14 research outputs found

    Oxidation of Cellular Amino Acid Pools Leads to Cytotoxic Mistranslation of the Genetic Code

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    Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases use a variety of mechanisms to ensure fidelity of the genetic code and ultimately select the correct amino acids to be used in protein synthesis. The physiological necessity of these quality control mechanisms in different environments remains unclear, as the cost vs benefit of accurate protein synthesis is difficult to predict. We show that in Escherichia coli, a non-coded amino acid produced through oxidative damage is a significant threat to the accuracy of protein synthesis and must be cleared by phenylalanine-tRNA synthetase in order to prevent cellular toxicity caused by mis-synthesized proteins. These findings demonstrate how stress can lead to the accumulation of non-canonical amino acids that must be excluded from the proteome in order to maintain cellular viability

    Aquaporin-4 Reduces Post-Traumatic Seizure Susceptibility by Promoting Astrocytic Glial Scar Formation in Mice

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    Seizures are important neurological complications after traumatic brain injury (TBI) and are reported for up to 50% of patients with TBI. Despite several studies, no drug strategy has been able to alter the biological events leading to epileptogenesis. The glial water channel, aquaporin-4 (AQP4), was shown to facilitate cytotoxic cell swelling in ischemia and glial scar formation after stab wound injury. In this study, we examined post-traumatic seizure susceptibility of AQP4-deficient mice (AQP4-/-) after injection of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) 1 month after controlled cortical impact (CCI) and compared them to wild-type sham injury controls. After PTZ injection, AQP4-/- mice demonstrated dramatically shortened seizure latency (120 ± 40 vs. 300 ± 70 sec; p < 0.001) and increased seizure severity (grade 7.5 ± 0.4 vs. 5.8 ± 0.4; p < 0.001) compared to their wild-type counterparts. Morphometric analysis demonstrated a significant 2-fold reduction in astrocytosis, with a concomitant increase in microgliosis in injured AQP4-null mice compared to their injured wild-type counterparts (44 ± 2 vs. 24 ± 3 cells per high power field [cells/hpf], respectively; p < 0.0001). Minocycline, an inhibitor of microglia, reversed the post-TBI epilepsy phenotype of AQP4-null mice. After minocycline treatment, AQP4-/- mice demonstrated similar latency of seizures evoked by PTZ (723 ± 35 vs. 696 ± 38 sec; p > 0.05) and severity of seizures evoked by PTZ (grade 4.0 ± 0.5 vs. 3.81 ± 0.30; p > 0.05) compared to wild-type counterparts. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated decreased immunostaining of microglia to levels comparable to wild-type (12 ± 2 vs. 11 ± 4 cells/hpf, respectively; p > 0.05). Taken together, these results suggest a protective role of AQP4 in post-traumatic seizure susceptibility by promoting astrogliosis, formation of a glial scar, and preventing microgliosis

    Aquaporin-4 Reduces Post-Traumatic Seizure Susceptibility by Promoting Astrocytic Glial Scar Formation in Mice

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    Seizures are important neurological complications after traumatic brain injury (TBI) and are reported for up to 50% of patients with TBI. Despite several studies, no drug strategy has been able to alter the biological events leading to epileptogenesis. The glial water channel, aquaporin-4 (AQP4), was shown to facilitate cytotoxic cell swelling in ischemia and glial scar formation after stab wound injury. In this study, we examined post-traumatic seizure susceptibility of AQP4-deficient mice (AQP4(–/–)) after injection of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) 1 month after controlled cortical impact (CCI) and compared them to wild-type sham injury controls. After PTZ injection, AQP4(–/–) mice demonstrated dramatically shortened seizure latency (120 ± 40 vs. 300 ± 70 sec; p  0.05) and severity of seizures evoked by PTZ (grade 4.0 ± 0.5 vs. 3.81 ± 0.30; p > 0.05) compared to wild-type counterparts. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated decreased immunostaining of microglia to levels comparable to wild-type (12 ± 2 vs. 11 ± 4 cells/hpf, respectively; p > 0.05). Taken together, these results suggest a protective role of AQP4 in post-traumatic seizure susceptibility by promoting astrogliosis, formation of a glial scar, and preventing microgliosis

    Lipidomic Profiling of Mastoid Bone and Tissue from Patients with Chronic Otomastoiditis

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    Introduction Chronic otomastoiditis causes pain, otorrhea, and hearing loss resulting from the growth of tissue within the normally hollow mastoid cavity. Objectives In this report, we used a lipidomics approach to profile major mastoid bone and tissue lipids from patients with and without otomastoiditis. Methods The bone dust created during mastoidectomy, as well as the mastoid tissue, was analyzed from seven patients. Bone dust was also collected and analyzed in an additional four otologic cases (parotidectomy requiring mastoidectomy). Samples were subjected to a modified Bligh/Dyer lipid extraction, then high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC), combined gas chromatography/electron impact-mass spectrometry (GC/EI-MS), and flow-injection/electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (FI/ESI-MSMS). Data were analyzed for identification and profiling of major lipid components. Results HPTLC revealed the presence of various lipid classes, including phosphatidylcholines, cholesterol, and triacylglycerols. GC/EI-MS analysis revealed the presence of cholesterol and several fatty acids. FI/ESI-MSMS analysis revealed a host of phosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylethanolamines, and cholesteryl esters. Conclusion We used a lipidomics approach to develop an efficient (both in time and tissue amount) methodology for analysis of these tissues, identify the most abundant and common lipid species, and create a base of knowledge from which more focused endeavors in biomarker discovery can emerge. In an effort toward improved patient categorization and individualized intervention, the ultimate goal of this work is to correlate these lipid molecules to disease state and progression. This is the first reported study of its kind on these tissues

    Oxidation of cellular amino acid pools leads to cytotoxic mistranslation of the genetic code.

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    Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases use a variety of mechanisms to ensure fidelity of the genetic code and ultimately select the correct amino acids to be used in protein synthesis. The physiological necessity of these quality control mechanisms in different environments remains unclear, as the cost vs benefit of accurate protein synthesis is difficult to predict. We show that in Escherichia coli, a non-coded amino acid produced through oxidative damage is a significant threat to the accuracy of protein synthesis and must be cleared by phenylalanine-tRNA synthetase in order to prevent cellular toxicity caused by mis-synthesized proteins. These findings demonstrate how stress can lead to the accumulation of non-canonical amino acids that must be excluded from the proteome in order to maintain cellular viability

    2-Hydroxyglutarate Inhibits ATP Synthase and mTOR Signaling

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    SummaryWe discovered recently that the central metabolite α-ketoglutarate (α-KG) extends the lifespan of C. elegans through inhibition of ATP synthase and TOR signaling. Here we find, unexpectedly, that (R)-2-hydroxyglutarate ((R)-2HG), an oncometabolite that interferes with various α-KG-mediated processes, similarly extends worm lifespan. (R)-2HG accumulates in human cancers carrying neomorphic mutations in the isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) 1 and 2 genes. We show that, like α-KG, both (R)-2HG and (S)-2HG bind and inhibit ATP synthase and inhibit mTOR signaling. These effects are mirrored in IDH1 mutant cells, suggesting a growth-suppressive function of (R)-2HG. Consistently, inhibition of ATP synthase by 2-HG or α-KG in glioblastoma cells is sufficient for growth arrest and tumor cell killing under conditions of glucose limitation, e.g., when ketone bodies (instead of glucose) are supplied for energy. These findings inform therapeutic strategies and open avenues for investigating the roles of 2-HG and metabolites in biology and disease