43 research outputs found

    Què és la ?filosofia del cinema?? Una panoràmica sobre l?estat de la qüestió

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     What Is the ?Philosophy of Film?? An Overview of the State of the Art   Resum: En la primera secció d?aquest article traçarem un ?estat de la qüestió? del camp d?estudis conegut com a ?filosofia del cinema?, amb especial interès en la seua gènesi. Seguirem, en conseqüència, el recorregut del debat meta-teòric que ha determinat els successius canvis de paradigma, centrant els tres moments que han marcat l?evolució dels estudis filosòfics sobre el cinema des dels inicis de la teoria clàssica fins al fragmentat panorama dels nostres dies. En la segona secció exposarem la discussió al voltant de la qüestió del ?cinema-com-a-filosofia? (?film as philosophy?), un tòpic recent que ha abordat les possibilitats del cinema com si fóra un autèntic agent filosòfic capaç d?elaborar un tipus de pensament a l?altura de la mateixa filosofia. Aquesta perspectiva ha estat popularitzada en la seua forma actual per Stephen Mulhall, per la qual cosa ens basarem en la seua proposta com a mode de tematitzar la discussió i presentar les seues diferents varietats. Paraules clau: teoria del cinema; filosofia del cinema; metafilosofia; cinema-com-a-filosofia cognitivisme; Stephen Mulhall; Noël Carroll.    In the first section of this paper we will draw a state of the art from the field of studies known as philosophy of film, with a special interest in its origin. In order to do this, we will follow the course of the meta-theorical debate, which has determined the successive paradigm changes, focusing on the three key moments that have marked the evolution of philosophical studies about the cinema, from the beginnings of the classical theory to the nowadays fragmented panorama. In the second section we will discuss the issue of film as philosophy, a recent topic that has presented cinema as a true philosophical agent, introducing such a high complexity thinking capable to match that of philosophy itself. This perspective has been popularized in its current form by Stephen Mulhall, which is the reason why we will use his proposal to thematise the discussion and present its different varieties. Keywords: Theory of Film; Philosophy of Film; Metaphilosophy; fillm-as-philosophy; Stephen Mulhall; Noël Carroll

    A Single Scalable LSTM Model for Short-Term Forecasting of Massive Electricity Time Series

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Forecasting in Electricity Markets with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.Most electricity systems worldwide are deploying advanced metering infrastructures to collect relevant operational data. In particular, smart meters allow tracking electricity load consumption at a very disaggregated level and at high frequency rates. This data opens the possibility of developing new forecasting models with a potential positive impact on electricity systems. We present a general methodology that can process and forecast many smart-meter time series. Instead of using traditional and univariate approaches, we develop a single but complex recurrent neural-network model with long short-term memory that can capture individual consumption patterns and consumptions from different households. The resulting model can accurately predict future loads (short-term) of individual consumers, even if these were not included in the original training set. This entails a great potential for large-scale applications as once the single network is trained, accurate individual forecast for new consumers can be obtained at almost no computational cost. The proposed model is tested under a large set of numerical experiments by using a real-world dataset with thousands of disaggregated electricity consumption time series. Furthermore, we explore how geo-demographic segmentation of consumers may impact the forecasting accuracy of the model.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish government through projects MTM2017-88979-P and PID2019-108311GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and from Fundación Iberdrola through “Ayudas a la Investigación en Energía y Medio Ambiente 2018”

    RNF43 mutations predict response to anti-BRAF/EGFR combinatory therapies in BRAFV600E metastatic colorectal cancer

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    Colorectal cancer; Predictive markers; Tumour biomarkersCáncer colorrectal; Marcadores predictivos; Biomarcadores tumoralesCàncer colorrectal; Marcadors predictius; Biomarcadors tumoralsAnti-BRAF/EGFR therapy was recently approved for the treatment of metastatic BRAFV600E colorectal cancer (mCRCBRAF-V600E). However, a large fraction of patients do not respond, underscoring the need to identify molecular determinants of treatment response. Using whole-exome sequencing in a discovery cohort of patients with mCRCBRAF-V600E treated with anti-BRAF/EGFR therapy, we found that inactivating mutations in RNF43, a negative regulator of WNT, predict improved response rates and survival outcomes in patients with microsatellite-stable (MSS) tumors. Analysis of an independent validation cohort confirmed the relevance of RNF43 mutations to predicting clinical benefit (72.7% versus 30.8%; P = 0.03), as well as longer progression-free survival (hazard ratio (HR), 0.30; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.12–0.75; P = 0.01) and overall survival (HR, 0.26; 95% CI, 0.10–0.71; P = 0.008), in patients with MSS-RNF43mutated versus MSS-RNF43wild-type tumors. Microsatellite-instable tumors invariably carried a wild-type-like RNF43 genotype encoding p.G659fs and presented an intermediate response profile. We found no association of RNF43 mutations with patient outcomes in a control cohort of patients with MSS-mCRCBRAF-V600E tumors not exposed to anti-BRAF targeted therapies. Overall, our findings suggest a cross-talk between the MAPK and WNT pathways that may modulate the antitumor activity of anti-BRAF/EGFR therapy and uncover predictive biomarkers to optimize the clinical management of these patients.VHIO would like to acknowledge the Cellex Foundation for providing research facilities and equipment, the FERO Foundation for their funding support, the Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Cáncer (CIBERONC, CB16/12/00259) from the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII), Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the Department of Health (Generalitat de Catalunya, SLT008/18/00198 and SLT008/18/00205) for their support on this research. Authors acknowledge financial support from the State Agency for Research (Agencia Estatal de Investigación) (CEX2020-001024-S / AEI / 10.13039 /501100011033). This research is funded by the SCITRON program; Novartis funded the genomics characterization by WES of samples from 28 patients from the discovery cohort and had no influence on data analysis/interpretation or writing of the paper (3003145512 to R.A.T.). S.Li. is financially supported by a Chinese Scholarship Council PhD fellowship (201909370083 to S. Li). R.P.-L. is supported by a CRIS Foundation Talent Award (TALENT19-05), the FERO Foundation, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Investigación en Salud (PI18/01395 and PI21/01019 to R.P.-L.) and the Prostate Cancer Foundation (Young Investigator Award). This work was supported by the Miguel Servet-I Research Award from ISCIII of the Ministry of Economy (CP17/00199 to R.A.T.), the Olga Torres Foundation Award to emerging researchers (2601 to R.A.T.), the ISCIII-FEDER (PI17/00947 and PI20/00968 to E.E.), and the Fundación AECC (CLSEN19001ELEZ to E.E.) and Ministry of Science and Innovation (Europa Redes y Gestores, ECT2020-000827 to E.E.)