9 research outputs found

    Penentuan Kondisi Optimum Dalam Penandaan Ligan Edtmp Dengan Radioisotop 170tm

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    PENENTUAN KONDISI OPTIMUM DALAM PENANDAAN LIGAN EDTMP DENGAN RADIOISOTOP 170Tm.Tulium-170 (170Tm) merupakan salah satu radioisotop yang dapat digunakan untuk terapi paliatif karena merupakanpemancar-b yang memiliki T1/2 = 128,4 hari dan Eb (maksimum) sebesar 0,968 MeV. Radioisotop 170Tm selain pemancar-b juga memancarkan sinar-g dengan energi sebesar 84 keV (3,26%) yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk penyidikan(imaging) selama terapi berlangsung. Ligan etilendiamintetrametilen fosfonat (EDTMP) dapat ditandai denganradioisotop 170Tm sebagai radiofarmaka alternatif untuk penghilang rasa sakit (paliatif) akibat metastase kanker ketulang menggantikan 89SrCl2. Telah dilakukan penentuan kondisi optimum dalam penandaan ligan EDTMP denganradioisotop 170Tm berdasarkan variasi beberapa parameter yang berpengaruh dalam reaksi penandaan, yaitu jumlahligan EDTMP, pH penandaan dan waktu inkubasi. Senyawa bertanda 170Tm-EDTMP yang diperoleh ditentukanefisiensi penandaan melalui pemeriksaan kemurnian radiokimianya dengan cara kromatografi kertas danelektroforesis kertas. Kondisi optimum penandaan diperoleh pada pH 7 dengan jumlah ligan EDTMP sebanyak 2 mgdan waktu inkubasi selama 15 menit pada temperatur kamar. Kompleks yang terbentuk memberikan efisiensipenandaan maksimum sebesar 99,23 ± 0,27%. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, ligan EDTMP dapat ditandaidengan radioisotop 170Tm dengan efisiensi penandaan yang tinggi (di atas 95%)

    Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Radioisotop Tulium-170 ( 170 Tm)

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    Tulium-170 ( 170 Tm) merupakan radioisotop pemancar β yang memiliki T1/2 = 128,4 hari dan E β (maksimum) sebesar 0,968 MeV. Radioisotop 170 Tm selain pemancar β juga memancarkan sinar γ dengan energi sebesar 84 keV (3,26%) yang dapat digunakan untuk penyidikan (imaging) selama terapi berlangsung. Berdasarkan sifat radionuklidanya, 170 Tm dapat digunakan sebagai radioisotop alternatif dalam pembuatan radiofarmaka untuk paliatif pengganti 89 SrCl2. Pembuatan radioisotop 170 Tm telah dilakukan menggunakan sasaran tulium oksida (Tm2O3) alam yang diiradiasi di fasilitas iradiasi RSG-G.A. Siwabessy – Serpong. Bahan sasaran dilarutkan dengan larutan HCl 1 N sambil dikisatkan perlahan-lahan sampai hampir kering, kemudian dilarutkankembali dengan akuabides steril. Larutan 170 TmCl3 diuji melalui pemeriksaan kemurnian radiokimia dengan cara kromatografi kertas dan elektroforesis kertas. Aktivitas dan kemurnian radionuklida larutan 170 TmCl3 ditentukan dengan menggunakan alat cacah spektrometer γ saluran ganda. Larutan radioisotop 170 TmCl3 yang diperoleh mempunyai pH antara 1,5 – 2, terlihat jernih, mempunyai aktivitas jenis dan konsentrasi radioaktif masing-masing sebesar 1,9– 2,7 mCi/mg dan 17 - 24 mCi/mL pada saat end of irradiation (EOI). Larutan 170 TmCl3 mempunyai kemurnian radiokimia sebesar 99,14 ± 0,42% dan kemurnian radionuklida sebesar100%. Hasil uji stabilitas larutan radioisotop 170 TmCl3 terhadap waktu penyimpanan menunjukkan bahwa setelah disimpan selama stabil dengan kemurnian radiokimia sebesar 99,43 ± 0,56%

    Pengembangan Teknologi Proses Radioisotop Medis 131i Menggunakan Metode Kolom Resin Penukar Ion untuk Aplikasi Kedokteran Nuklir

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    . Penyakit kanker merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian utama di seluruh dunia. Upaya untuk mengatasi penyakit kanker dilakukan dengan cara diagnosis dan terapi. Teknik kedokteran nuklir menggunakan radioisotop iodium-131 (131I) merupakan salah satu teknik yang dapat digunakan dalam diagnosis dan terapi beberapa jenis kanker terutama kanker endokrin. Diagnosis dan terapi menggunakan radioisotop 131I telah banyak digunakan di beberapa rumah sakit di Indonesia, namun pasokan 131I saat ini terhambat. Pusat Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Terapan – Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional telah memiliki kemampuan untuk memproses radioisotop 131I menggunakan metode destilasi basah. Untuk meningkatkan yield proses dan memperbaiki aspek keselamatan, perlu dilakukan suatu penelitian untuk mengembangkan teknologi proses radioisotop 131I. Salah satu metode yang dapat diaplikasikan pada teknologi proses adalah metode pemisahan menggunakan kolom resin penukar ion. Pada penelitian menggunakan metode kolom, target telurium hasil iradiasi dilarutkan bersama dengan 131I yang terbentuk, telurium dan 131I dipisahkan menggunakan kolom berisi resin penukar ion. Kondisi optimasi hasil penelitian menggunakan pelarut NaOH 2 N, jenis resin Dowex 1x8 (Cl- form), 100 – 200 mesh dan eluen NH4NO3 0,5 N. Karakteristik produk akhir yang memenuhi standar acuan kedokteran nuklir hasil proses pemisahan diperoleh yield lebih besar 70 %, kemurnian radionuklida > 99 %, kemurnian radiokimia > 95 %, radioisotop 131I berupa larutan jernih pada pH 7

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Molybdenum Content in 99mtc Solution Via Mo-tga-kscn Complexes Formation

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    SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC DETERMINATION OF MOLYBDENUM CONTENT IN 99mTc SOLUTION VIA Mo-TGA-KSCN COMPLEXES FORMATION. Quality of Technetium-99m solution is determined from its radiochemical, radionuclidic and chemical purity. One of the major concern about chemical purity of Tc-99m from irradiated natural molybdenum is its molybdenum content or Mo breaktrough. Spectrophotometric method is one of method that could be applied for Mo determination in Tc-99m solution. Molybdenum (V) could form a colored complexes with potassium thiocyanate (KSCN) but Molybdenum (VI) must be reduced before formed a complexes with KSCN. Thioglycolic Acid (TGA) was used as reducing agent to obtain reduced Mo (Mo(V)). A series of optimization process was carried out to find optimum condition of complex formation for analysis purposes. Optimized condition were 3 mL of 25% HCl was added into a volume of Mo sample, followed by 200 µL of 10% TGA, 1 mL of 10% KSCN, and water addition up to 10 mL total volume. The method is linear over 2 ppm to 30 ppm Mo with regression coeffisient 0.9988±0.0007. The detection limit was 0.212 ppm Mo. Color of the complex has a stability of absorbance up to 120 minutes while stored at room temperature. No significant deviation occured when 1000 ppm of oxalic acid, methyl ethyl ketone and iron added into sample solution. This complexing method is suitable for spectrophotometric determination of molybdenum content in Tc-99m solution as a part of quality control process

    Synthesis and Characterization of Benzotriazolium-based Ionic Liquids for Technetium-99m Separation From Molybdenum by Il-mediated Extraction Process

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    Various separation techniques for separation of technetium-99m (99mTc) from molybdenum-99 (99Mo) are being developed to overcome the drawbacks of using 99Mo from neutron activation technique. Ionic liquids (ILs) were used in many extraction processes in metal separation due to their high selectivity. In this research, two benzotriazolium-based ionic liquids were used as co-extractant in 99mTc/ Mo separation process via liquid-liquid extraction. 1-octyl-3-methyl-benzotriazolium iodide ([MeOcBtu]I) and 1-octyl-3-methyl-benzotriazolium bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide ([MeOcBtu]TF2N) were successfully synthesized and analyzed by FTIR, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR. Extraction processes were conducted in various organic solvents, pH, and extraction time without/ with ionic liquids addition. The data of ratio between 99mTc distribution coefficient compared to Mo distribution coefficient showed that the addition of ionic liquids exhibited significant improvement of separation factor. The separation factor of extraction using conventional water immiscible solvent ranged between 0 – 8 and increased to 30 – 600 as ILs were added. The optimum conditions which achieved highest separation factor were pH 14 using [MeOcBtu]I-chloroform. Benzotriazolium-based ionic liquid potential to be developed as extractant in the separation of 99mTc from 99Mo

    Synthesis Of Buthyl Bromide Labeled 82br For Leakage Detection Application In Industrial Pipeline System

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    The detection of a leakage in an installation or pipeline in industrial complex is difficult to be done because related to security, safety, and operation condition. With expanded radioisotope application as a tracer in industry, hence a leakage in a pipe can be detected easily and qiuickly without needed excavation or stop the production process. The selection of radioisotope labeled compound as radiotracer should be examined carefully to determine the appropriate and well mixed radiotracer with the material passing through the pipeline system. Radioisotope labeled compound butyl bromide-82 (C4H982Br) as a radiotracer can be synthesized by reacting K82Br with 1-Butanol and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) as a catalyst. The experiment result shows that synthesized C4H982Br by composition of 15 mL K82Br solution (0.1 gr/mL KBr) and 10 mL 1-Butanol gave the highest percentage of reactions amount 50,00% and 40,95%. Characterization by FTIR showed that the product has absorption band for C-Br at 514,99-738,74 cm-1. GCMS analysis showed the peak of C4H982Br together with other 7 peaks of impurities with 43.03% percentage of C4H982Br peak. In distribution coefficient determination of C4H982Br in the test solution from industry (ethylene dichloride), Kd value of 5,1350 was obtained and more than 98% C4H982Br distilled together with ethylene dichloride in 110°C distillation process whereas no radioactivity detected in distillation flask if K82Br was used. Based on these results, C4H982Br is suitable to be applied as radiotracer for leakage detection in pipeline system with organic compounds as passing liquid including ethylene dichloride

    Anticancer activity of Indonesian Melia azedarach L.: Phyto-chemistry, in vitro and in silico studies

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    This study describes the isolation of bioactive compounds and their in vitro anticancer activities from Melia azedarach L leaves from Karanglor, Karangan, Karanganom Klaten, Central Java-Indonesia. Isolated and characterised were the phenolics, kaempferol 7-O-rutinoside 1 and 4-methoxyresorcinol 3, The anticancer activity of the crude methanol extract of M. azedarach against a number cell lines (LNCaP, MDA-MB-231, and MCF-7) was found to be moderate; kaempferol derivatives were notable for their antiproliferative activities. Computational analysis, including molecular docking simulations and molecular dynamic studies, were used to investigate the feasibility of radiolabelled versions of 1 and 3 as theranostic agents targeting tyrosine kinase-type cell surface receptor HER2 in cancer - the iodinated derivatives 2 and 4, respectively, were used in this investigation as surrogates. The corresponding radioiodinated 2 and 4 were found to have high binding affinities of 10.1 and 5.7 kcal/mol, respectively, and have a good stability on the receptor

    Translocator Protein 18 kDa (TSPO): A Promising Molecular Target for Image-Guided Surgery of Solid Cancers

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    The translocator protein 18-kDa (TSPO) is a mitochondrial membrane protein that is previously identified as the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR). Furthermore, it plays a significant role in a diverse range of biochemical processes, including steroidogenesis, mitochondrial cholesterol transport, cell survival and death, cell proliferation, and carcinogenesis. Several investigations also reported its roles in various types of cancers, including colorectal, brain, breast, prostate, and lung cancers, as well as melanoma. According to a previous study, the expression of TSPO was upregulated in cancer cells, which corresponds to an aggressive phenotype and/or poor prognosis. Consequently, the potential for crafting diagnostic and prognostic tools with a focus on TSPO holds great potential. In this context, several radioligands designed to target this protein have been identified, and some of the candidates have advanced to clinical trials. In recent years, the use of hybrid probes with radioactive and fluorescence molecules for image-guided surgery has exhibited promising results in animal and human studies. This indicates that the approach can serve as a valuable surgical navigator during cancer surgery. The current hybrid probes are built from various molecular platforms, including small molecules, nanoparticles, and antibodies. Although several TSPO-targeted imaging probes have been developed, their development for image-guided surgery of cancers is still limited. Therefore, this review aims to highlight recent findings on the involvement of TSPO in carcinogenesis, as well as provide a new perspective on the potential application of TSPO-targeted hybrid probes for image-guided surgery

    Preclinical Evaluation of Chicken Egg Yolk Antibody (IgY) Anti-RBD Spike SARS-CoV-2—A Candidate for Passive Immunization against COVID-19

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a substantial threat to the international health sector and the global economy. As of 26 December 2021, the number of mortalities resulting from COVID-19 exceeded 5.3 million worldwide. The absence of an effective non-vaccine treatment has prompted the quest for prophylactic agents that can be used to combat COVID-19. This study presents the feasibility of chicken egg yolk antibody (IgY) anti-receptor-binding domain (RBD) spike SARS-CoV-2 as a strong candidate to neutralize the virus for application in passive immunization. For the purpose of preclinical studies, we radiolabeled IgY anti-RBD spike SARS-CoV-2 with radionuclide iodine-131. This allowed us to evaluate several biological characteristics of IgY in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo. The preclinical data suggest that IgY anti-RBD spike SARS-CoV-2 could specifically bind to the SARS-CoV-2 antigens; however, little uptake was observed in normal cells (MRC-5) (<2%). Furthermore, the ex vivo biodistribution study revealed that IgY predominantly accumulated in the trachea of normal mice compared to other organs. We also found that IgY possessed a good safety profile when used as an intranasal agent. Taken together, we propose that IgY anti-RBD spike SARS-CoV-2 has the potential for application in passive immunization against COVID-19