305 research outputs found

    Anomalous transport properties of the halfmetallic ferromagnets Co2TiSi, Co2TiGe, and Co2TiSn

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    In this work the theoretical and experimental investigations of Co2TiZ (Z = Si, Ge, or Sn) compounds are reported. Half-metallic ferromagnetism is predicted for all three compounds with only two bands crossing the Fermi energy in the majority channel. The magnetic moments fulfill the Slater-Pauling rule and the Curie temperatures are well above room temperature. All compounds show a metallic like resistivity for low temperatures up to their Curie temperature, above the resistivity changes to semiconducting like behavior. A large negative magnetoresistance of 55% is observed for Co2TiSn at room temperature in an applied magnetic field of 4T which is comparable to the large negative magnetoresistances of the manganites. The Seebeck coefficients are negative for all three compounds and reach their maximum values at their respective Curie temperatures and stay almost constant up to 950 K. The highest value achieved is -52muV/K m for Co2TiSn which is large for a metal. The combination of half-metallicity and the constant large Seebeck coefficient over a wide temperature range makes these compounds interesting materials for thermoelectric applications and further spincaloric investigations.Comment: 4 pages 4 figure

    Exotic magnetism in the alkali sesquoxides Rb4O6 and Cs4O6

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    Among the various alkali oxides the sesquioxides Rb4O6 and Cs4O6 are of special interest. Electronic structure calculations using the local spin-density approximation predicted that Rb4O6 should be a half-metallic ferromagnet, which was later contradicted when an experimental investigation of the temperature dependent magnetization of Rb4O6 showed a low-temperature magnetic transition and differences between zero-field-cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) measurements. Such behavior is known from spin glasses and frustrated systems. Rb4O6 and Cs4O6 comprise two different types of dioxygen anions, the hyperoxide and the peroxide anions. The nonmagnetic peroxide anions do not contain unpaired electrons while the hyperoxide anions contain unpaired electrons in antibonding pi*-orbitals. High electron localization (narrow bands) suggests that electronic correlations are of major importance in these open shell p-electron systems. Correlations and charge ordering due to the mixed valency render p-electron-based anionogenic magnetic order possible in the sesquioxides. In this work we present an experimental comparison of Rb4O6 and the related Cs4O6. The crystal structures are verified using powder x-ray diffraction. The mixed valency of both compounds is confirmed using Raman spectroscopy, and time-dependent magnetization experiments indicate that both compounds show magnetic frustration, a feature only previously known from d- and f-electron systems

    Anisotropic magnetization, critical temperature, and paramagnetic Curie temperature in the highly anisotropic magnetic Heusler compound Rh<sub>2</sub>CoSb

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    The paramagnetic Curie temperature theta(p) is a concept that describes the magnetic ordering temperature in the well-established Curie-Weiss law. Despite the successful explanations of the magnetic behavior, the anisotropy is not usually considered. Although anisotropic theta(p) has been reported for several layered antiferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic materials owing to the orientation-dependent exchange, in ferromagnetic systems, theta(p) was thought to be almost isotropic for decades, and the occasionally reported small difference has remained unexplained. In this paper, we experimentally report the anisotropic magnetization, critical temperature, and paramagnetic Curie temperature in highly anisotropic magnetic Rh2CoSb caused by a large magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The saturation magnetization along the c axis is 25% larger than that along the a axis. The critical temperature and paramagnetic Curie temperature along the c axis are 6 and 15 K higher than those along the a axis, respectively, as deduced from the Arrott plots and inverse susceptibility. A simple modification of the Curie-Weiss law was made to calculate the anisotropic theta(p), which well explains not only Rh2CoSb, but also many other previously reported ferromagnetic materials

    Investigation on Mn3−δ_{3-\delta}Ga/MgO interface for magnetic tunneling junctions

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    The Mn3_3Ga Heusler compound and related alloys are the most promising materials for the realization of spin-transfer-torque switching in magneto tunneling junctions. Improved performance can be achieved by high quality interfaces in these multilayered structured devices. In this context, the interface between Mn1.63_{1.63}Ga and MgO is of particular interest because of its spin polarization properties in tunneling junctions. We performed a chemical characterization of the MgO/Mn1.63_{1.63}Ga junction by hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES). The experiment indicated the formation of Ga-O bonds at the interface and evidenced changes in the local environment of Mn atoms in the proximity of the MgO film. In addition, we show that the insertion of a metallic Mg-layer interfacing the MgO and Mn--Ga film strongly suppresses the oxidation of gallium

    Improving thermoelectric performance of TiNiSn by mixing MnNiSb in the half-Heusler structure

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    The thermoelectric properties of n type semiconductor, TiNiSn is optimized by partial substitution with metallic, MnNiSb in the half Heusler structure. Herein, we study the transport properties and intrinsic phase separation in the system. The Ti1-xMnxNiSn1-xSbx alloys were prepared by arc-melting and were annealed at temperatures obtained from differential thermal analysis and differential scanning calorimetry results. The phases were characterized using powder X-ray diffraction patterns, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry. After annealing the majority phase was TiNiSn with some Ni rich sites and the minority phases was majorly Ti6Sn5, Sn, and MnSn2. Ni rich sites were caused by Frenkel defects, this led to a metal-like behavior of the semiconducting specimens at low temperature. For x up to 0.05 the samples showed an activated conduction, whereas for x>0.05 they showed metallic character. The figure of merit for x=0.05 was increased by 61% (ZT=0.45) in comparison to the pure TiNiSn.Comment: 7 pages and 5 figures. Submitted to Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - RSC Publishing on 6th of October, 201

    Large linear non-saturating magnetoresistance and high mobility in ferromagnetic MnBi

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    A large non-saturating magnetoresistance has been observed in several nonmagnetic topological Weyl semi-metals with high mobility of charge carriers at the Fermi energy. However, ferromagnetic systems rarely display a large magnetoresistance because of localized electrons in heavy d bands with a low Fermi velocity. Here, we report a large linear non-saturating magnetoresistance and high mobility in ferromagnetic MnBi. MnBi, unlike conventional ferromagnets, exhibits a large linear non-saturating magnetoresistance of 5000% under a pulsed field of 70 T. The electrons and holes’ mobilities are both 5000 cm2V−1s−1 at 2 K, which are one of the highest for ferromagnetic materials. These phenomena are due to the spin-polarised Bi 6p band’s sharp dispersion with a small effective mass. Our study provides an approach to achieve high mobility in ferromagnetic systems with a high Curie temperature, which is advantageous for topological spintronics. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Multi-objective Robust Strategy Synthesis for Interval Markov Decision Processes

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    Interval Markov decision processes (IMDPs) generalise classical MDPs by having interval-valued transition probabilities. They provide a powerful modelling tool for probabilistic systems with an additional variation or uncertainty that prevents the knowledge of the exact transition probabilities. In this paper, we consider the problem of multi-objective robust strategy synthesis for interval MDPs, where the aim is to find a robust strategy that guarantees the satisfaction of multiple properties at the same time in face of the transition probability uncertainty. We first show that this problem is PSPACE-hard. Then, we provide a value iteration-based decision algorithm to approximate the Pareto set of achievable points. We finally demonstrate the practical effectiveness of our proposed approaches by applying them on several case studies using a prototypical tool.Comment: This article is a full version of a paper accepted to the Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST) 201
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