55 research outputs found

    On the biological role of Fraunhofer lines of the Sun

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    The important role of Fraunhofer lines formed in the solar atmosphere in the spectrum of the Sun for the biological evolution on Earth has been discussed. In vitro, laboratory experiments have been accomplished to substantiate the concept of the role of Fraunhofer lines as drivers of the evolution via impact on molecules of biological significance. As a practical application of the concept, successful results of clinical tests on humans have been obtained to demonstrate the possibility of non-medicinal means to be used for therapy in the cases of infectious deceases such as HIV/AIDS. The importance for human health of blurring Fraunhofer lines due to increasing atmospheric pollution has been emphasized

    Pitfalls of the geographic population structure (GPS) approach applied to human genetic history: a case study of Ashkenazi Jews

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    In a recent interdisciplinary study, Das and co-authors have attempted to trace the homeland of Ashkenazi Jews and of their historical language, Yiddish (Das et al. 2016. Localizing Ashkenazic Jews to Primeval Villages in the Ancient Iranian Lands of Ashkenaz. Genome Biology and Evolution). Das and co-authors applied the geographic population structure (GPS) method to autosomal genotyping data and inferred geographic coordinates of populations supposedly ancestral to Ashkenazi Jews, placing them in Eastern Turkey. They argued that this unexpected genetic result goes against the widely accepted notion of Ashkenazi origin in the Levant, and speculated that Yiddish was originally a Slavic language strongly influenced by Iranian and Turkic languages, and later remodeled completely under Germanic influence. In our view, there are major conceptual problems with both the genetic and linguistic parts of the work. We argue that GPS is a provenancing tool suited to inferring the geographic region where a modern and recently unadmixed genome is most likely to arise, but is hardly suitable for admixed populations and for tracing ancestry up to 1000 years before present, as its authors have previously claimed. Moreover, all methods of historical linguistics concur that Yiddish is a Germanic language, with no reliable evidence for Slavic, Iranian, or Turkic substrata

    On certain approaches to the control methods development for the precipitation formation processes in convective clouds

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    The article aims at searching for the optimal way of emission of ice nucleating agent in convective cloud in order to prevent ‎formation of harmful hail by analyzing simulations of this process within a numerical model ‎of cloud‎. The state of the physics of clouds and active influences on them is discussed. It is noted that at the present time studies of the regularities of the formation and development of clouds as a whole begin taking into account their systemic properties. The main directions of research at the next stage of its development are discussed. The features of the existing methods of active action on convective clouds are noted, the main tasks encountered in the development of methods for controlling sedimentation in convective clouds by introducing reagents are formulated. It is noted that research on the development of methods for active influence on clouds should be conducted on the basis of new and more effective approaches, which should be based on the extensive use of mathematical modeling. Some approaches to solving this problem are discussed. According to the authors, the most promising of them are approaches based on the theory of optimal control and bifurcation theory. Some results of numerical modeling of the active effect on convective clouds are given

    The attitude of USMU students to vaccination against COVID-19

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    The aim of the study – to determine the attitude of medical students to vaccination against COVID-19 (motivation, possible problems, post-vaccination reactions).Цель исследования – определить отношение студентов-медиков к вакцинопрофилактике COVID-19 (мотивация, возможные проблемы, поствакцинальные реакции)

    Pulseless disease

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    The article discusses a rare form of large vessel vasculitis – Takayasu arteritis, based on the literature data; the questions of epidemiological, the sequence of diagnostic procedures and treatment tactics are reflectedВ статье рассмотрена редкая форма васкулита крупных артерий - Артериит Такаясу, на основании литературных данных отражены вопросы эпидемиологии, последовательность проведения диагностических процедур и тактики лечени

    Epizooty of Tularemia, Detected in the Population of the Common Vole in the Natural Focus of Steppe Type in the South-East of the Rostov Region in 2020

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    The aim of study was to conduct epizootiological monitoring of natural tularemia foci of the steppe type and investigate epizootic activity in the south-east of the Rostov Region.Materials and methods. An epizootiological survey was carried out on the territory of Remontnensky, Sal’sky and Peschanokopsky districts of the Rostov Region in 2019–2021. To capture and collect mammals, Ixodidae ticks and to study the samples of field material conventional methods were used.Results and discussion. Habitation of 16 species of small mammals, 6 species of Ixodidae ticks has been found. Molecular-genetic analysis of the voles has revealed the presence of the species Microtus arvalis obscurus in the studied area of the region. The circulation of the tularemia agent has been established in the population of common and social voles, forest mouse, hare, rook, Dermacentor marginatus, Hyalomma marginatum, removed from rooks. In May 2020, a high increase in the number of the social vole in the Remontnensky district (up to 21 %), in July 2020 – the common vole in the agrocenoses of the Sal’sky district (up to 33 %) was observed. An extensive epizooty of tularemia was detected in the population of common vole in the south-east of the Rostov Region and in adjacent territories in the Republic of Kalmykia and the Stavropol territory. Two cultures of the pathogen were isolated from the fallen and captured social voles, and four cultures – from the common vole. The isolated strains belong to the Holarctic subspecies of Francisella tularensis EryR. The results obtained attest to the activation of the natural tularemia focus in the south-east of the Rostov Region and its high epizootic activity

    Epidemiology of bloodstream infections in the burn icu

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    The study included data on 80 adult patients hospitalized in the ICU of the Yekaterinburg Burn Center in 2018 - 2019, who underwent at least one bacteriological blood test. In a small observational study, bloodstream infection did not lead to an increase in mortality, but is an important factor in increasing the incidence (length of hospitalization and ICU). In 70,5% of cases, the source of bloodstream infections are P. aeruginosa and S. aureus. The duration of standing of the CVC is one of the most important criteria for the development of bloodstream infectionsВ исследование включены данные о 80 взрослых пациентах, госпитализированных в ОРИТ ожогового центра Екатеринбурга в 2018 – 2019 гг, которым было сделано по крайней мере одно бактериологическое исследование крови. В небольшом обсервационном исследовании инфекция кровотока не привела к увеличению летальности, но является важным фактором увеличивающем заболеваемость (длительность госпитализации в стационаре и ОРИТ). В 70,5% случаев источником инфекций кровотока являются P. aeruginosa и S. aureus. Длительность стояния ЦВК один из важнейших критериев, обуславливающих развитие инфекций кровотока

    Time of flight photoelectron momentum microscopy with 80 500 MHz photon sources electron optical pulse picker or bandpass pre filter

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    The small time gaps of synchrotron radiation in conventional multi bunch mode 100 500 MHz or laser based sources with high pulse rate 80 MHz are prohibitive for time of flight ToF based photoelectron spectroscopy. Detectors with time resolution in the 100 ps range yield only 20 100 resolved time slices within the small time gap. Here we present two techniques of implementing efficient ToF recording at sources with high repetition rate. A fast electron optical beam blanking unit with GHz bandwidth, integrated in a photoelectron momentum microscope, allows electron optical pulse picking with any desired repetition period. Aberration free momentum distributions have been recorded at reduced pulse periods of 5 MHz at MAX II and 1.25 MHz at BESSY II . The approach is compared with two alternative solutions a bandpass pre filter here a hemispherical analyzer or a parasitic four bunch island orbit pulse train, coexisting with the multi bunch pattern on the main orbit. Chopping in the time domain or bandpass pre selection in the energy domain can both enable efficient ToF spectroscopy and photoelectron momentum microscopy at 100 500 MHz synchrotrons, highly repetitive lasers or cavity enhanced high harmonic sources. The high photon flux of a UV laser 80 MHz, lt;1 meV bandwidth facilitates momentum microscopy with an energy resolution of 4.2 meV and an analyzed region of interest ROI down to lt;800 nm. In this novel approach to sub m ARPES the ROI is defined by a small field aperture in an intermediate Gaussian image, regardless of the size of the photon spo

    Different approaches for interpretation and reporting of immunohistochemistry analysis results in the bone tissue – a review

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