813 research outputs found

    Ferritin nanovehicle for targeted delivery of cytochrome C to cancer cells

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    In this work, we have exploited the unique properties of a chimeric archaeal-human ferritin to encapsulate, deliver and release cytochrome c and induce apoptosis in a myeloid leukemia cell line. The chimeric protein combines the versatility in 24-meric assembly and cargo incorporation capability of Archaeglobus fulgidus ferritin with specific binding of human H ferritin to CD71, the “heavy duty” carrier responsible for transferrin-iron uptake. Delivery of ferritin-encapsulated cytochrome C to the Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) NB4 cell line, highly resistant to transfection by conventional methods, was successfully achieved in vitro. The effective liberation of cytochrome C within the cytosolic environment, demonstrated by double fluorescent labelling, induced apoptosis in the cancer cells

    Doxorubicin and other anthracyclines in cancers: activity, chemoresistance and its overcoming

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    Anthracyclines have been important and effective treatments against a number of cancers since their discovery. However, their use in therapy has been complicated by severe side effects and toxicity that occur during or after treatment, including cardiotoxicity. The mode of action of anthracyclines is complex, with several mechanisms proposed. It is possible that their high toxicity is due to the large set of processes involved in anthracycline action. The development of resistance is a major barrier to successful treatment when using anthracyclines. This resistance is based on a series of mechanisms that have been studied and addressed in recent years. This work provides an overview of the anthracyclines used in cancer therapy. It discusses their mechanisms of activity, toxicity, and chemoresistance, as well as the approaches used to improve their activity, decrease their toxicity, and overcome resistance

    Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy of strain-engineered GaAsBi alloys

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    In this paper, we present results obtained by an optical technique, namely, reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS), applied to a series of GaAs1-xBix samples grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) under different strain conditions with the increasing concentration of Bi, up to the higher value of about 7%. The epitaxial buffer layers for the growing GaAs1-xBix layer were prepared with either a compressive strain (as it is commonly done) or a tensile strain: The latter case has been proven to be a strategy that allows us to obtain a better crystalline quality [Tisbi et al., Phys. Rev. Appl. 14, 014028 (2020)]. A characteristic, well defined anisotropy signal below 2.5 eV is demonstrated to be connected to the presence of Bi and, in particular, to the strain produced in the sub-surface region by the voluminous Bi atoms. The amplitude of this signal directly relates to the Bi quantity, while its sign gives information about the local clustering/ordering of Bi atoms in the grown sample. We conclude that the detailed interpretation of RAS signatures and the knowledge of their origin offer the opportunity to utilize this technique to follow in real time the GaAsBi growth either in MBE or in metal organic vapor phase epitaxy processes

    Radiogenomics in clear cell renal cell carcinoma: correlations between advanced CT imaging (texture analysis) and microRNAs expression

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    Purpose: A relevant challenge for the improvement of clear cell renal cell carcinoma management could derive from the identification of novel molecular biomarkers that could greatly improve the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment choice of these neoplasms. In this study, we investigate whether quantitative parameters obtained from computed tomography texture analysis may correlate with the expression of selected oncogenic microRNAs. Methods: In a retrospective single-center study, multiphasic computed tomography examination (with arterial, portal, and urographic phases) was performed on 20 patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma and computed tomography texture analysis parameters such as entropy, kurtosis, skewness, mean, and standard deviation of pixel distribution were measured using multiple filter settings. These quantitative data were correlated with the expression of selected microRNAs (miR-21-5p, miR-210-3p, miR-185-5p, miR-221-3p, miR-145-5p). Both the evaluations (microRNAs and computed tomography texture analysis) were performed on matched tumor and normal corticomedullar tissues of the same patients cohort. Results: In this pilot study, we evidenced that computed tomography texture analysis has robust parameters (eg, entropy, mean, standard deviation) to distinguish normal from pathological tissues. Moreover, a higher coefficient of determination between entropy and miR-21-5p expression was evidenced in tumor versus normal tissue. Interestingly, entropy and miR-21-5p show promising correlation in clear cell renal cell carcinoma opening to a radiogenomic strategy to improve clear cell renal cell carcinoma management. Conclusion: In this pilot study, a promising correlation between microRNAs and computed tomography texture analysis has been found in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. A clear cell renal cell carcinoma can benefit from noninvasive evaluation of texture parameters in adjunction to biopsy results. In particular, a promising correlation between entropy and miR-21-5p was found

    Fenretinide induces autophagic cell death in caspase-defective breast cancer cells

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    The elimination of tumor cells by apoptosis is the main mechanism of action of chemotherapeutic drugs. More recently, autophagic cell death has been shown to trigger a nonapoptotic cell death program in cancer cells displaying functional defects of caspases. Fenretinide (FenR), a synthetic derivative of retinoic acid, promotes growth inhibition and induces apoptosis in a wide range of tumor cell types. The present study was designed to evaluate the ability of fenretinide to induce caspase-independent cell death and to this aim we used the human mammary carcinoma cell line MCF-7, lacking functional caspase-3 activity. We demonstrated that in these cells fenretinide is able to trigger an autophagic cell death pathway. In particular we found that fenretinide treatment resulted in the increase in Beclin 1 expression, the conversion of the soluble form of LC3 to the autophagic vesicle-associated form LC3-II and its shift from diffuse to punctate staining and finally the increase in lysosomes/autophagosomes. By contrast, caspase-3 reconstituted MCF-7 cell line showed apoptotic cell death features in response to fenretinide treatment. These data strongly suggest that fenretinide does not invariably elicit an apoptotic response but it is able to induce autophagy when apoptotic pathway is deregulated. The understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in fenretinide action is important for the future design of therapies employing this retinoid in breast cancer treatment

    Reticulon1-C modulates protein disulphide isomerase function

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    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the primary site for the synthesis and folding of secreted and membrane-bound proteins. Accumulation of unfolded and misfolded proteins in ER underlies a wide range of human neurodegenerative disorders. Hence, molecules regulating the ER stress response represent potential candidates as drug targets for tackling these diseases. Protein disulphide isomerase (PDI) is a chaperone involved in ER stress pathway, its activity being an important cellular defense against protein misfolding. Here, we demonstrate that human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells overexpressing the reticulon protein 1-C (RTN1-C) reticulon family member show a PDI punctuate subcellular distribution identified as ER vesicles. This represents an event associated with a significant increase of PDI enzymatic activity. We provide evidence that the modulation of PDI localization and activity does not only rely upon ER stress induction or upregulation of its synthesis, but tightly correlates to an alteration in its nitrosylation status. By using different RTN1-C mutants, we demonstrate that the observed effects depend on RTN1-C N-terminal region and on the integrity of the microtubule network. Overall, our results indicate that RTN1-C induces PDI redistribution in ER vesicles, and concomitantly modulates its activity by decreasing the levels of its S-nitrosylated form. Thus RTN1-C represents a promising candidate to modulate PDI function
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