18 research outputs found


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    The current EduOpen dashboard is not capable of monitoring performances and trends over the medium to long term both for the students as for the instructors; summarising and synthesising the adequate information; allowing implementation of any sort of predictive actions and functions (learning prediction). The article aims to expose the process of innovation and redefinition of a learning analytics dashboard in the EduOpen MOOC platform in order to define a model to design it accurately in terms of productivity for all users (teachers and students above all). From the literature analysis, main MOOC platform comparisons and the insights from the round tables a time spent variable is identified as at the basis of the entire user experience in online training paths. A concrete experimentation, through the design of a learning timeline and a constructive feedback system of an upcoming course in the EduOpen catalogue, is designed and explained relaying on the hypothesis of the existence of a correlation between the “time spent” (time value) and the final performance of the student


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    Transportation of the power transformers from the site of production to the site of the exploitation is very complex and sensible task. During transportation, the transformer can be subjected to a variety of different impacts registered either during railway transportation or during on/off loading. The transformer should be designed to sustain the high accelerations appearing often during transportation. Transformer are usually equipped with the impact recorder to registry the acceleration behavior during the transport. In the current paper, we give an overview on the structural-mechanics analysis of 10g impact on the power transformer registered during the railway transportation of the transformer from Canada to US


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    Transportation of the power transformers from the site of production to the site of the exploitation is very complex and sensible task. During transportation, the transformer can be subjected to a variety of different impacts registered either during railway transportation or during on/off loading. The transformer should be designed to sustain the high accelerations appearing often during transportation. Transformer are usually equipped with the impact recorder to registry the acceleration behavior during the transport. In the current paper, we give an overview on the structural-mechanics analysis of 10g impact on the power transformer registered during the railway transportation of the transformer from Canada to US

    Confronto di Acqua Precipitabile ottenuta da osservazioni GPS al suolo con/senza misure meteorologiche in loco

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    I sistemi di navigazione satellitare (GNSS) rappresentano, da diversi anni, un confermato e valido strumento per le osservazioni meteorologiche (diagnostica in tempo quasi reale e miglioramento dei modelli di previsione numerica) e per il monitoraggio del clima. In particolare, l’osservazione GPS al suolo permette, attraverso la combinazione dei ritardi zenitali troposferici totali dei segnali GPS con misure di pressione e temperatura alla superficie, la stima del contenuto colonnare totale del vapor acqueo (acqua precipitabile) in atmosfera. La maggior parte delle stazioni permanenti GPS non colleziona misure meteorologiche in corrispondenza effettiva alle rispettive antenne, per cui la valutazione dell’acqua precipitabile necessita l’utilizzo di altri dataset meteorologici. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è stato quello di confrontare, per ogni stazione presa in considerazione, i valori di acqua precipitabile ottenuti dai ritardi GPS, sia utilizzando misure meteorologiche in loco sia utilizzando analisi NCEP/NCAR (risoluzione 2.5° x 2.5°). Le stazioni GPS, da cui sono stati collezionati ritardi zenitali troposferici totali giornalieri prodotti dal Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG), appartengono alla rete permanente europea EUREF. Le stazioni analizzate sono state dieci per un periodo di sei anni (2001-2006). I confronti dei dati di acqua precipitabile ottenuti con i due metodi hanno mostrato, per il periodo complessivo e per tutte le stazioni, bias ed RMSE inferiori a 2 kg/m2. Questi risultati suggeriscono un impiego estensivo delle osservazioni GPS (inclusione delle stazioni permanenti prive di misure meteorologiche in loco) per un monitoraggio globale del vapor acqueo in atmosfera

    GPS, NCEP Data and METEOSAT Precipitable Water Comparison for Balkan Area

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    Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor (IPWV) studies are an important mode for the hydrological regime evaluation with respect to the vertical structure of the atmosphere. The aim of this work is to integrate different observation systems (for instance Global Positioning System and METEOSAT-8) and data sources in order to study IPWV spatial and temporal distribution for Balkans region, sparsely covered with atmospheric vertical observations, as the helpful aid in the analysis of weather and synoptic processes.Global Positioning System (GPS) represents an enormous ongoing three-dimensional atmospheric observation system since the wet component of the tropospheric delay in GPS signals is nearly proportional to the quantity of integrated precipitable water vapor (IPWV). Tropospheric solutions for Balkans GPS sites of Sarajevo, Osjek, Dubrovnik and Ohrid are studied and presented in comparison to METEOSAT-8 and NCEP data.Tropospheric humidity product derived from the two water vapor channels of meteorological satellite METEOSAT-8 provides a layer-mean relative humidity for two tropospheric layers (between about 500 and 200hPa and between 850 and 300 hPa) with the resolution of 3 km, subsequently a biased estimation of IPWV can be obtained.Daily global analysis precipitable water data since 1980 available at 2.5 degrees resolution from the National Centres for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) is a helpful climate data source to evaluate humidity observations

    Comparison between Precipitable Water Vapor data, obtained from METEOSAT products and NCEP Data

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    Water vapor in atmosphere plays an important role in the mechanisms to the base of meteorology and climatology. Precipitable water vapor trends study is an usefulmethod in order to analyse and observe climate and its changes, both on a regional and global scale.The aim of this work is to study precipitable water vapor spatial and temporal distribution obtained from satellite observations.Precipitable water vapor values are calculated from tropospheric humidity data, a product derived from two water vapor channels of meteorological satellite Meteosat-8. The tropospheric humidity product provides a layer-mean relative humidity for twotropospheric layers (between 600 and 850 hPa and between 850 and 600 hPa). In this work the integrated precipitable water vapor between 300 and 850 hPa isobaric layers is analyzed, for the period from February to December 2004. The geographicalarea studied in this work coincides with the one that satellite Meteosat - 8 analyses (the satellite instrument has a resolution of 3 km), a circular area included between 63 degree north and south of latitude and between 63 degree west and east of longitude.Analyzing precipitable water vapor trends, a connection between its temporal variation and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is noted. Seen the lack of phenomena of El Nino or La Nina in year 2004, eventually connections between precipitable watervapor temporal trends and the Southern Oscillation (SO) couldn’t be observed and therefore analysed.In order to evaluate the results consistence, daily global analysis of precipitable water vapor data from National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), with a 2.5 degree resolution, is done