-th-early XX centuries and in the period between the two world wars. The author reveals the causes and origins of the crisis phenomena in political science due to the new political realities in the world and new trends in the political science development. The process of modern political science formation is analyzed in its gradual development (formal-legal, traditional, behavioral and post-behavioral). The special role of the Chicago revolution in political science, which created the environment and the ground for the emergence of the “behavioral” revolution, is revealed. The main program provisions of the “behavioral” revolution are indicated, its results, the main vectors of political science development in the post-behavioral era are revealed.The role of structural functionalism (G. Almond and his school) in the formation of modern political science is revealed. The article deals with the interaction of political science with related social disciplines, which led to the emergence of some hybrid disciplines of political knowledge, including political sociology and political management. The content of the hybridization concept is revealed. The role of sociology in this process as the “main donor” of political science in the considered era is revealed. Object-subject areas of political sociology and political management, their place and role in the mechanism of socio-political systems functioning in the subject field of political science are defined. Generalizing conclusions are made.В статье рассматриваются методологические проблемы трансформационных процессов в политической науке в конце XIX — начале ХХ столетий и в период между двумя мировыми войнами. Раскрываются причины и истоки зарождения кризисных явлений в политической науке, обусловленные новыми политическими реалиями, сложившимися в мире, и новыми тенденциями в развитии самой политической науки. Процесс становления современной политической науки анализируется в ее поэтапном развитии (формально-правовом, традиционном, поведенческом и пост-поведенческом). Раскрыта особая роль “чикагской революции” в политологии, создавшей среду и почву для возникновения “поведенческой” революции. Обозначены основные программные положения “поведенческой” революции, выявлены ее результаты, основные векторы развития политической науки в пост-поведенческую эпоху.Раскрыта роль структурного функционализма (Г. Алмонд и его школа) в формировании современной политической науки. Рассматривается взаимодействие политической науки со смежными социальными дисциплинами, приведшее к появлению целого ряда гибридных дисциплин политического знания, в том числе политической социологии и политического менеджмента. Раскрыто содержание понятия “гибридизация”. Выявлена роль социологии в этом процессе как “главного донора” политической науки в рассматриваемую эпоху. Определены объектно-предметные области политической социологии и политического менеджмента, их место и роль в механизме функционирования социально-политических систем, в предметном поле политической науки. Сделаны обобщающие выводы

    Лоббизм как струкутурный элемент механизма функционирования социально-политических систем

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    The article reveals the place and role of lobbying in socio-political systems mechanism of functioning in democratic countries. The American version of the group approach to politics and its perception of the European continent are considered in the historical context. The concept of lobbying as a certain activity of pressure groups its mechanism and functions are specified. The concepts of lobbying and corruption correlation is revealed. The features of lobbying in the developing countries are identified. Lobbying is considered as a formal and informal institution of sociopolitical systems mechanism of functioning.В статье раскрываются место и роль лоббизма в механизме функционирования социально-политических систем демократических стран. В историческом контексте рассматривается американская версия группового подхода в политике и ее восприятие на европейском континенте. Уточняется понятие лоббизма как определенной деятельности групп давления, его механизм и функции. Раскрыто соотношение понятий лоббизма и коррупции. Выявлены особенности лоббизма в развивающихся странах. Лоббизм рассматривается как структурный элемент механизма функционирования социально-политических систем

    Кафедра политологии и социологии политических процессов

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    This article is devoted to the history of the Department of Political Science and Sociology of Political Processes of the Faculty of Sociology at Lomonosov Moscow State University. The stages of the organization and formation of the Department, the processes of teaching formation and methodological activities, which have occurred over the thirty-year history of the Faculty of Sociology, are considered, and the priority areas of the professors research works are outlined.Представленная статья посвящена историческому аспекту развития кафедры политологии и социологии политических процессов социологического факультета Московского государственного университета имени М.В. Ломоносова. Рассмотрены произошедшие за тридцатилетнюю историю социологического факультета этапы организации и формирования кафедры, процессы становления учебно-методической деятельности, а также изложены приоритетные направления научно-исследовательской работы профессорскопреподавательского состава

    Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the xth international congress of virology: August 11-16,1996 Binyanei haOoma, Jerusalem, Israel Part 2 Plenary Lectures

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    Клиническое исследование эффективности и безопасности препарата Визомитин®, глазные капли, у пациентов с возрастной катарактой

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    PURPOSE: The assessment of possibility to add a new indication for the registered pharmaceutical. Evaluation of safety and efficacy of Visomitin® compared to placebo in patients with age-related cataracts. METHODS: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study of Visomitin® eye drops in patients with age-related cataracts was conducted in accordance with Good Clinical Practice guidance, the Declaration of Helsinki and the Russian regulatory requirements. The study included 80 patients (23 men and 57 women) aged 45 to 75 years with diagnosed age-related cataract. All subjects were randomized into two groups of 40 patients each. In the treatment group patients received Visomitin® eye drops and in the control group, patients were given placebo (vehicle, i.e. eye drops with the same composition as Visomitin® except for the active substance SkQ1) in the form of instillations of one drop per each eye three times daily for six months. The study comprised 7 monthly visits. The following standard ophthalmological examinations were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy: visual acuity measurement, refractometry, biomicroscopy of the eye, ophthalmoscopy, tonometry, computer perimetry, densitometry. At certain visits lacrimal fluid was taken for evaluation of its antioxidant activity. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured as a part of safety evaluation which also included documentation of complaints and adverse events. Concomitant therapies were also documented. RESULTS: Analysis of safety parameters showed Visomitin® to be safe and well tolerated for patients with age-related cataract. Practically no adverse effects were documented during the study. In both groups a decrease of the number of patients with subjective complaints was observed. These complaints included: visual deterioration, dryness, grittiness, burning eyes, eye fatigue. The decrease of the number of complaints in the Visomitin® group was more pronounced than in the placebo group. During the first months of treatment an improvement of visual acuity was observed in both groups. This result can be explained by a protective effect of hypromellose contained in both Visomitin® and placebo. However, between the 4th and the 6th months, the improvement in visual acuity significantly slowed down in the placebo group, while positive dynamics remained the same in the Visomitin® group. At the end of the treatment visual acuity increased by more than 50% in Visomitin® group and remained at the level of 10-15% in the placebo group (statistically significant difference between placebo and Visomitin® groups,

    Political sociology and political management in the subject field of political science

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    The article deals with the methodological problems of transformation processes in political science in the late XIX-th-early XX centuries and in the period between the two world wars. The author reveals the causes and origins of the crisis phenomena in political science due to the new political realities in the world and new trends in the political science development. The process of modern political science formation is analyzed in its gradual development (formal-legal, traditional, behavioral and post-behavioral). The special role of the Chicago revolution in political science, which created the environment and the ground for the emergence of the “behavioral” revolution, is revealed. The main program provisions of the “behavioral” revolution are indicated, its results, the main vectors of political science development in the post-behavioral era are revealed.The role of structural functionalism (G. Almond and his school) in the formation of modern political science is revealed. The article deals with the interaction of political science with related social disciplines, which led to the emergence of some hybrid disciplines of political knowledge, including political sociology and political management. The content of the hybridization concept is revealed. The role of sociology in this process as the “main donor” of political science in the considered era is revealed. Object-subject areas of political sociology and political management, their place and role in the mechanism of socio-political systems functioning in the subject field of political science are defined. Generalizing conclusions are made

    Resistance of basalt fiber in carbonate dispersion-reinforced concrete

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