3 research outputs found


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    Artykuł został poświęcony analizie funkcjonowania motywu nieśmiertelności w powieściach poetyckich Leonida Horłacza (Mamaj, Ruina, Czyste pole, Palec Askolda, Wyspa Słowiańska). Na podstawie prac P. Bargara, A. Wesełowskiego, І. Dziuby, J. Morgana, І. Sylantiewa, S. Thompsona przedstawiono osobliwości motywu jako formuły literackiej. Trafność badania wynika z mitologicznego korzenia inwariantnego motywu nieśmiertelności, jego wyjątkowej roli w kulturze ukraińskiej (i w ogóle światowej) i omijania tego tematu w studiach nad utworami L. Horłacza. Naświetlono wykorzystanie przez pisarza pogańskich i chrześcijańskich tradycji opisu życia po śmierci, potraktowanie nieśmiertelności jako cechy bóstwa albo nagrody i kary dla ludzi. Motyw nieśmiertelności jest również związany z pamięcią, sławą i wkładem osobistości we wspólne dzieło. Realizacji analizowanego motywu sprzyjają mitologemy, symbole i alegorie (nić Mojr, ogień, sad, pszczoła).The article deals with the analysis of functioning of the immortality motif in L. Horlach’s poetic novels (Mamay, Ruin, Open Field, Askold’s Finger, Slavic Island). Based on the works of P. Bargar, A. Veselovskij, I. Dziuba, J. Morgan, I. Silantev and S. Thompson, the scecific nature of the motif as a literary element is presented. The relevance of the study is determined by the mythological origin of the invariant motif of immortality, its unique role in Ukrainian (and world-wide) culture and the lack of studies on this topic, all based on L. Horlach’s works. This paper shows the writer’s use of pagan and Christian traditions in describing the afterlife, the understanding of immortality as a feature of a deity or as a reward and punishment for people. The motif of immortality is also connected to the concept of memory, fame and the contribution of personalities to the common goal. The motif is analyzed using mythologies, symbols and allegories (the thread of Moirai, fire, garden, bee).The article deals with the analysis of functioning of the immortality motif in L. Horlach’s poetic novels (Mamay, Ruin, Open Field, Askold’s Finger, Slavic Island). Based on the works of P. Bargar, A. Veselovskij, I. Dziuba, J. Morgan, I. Silantev and S. Thompson, the scecific nature of the motif as a literary element is presented. The relevance of the study is determined by the mythological origin of the invariant motif of immortality, its unique role in Ukrainian (and world-wide) culture and the lack of studies on this topic, all based on L. Horlach’s works. This paper shows the writer’s use of pagan and Christian traditions in describing the afterlife, the understanding of immortality as a feature of a deity or as a reward and punishment for people. The motif of immortality is also connected to the concept of memory, fame and the contribution of personalities to the common goal. The motif is analyzed using mythologies, symbols and allegories (the thread of Moirai, fire, garden, bee)

    Communicative Methods of Forming Professional Competences of Future Foreign Specialists During Distance Learning of Ukrainian Language in HEIs

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    The COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's military aggression against Ukraine have surely influenced the intensive development of distance learning and showed the difficulties that occurred during the educational process, especially for foreign students. Under such conditions, the use of the latest means of teaching the Ukrainian language has become one of the main priorities for the training of future foreign specialists in higher education institutions. The purpose of the work is to analyze and identify effective methods that will develop communicative abilities of foreign students in the process of learning Ukrainian. During the study, video materials, dictionaries and color schemes were used, and the survey was conducted with second and third year students. The results of the research showed that introducing students to the cultural heritage of Ukraine before the direct study of the language increased their motivation and desire to learn Ukrainian. In addition, due to the use of role/business games and video materials in stages in accordance with their specialization, there was an increase in vocabulary, as indicated by high rates of listening. In case of problems with the perception of information and its adequate understanding (reception), mnemonics were used, which included non-verbal sign language or the principle of situationality. The study also showed that most students have difficulties with learning grammar. Therefore, the method of color schemes was used, which helped to focus on the exceptions and rules with a certain color. The methodology proposed by the authors was used in the study of cases of noun and adjective. At the same time, students independently chose colors and made an association with the concept indicated by the teacher. In addition, during the work it was advisable to use dictionaries, in particular, to search for words of foreign origin, which greatly influenced the process of proper understanding of the educational material by foreigners. The results show positive changes for effective, high-quality and fast learning of Ukrainian language by foreigners

    Проблема тривожності українських студентів під час дистанційного навчання в умовах пандемії COVID-19

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    The aim: To explore the students’ mental health in general and their anxiety in particular on remote learning during COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: The study is based on the material of 112 respondents (85 females and 27 males), interviewed using The Depression, Anxiety and Stress scale-21 (DASS-21) and SAN – the test for emotional state. Results: There are statistically significant differences between the samples of 1st and 2nd year students in terms of "depression" and "stress". The latter are more typical for second-year students. The article argues that, given the COVID-19 pandemic situation and the disruption of normal face-to-face learning, the true causes that determine the indicated trends deserve more extensive and comprehensive research. Conclusion: It has been identified that the situation as a whole significantly affected the students’ mental health in general and their anxiety level in particular.Мета: дослідити психічне здоров’я студентів загалом та їхню тривожність, зокрема, під час дистанційного навчання під час пандемії COVID-19. Матеріали та методи: Дослідження проведено на матеріалі 112 респондентів (85 жінок і 27 чоловіків), опитаних за шкалою депресії, тривожності та стресу-21 (DASS-21) та САН – тесту емоційного стану. Результати: Виявлені статистично значущі відмінності між вибірками студентів 1 та 2 курсу за показниками «депресія» та «стрес». Останні більш характерні для студентів другого курсу. У статті стверджується, що враховуючи ситуацію з пандемією COVID-19 та порушення нормального очного навчання, справжні причини, які визначають зазначені тенденції, заслуговують на більш широке та комплексне дослідження. Висновок: встановлено, що ситуація в цілому суттєво вплинула на психічне здоров’я студентів загалом та рівень їх тривожності зокрема