9 research outputs found

    The role of online brand communities on building brand equity and loyalty through relational benefits

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    From a marketing perspective, companies use social media as a tool to establish relationships with customers. Thus, brand–customer relationships via social media are able to deliver different kinds of benefits for customers. This article conducts empirical research in order to measure the effect of each type of relational benefit on Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) and customer loyalty. The findings show that social and exploration benefits affect CBBE and loyalty, while monetary and recognition benefits influence loyalty and CBBE, respectively. Results contribute to the existing literature by providing insights to the highly relevant phenomenon of social media across different industries


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    Drawing on existing research dealing with time in brand and brand management, this paper aims at providing a comprehensive and coherent framework of some time-related concepts, with a special emphasis on what happens when a brand reaches the senescence stage. In addition, it strives to consider what happens when a brand becomes long-lived enough, looking at the brand\u2019s customer base. While undoubtedly time affects customers\u2019 age and generations, the demand side of the brand-customer relationship is actually under-researched. Finally, a research agenda is developed, in order to improve what is currently known about such an important but neglected topic as the effects that the passing of time has both on the brand and on the consumers it addresses to

    Endothelin Receptors Expressed by Immune Cells Are Involved in Modulation of Inflammation and in Fibrosis: Relevance to the Pathogenesis of Systemic Sclerosis

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    open13noEndothelin-1 (ET-1) plays a pivotal role in vasoconstriction, fibrosis, and inflammation, the key features of systemic sclerosis (SSc). ET-1 receptors (ETA and ETB) are expressed on endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts, but their presence on immune cells has not been deeply investigated so far. Endothelin receptors antagonists such as bosentan have beneficial effects on vasoconstriction and fibrosis, but less is known about their potential anti-inflammatory effects. We studied the expression of ET-1 receptors on immune cells (T and B lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils) and the link between ET-1 and inflammation in patients with SSc. We show here that ET-1 exerts a proinflammatory effect in CD4+ T cells, since it induces an increased IFN-γ production; preincubation with antagonists of both receptors reduces IFN-γ production. Moreover, following ET-1 stimulation, neutrophils produce proinflammatory mediators, thus amplifying the effects of activated CD4+ T cells. Our data indicate that ET-1 system is involved in the pathogenesis of inflammation and fibrosis typical of SSc, through the activation of T lymphocytes and neutrophils and the consequent release of proinflammatory and profibrotic cytokines. These findings suggest that dual ET-1 receptors antagonist therapy, besides its effect on vasculopathy, has a profound impact on the immune system favouring antiinflammatory and antifibrogenic effects.openElisa, Tinazzi; Antonio, Puccetti; Giuseppe, Patuzzo; Alessandro, Barbieri; Giuseppe, Argentino; Federico, Confente; Marzia, Dolcino; Ruggero, Beri; Giacomo, Marchi; Andrea, Ottria; Daniela, Righetti; Mariaelisa, Rampudda; Claudio, LunardiTinazzi, Elisa; Puccetti, Antonio; Patuzzo, Giuseppe; Barbieri, Alessandro; Argentino, Giuseppe; Confente, Federico; Dolcino, Marzia; Beri, Ruggero; Marchi, Giacomo; Ottria, Andrea; Righetti, Daniela; Rampudda, Mariaelisa; Lunardi, Claudi

    Brand co-creation in the value chain: evidence from a case-study in the cosmetic industry

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    Objectives. The goal of this article is to illustrate the processes of value creation and delivery value and brand co-creation exploring the underlying mechanisms taking into consideration the role of an intermediary in such processes. Methodology. The context of the study regards the cosmetic industry, in particular a case study from the hair care sector has been chosen. Data have been collected through interviews both with the manufacturer (a beauty care company) and with the intermediary (beauty professionals) side. Findings. Professionals not only sell the merchandise and transfer the producer\u2019s brand identity to the final customer, but help him/her to extract more meaning from the brand. Such strategic alliances, that are not constituted through a commercial partnership but rather rely on closeness and value alignment between the manufacturer and the professionals, can provide several benefits for the company. Research limits. Results are very industry specific. Another limitation is that not all stakeholders involved were considered in the study. For instance final customers were not interviewed. Practical implications. The study can help companies to understand the activities that intermediaries can do in order to co-create value helping the supplier to deliver higher value to the final customer. Originality of the study. This paper provides an empirically-grounded representation of actors\u2019 participation in B2B branding co-creatio

    How Environmentally Friendly is E-Commerce? An Exploration into Young Shoppers\u2019 Perceptions and Preferences

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    Since its introduction as a purchasing options, e-commerce has become a well-established retail channel across different industries. Environmental sustainability, on its part, is also an important strategic issue companies cannot avoid to deal with and to properly manage. To date, research is mixed about the impact of e-commerce on the environment, in particular with respect to delivery practices; some scholars claim that e-commerce is more sustainable than traditional retail, while others support the opposite. Regardless of who is correct, much of the environmental effect of e-commerce is affected by shoppers\u2019 perceptions and behaviors. Our study aims to explore the impact of shoppers\u2019 perceptions of e-commerce and its impact on the environment; in particular, since its involvement with the digital context, the Millennials cohort has been chosen as unit of analysis. In order to do so, data were collected through an online survey. Though several studies are available in the environmental and logistics literature, to the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first that takes into account the role of the e-shopper in the retail supply chain

    The human dimension of a brand influences brand equity: an empirical examination in the context of a luxury and a convenience brand

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    The objective of the present research is to examine the relationship between consumer's perception of Firm of Origin (FOO) of a company and the equity they associate with the brand. FOO is related to the importance consumers attribute to human dimension of a company. Brand equity (BE) is conceptualised as a three-dimensional construct including brand awareness/associations, perceived quality and brand loyalty. In order to investigate the relationship between brand equity and FOO, a FOO scale was developed and validated. Then, a survey was undertaken using a convenience sample. The questionnaire used to collect data included two categories of brands: convenience and luxury brands. The relationship between BE and FOO was examined using multivariate analysis of variance. In addition, the impact of FOO has been investigated on consumers' intention to purchase the brand products. Results indicate that brand equity varies with the importance associated with FOO. This is true for both luxury and convenience brands, and FOO affects each driver of BE, namely brand awareness/associations, perceived quality and brand loyalty. The principal contribution of this study is that it demonstrates empirically a positive relationship between the human dimension of the firm (FOO) and brand equity. The people considered are those placed at every level in the organisation: entrepreneurial, managerial and operational

    Endothelin Receptors Expressed by Immune Cells Are Involved in Modulation of Inflammation and in Fibrosis: Relevance to the Pathogenesis of Systemic Sclerosis

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    Endothelin-1 (ET-1) plays a pivotal role in vasoconstriction, fibrosis, and inflammation, the key features of systemic sclerosis (SSc). ET-1 receptors (ETA and ET(B)) are expressed on endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts, but their presence on immune cells has not been deeply investigated so far. Endothelin receptors antagonists such as bosentan have beneficial effects on vasoconstriction and fibrosis, but less is known about their potential anti-inflammatory effects. We studied the expression of ET-1 receptors on immune cells (T and B lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils) and the link between ET-1 and inflammation in patients with SSc. We show here that ET-1 exerts a proinflammatory effect in CD4+ T cells, since it induces an increased IFN-\u3b3 production; preincubation with antagonists of both receptors reduces IFN-\u3b3 production. Moreover, following ET-1 stimulation, neutrophils produce proinflammatory mediators, thus amplifying the effects of activated CD4+ T cells. Our data indicate that ET-1 system is involved in the pathogenesis of inflammation and fibrosis typical of SSc, through the activation of T lymphocytes and neutrophils and the consequent release of proinflammatory and profibrotic cytokines. These findings suggest that dual ET-1 receptors antagonist therapy, besides its effect on vasculopathy, has a profound impact on the immune system favouring antiinflammatory and antifibrogenic effects

    Endothelin Receptors Expressed by Immune Cells Are Involved in Modulation of Inflammation and in Fibrosis: Relevance to the Pathogenesis of Systemic Sclerosis

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    Endothelin-1 (ET-1) plays a pivotal role in vasoconstriction, fibrosis, and inflammation, the key features of systemic sclerosis (SSc). ET-1 receptors (ETA and ET(B)) are expressed on endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts, but their presence on immune cells has not been deeply investigated so far. Endothelin receptors antagonists such as bosentan have beneficial effects on vasoconstriction and fibrosis, but less is known about their potential anti-inflammatory effects. We studied the expression of ET-1 receptors on immune cells (T and B lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils) and the link between ET-1 and inflammation in patients with SSc. We show here that ET-1 exerts a proinflammatory effect in CD4+ T cells, since it induces an increased IFN-γ production; preincubation with antagonists of both receptors reduces IFN-γ production. Moreover, following ET-1 stimulation, neutrophils produce proinflammatory mediators, thus amplifying the effects of activated CD4+ T cells. Our data indicate that ET-1 system is involved in the pathogenesis of inflammation and fibrosis typical of SSc, through the activation of T lymphocytes and neutrophils and the consequent release of proinflammatory and profibrotic cytokines. These findings suggest that dual ET-1 receptors antagonist therapy, besides its effect on vasculopathy, has a profound impact on the immune system favouring antiinflammatory and antifibrogenic effects