232 research outputs found

    Poly(hydroxyalkanoates)-Based Polymeric Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery

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    Poly (hydroxyalkanoates) (PHAs) have recently attracted a great deal of academic and industrial interest for their biodegradability and biocompatibility making them suitable for environmental and biomedical applications. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-) (PHB-) and Poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA-) based nanoparticles were prepared using the dialysis method as yet unreported for the preparation of nanoparticles based on PHB. Processing conditions were varied in order to evaluate their influence on morphology, drug encapsulation, and size of nanoparticles. The relevant results obtained give a theoretical understanding of the phenomenon occurring during colloidal formation. The adopted procedure allows for a relatively small diameter and homogeneity in size distribution of the PHB nanoparticles to be obtained compared to other methods like the one based on solvent evaporation which leads to particles on microscale. The biocompatibility of PHB and relative nanoparticles was investigated and both exhibited very good cytocompatibility

    Three-Dimensional Models of the Oligomeric Human Asialoglycoprotein Receptor (ASGP-R)

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    The work presented here is aimed at suggesting plausible hypotheses for functional oligomeric forms of the human asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGP-R), by applying a combination of different computational techniques. The functional ASGP-R is a hetero-oligomer, that comprises of several subunits of two different kinds (H1 and H2), which are highly homologous. Its stoichiometry is still unknown. An articulated step-wise modeling protocol was used in order to build the receptor model in a minimal oligomeric form, necessary for it to bind multi-antennary carbohydrate ligands. The ultimate target of the study is to contribute to increasing the knowledge of interactions between the human ASGP-R and carbohydrate ligands, at the molecular level, pertinent to applications in the field of hepatic tissue engineering

    Additive Manufacturing of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate)/poly(ε-caprolactone) Blend Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering

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    Additive manufacturing of scaffolds made of a polyhydroxyalkanoate blended with another biocompatible polymer represents a cost-effective strategy for combining the advantages of the two blend components in order to develop tailored tissue engineering approaches. The aim of this study was the development of novel poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate)/ poly("-caprolactone) (PHBHHx/PCL) blend scaffolds for tissue engineering by means of computer-aided wet-spinning, a hybrid additive manufacturing technique suitable for processing polyhydroxyalkanoates dissolved in organic solvents. The experimental conditions for processing tetrahydrofuran solutions containing the two polymers at different concentrations (PHBHHx/PCL weight ratio of 3:1, 2:1 or 1:1) were optimized in order to manufacture scaffolds with predefined geometry and internal porous architecture. PHBHHx/PCL scaffolds with a 3D interconnected network of macropores and a local microporosity of the polymeric matrix, as a consequence of the phase inversion process governing material solidification, were successfully fabricated. As shown by scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric, differential scanning calorimetric and uniaxial compressive analyses, blend composition significantly influenced the scaffold morphological, thermal and mechanical properties. In vitro biological characterization showed that the developed scaffolds were able to sustain the adhesion and proliferation of MC3T3-E1 murine preosteoblast cells. The additive manufacturing approach developed in this study, based on a polymeric solution processing method avoiding possible material degradation related to thermal treatments, could represent a powerful tool for the development of customized PHBHHx-based blend scaffolds for tissue engineering

    Hemoglobin Loaded Alginate Particles

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    Over the last few years medical and pharmaceutical industries have shown an increasing interest in alginate, an anionic polysaccharide widely distributed in the cell walls of brown algae. The present work aims at loading Human Hemoglobin (Hb) into alginate particles; the modification of some formulation parameters was carefully investigated by analysing changes on particles size and protein physicochemical properties. Particles were prepared by dropping alginate into an aqueous solution containing Hb and CaCl2, which permits the formation of particles through ionic cross- linking. Hb loaded alginate beads were obtained possessing an average diameter of about 2 mm and a protein loading of about 5%. Physicochemical characterizations showed that the protein maintained its functional ability of reversibly binding oxygen and its quaternary structure once loaded into alginate beads. In a refinement of the first formulation trials, Hb loaded alginate microparticles with diameter around 150 μm were obtained with a protein loading of about 50

    A novel Electrospinning Procedure for the Production of Straight Aligned and Winded Fibers

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    An electrospinning procedure allowing the spinning of a straight jet of polymer solution was developed. By using proper collector devices, it enables to collect winded and aligned fibers and to prepare polymeric constructs developing along the Z axis. The reported results are expected to provide basic understandings on which parameters are controlling the stability/instability of the process and implement new applications of electrospinning with specific reference to the preparation of well defined three-dimensional structure

    Renewable Polysaccharides Micro/Nanostructures for Food and Cosmetic Applications

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    The worldwide diffusion of nanotechnologies into products nowadays has completely revolutionized human life, providing novel comfort and benefits. Their inclusion in food and cosmetic has a heavy impact over the market, allowing the development of higher value products with enhanced properties. Natural origin polymers and in particular polysaccharides represent a versatile platform of materials for the development of micro/nanostructured additives for food and cosmetic products due to their chemical versatility, biocompatibility, and abundance. Here, we review the current applications of polysaccharides-based micro/nanostructures, taking into consideration the precursors’ production, isolation, and extraction methods and highlighting the advantages, possible drawbacks, and market diffusion

    Design, preparation and characterization of ulvan based thermosensitive hydrogels

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    The present study is focused on the exploitation and conversion of sulphated polysaccharides obtainedfrom waste algal biomass into high value added material for biomedical applications. ulvan, a sulphatedpolysaccharide extracted from green seaweeds belonging to Ulva sp. was selected as a suitable materialdue to its chemical versatility and widely ascertained bioactivity. To date the present work representsthe first successful attempt of preparation of ulvan-based hydrogels displaying thermogelling behaviour.ulvan was provided with thermogelling properties by grafting poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) chains ontoits backbone as thermosensitive component. To this aim ulvan was properly modified with acryloylgroups to act as macroinitiator in the radical polymerization of N-isopropylacrylamide, induced by UVirradiation through a “grafting from” method. The thermogelling properties of the copolymer were inves-tigated by thermal and rheological analyses. Sol–gel transition of the copolymer was found to occur at30–31◦C thus indicating the feasibility of ulvan for being used as in-situ hydrogel forming systems forbiomedical application

    Perspectives on polymeric nanostructures for the therapeutic application of antimicrobial peptides

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are a class of promising anti-infective molecules but their therapeutic application is opposed by their poor bioavailability, susceptibility to protease degradation and potential toxicity. The advancement of nanoformulation technologies offers encouraging perspectives for the development of novel therapeutic strategies based on AMPs to treat antibiotic resistant microbial infections. Additionally, the use of polymers endowed per-se with antibacterial properties, stands out as an innovative approach for the development of a new generation of drug delivery systems in which an enhanced antimicrobial action could be obtained by the synergic combination of bioactive polymer matrices and drugs. Herein, the latest AMPs drug delivery research is discussed

    Additive Manufacturing of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Biomedical Implants with Dual-Scale Porosity

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    The development of bone permanent implants with a porous structure favoring their integration with the surrounding tissues is emerging as an attractive field of application of additive manufacturing (AM). This article reports on the investigation of the suitability of a hybrid AM technique, that is, computer-aided wet-spinning (CAWS), to fabricate novel poly(methyl meth- acrylate) (PMMA) constructs as porous implant prototypes. The optimization of the processing parameters to fabricate PMMA samples with a predefined internal porous structure and different external shapes is described. The study demonstrates that tailoring post-processing conditions represents a powerful tool to optimize samples macroscopic aspect, micromorphology, and mechanical properties. In particular, the possibility of obtaining a dual-scale porosity through the integration of the macroporous structure determined by the material lay-down pattern with a submicrometric porosity resulting from the phase inversion process governing polymer solidification, together with the possibility of purifying the employed commercial material from residual monomer during coagulation in ethanol, are reported as note- worthy advantages of CAWS over other AM techniques. A natural progression of this work is the development of relevant complex anatomical prototypes with tailored porosity by processing digital data obtained from computer tomography imaging of bone defects