9,280 research outputs found

    The pomeron in closed bosonic string theory

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    We review the features of the pomeron in the S-matrix theory and in quantum field theory. We extend those general properties to the pomeron of closed bosonic string theory in a Minkowskian background. We compute the couplings of the pomeron to the lowest mass levels of closed bosonic string states in flat space. We recognize the deviation from the linearity of the Regge trajectories in a five dimensional anti De Sitter background.Comment: 13 page

    Role of the target orientation angle and orbital angular momentum in the evaporation residue production

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    The influence of the orientation angles of the target nucleus symmetry axis relative to the beam direction on the production of the evaporation residues is investigated for the 48^{48}Ca+154^{154}Sm reaction as a function of the beam energy. At low energies (Ec.m.<E_{\rm c.m.}<137 MeV), the yield of evaporation residues is observed only for collisions with small orientation angles (αT<450\alpha_T<45^0). At large energies (about Ec.m.=E_{\rm c.m.}=140--180 MeV) all the orientation angles αT\alpha_T can contribute to the evaporation residue cross section σER\sigma_{ER} in the 10--100 mb range, and at Ec.m.>E_{c.m.}>180 MeV σER\sigma_{ER} ranges around 0.1--10 mb because the fission barrier for a compound nucleus decreases by increasing its excitation energy and angular momentum.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, submitted to JPS

    Improving Extractions of |Vcb| and the b Quark Mass from Semileptonic Inclusive B Decay

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    Recent advances in improving extractions of |Vcb| and m_b from spectra of semileptonic inclusive B decay are reported. Results of a general moment analysis of the lepton energy spectrum and the hadronic invariant mass spectrum are summarized. The calculation of the general O(\alpha_s) structure functions for semileptonic B decay is reported, which has allowed the calculation of the O(\alpha_s Lambda_{QCD} /m_b) terms for the hadronic invariant mass moments to be carried out. Recent theoretical advances and improvements in experimental data has allowed extractions of the CKM element |Vcb| to improve to the 2% level.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Talk given at MRST2004, May 12-14, Concordia, Montrea

    Andreev tunneling into a one-dimensional Josephson junction array

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    In this letter we consider Andreev tunneling between a normal metal and a one dimensional Josephson junction array with finite-range Coulomb energy. The I−VI-V characteristics strongly deviate from the classical linear Andreev current. We show that the non linear conductance possesses interesting scaling behavior when the chain undergoes a T=0 superconductor-insulator transition of Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii type. When the chain has quasi-long range order, the low lying excitation are gapless and the I−VI-V curves are power-law (the linear relation is recovered when charging energy can be disregarded). When the chain is in the insulating phase the Andreev current is blocked at a threshold which is proportional to the inverse correlation length in the chain (much lower than the Coulomb gap) and which vanishes at the transition point.Comment: 8 pages LATEX, 3 figures available upon reques

    Photoemission spectra of massless Dirac fermions on the verge of exciton condensation

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    Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is a powerful probe of electron correlations in two-dimensional layered materials. In this Letter we demonstrate that ARPES can be used to probe the onset of exciton condensation in spatially-separated systems of electrons and holes created by gating techniques in either double-layer graphene or topological-insulator thin films.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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