2,473 research outputs found

    Potential-energy (BCS) to kinetic-energy (BEC)-driven pairing in the attractive Hubbard model

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    The BCS-BEC crossover within the two-dimensional attractive Hubbard model is studied by using the Cellular Dynamical Mean-Field Theory both in the normal and superconducting ground states. Short-range spatial correlations incorporated in this theory remove the normal-state quasiparticle peak and the first-order transition found in the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory, rendering the normal state crossover smooth. For UU smaller than the bandwidth, pairing is driven by the potential energy, while in the opposite case it is driven by the kinetic energy, resembling a recent optical conductivity experiment in cuprates. Phase coherence leads to the appearance of a collective Bogoliubov mode in the density-density correlation function and to the sharpening of the spectral function.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Shot Noise Probing of Magnetic Ordering in Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons

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    The nonequilibrium time-dependent fluctuations of charge current have recently emerged as a sensitive experimental tool to probe ballistic transport through evanescent wave functions introduced into clean wide and short graphene strips by the attached metallic electrodes. We demonstrate that such "pseudo-diffusive" shot noise can be substantially modified in zigzag graphene nanoribbon (ZGNR) due to the topology of its edges responsible for localized states that facilitate ferromagnetic ordering along the edge when Coulomb interaction is taken into account. Thus, the shot noise enhancement of unpolarized, and even more sensitively of spin-polarized, charge currents injected into ZGNR will act as an all-electrical and edge-sensitive probe of such low-dimensional magnetism.Comment: 5 pages, 3 color figures; references update

    Optimal Tc_c of cuprates: role of screening and reservoir layers

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    We explore the role of charge reservoir layers (CRLs) on the superconducting transition temperature of cuprate superconductors. Specifically, we study the effect of CRLs with efficient short distance dielectric screening coupled capacitively to copper oxide metallic layers. We argue that dielectric screening at short distances and at frequencies of the order of the superconducting gap, but small compared to the Fermi energy can significantly enhance Tc_c, the transition temperature of an unconventional superconductor. We discuss the relevance of our qualitative arguments to a broader class of unconventional superconductors.Comment: 8 Pages, 4 figure

    Emergence of gravity from interacting simplices

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    We consider a statistical model of interacting 4-simplices fluctuating in an N-dimensional target space. We argue that a gravitational theory may arise as a low energy effective theory in a strongly interacting phase where the simplices form clusters with an emergent space and time with the Euclidean signature. In the large N limit, two possible phases are discussed, that is, `gravitational Coulomb phase' and `gravitational Higgs phase'.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, one-column format; major revisions in version 5 : reviews on emergent gauge theories added; microscopic simplex model for emergent gravity added; erroneous statements on diffeomorphism invariance remove

    Cyclic exchange, isolated states and spinon deconfinement in an XXZ Heisenberg model on the checkerboard lattice

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    The antiferromagnetic Ising model on a checkerboard lattice has an ice-like ground state manifold with extensive degeneracy. and, to leading order in J_xy, deconfined spinon excitations. We explore the role of cyclic exchange arising at order J^2_xy/J_z on the ice states and their associated spinon excitations. By mapping the original problem onto an equivalent quantum six--vertex model, we identify three different phases as a function of the chemical potential for flippable plaquettes - a phase with long range Neel order and confined spinon excitations, a non-magnetic state of resonating square plaquettes, and a quasi-collinear phase with gapped but deconfined spinon excitations. The relevance of the results to the square--lattice quantum dimer model is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The electronic structure and the phases of BaVS3

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    BaVS3 is a moderately correlated d-electron system with a rich phase diagram. To construct the corresponding minimal electronic model, one has to decide which d-states are occupied, and to which extent. The ARPES experiment presented here shows that the behavior of BaVS3 is governed by the coexistence of wide-band (A_1g) and narrow-band (twofold degenerate E) d-electrons. We sketch a lattice fermion model which may serve as a minimal model of BaVS3. This serves foremost for the understanding of the metal-insulator in pure BaVS3 and its absence in some related compounds. The nature of the low temperature magnetic order differs for several systems which may be described in terms of the same electron model. We describe several recent experiments which give information about magnetic order at high pressures. In particular, we discuss field-induced insulator-to-metal transition at slightly subcritical pressures, and an evidence for magnetic order in the high-pressure metallic phase. The phase diagram of Sr-doped BaVS3 is also discussed. The complexity of the phases of BaVS3 arises from the fact that it is simultaneously unstable against several kinds of instabilities.Comment: Presented at the International Conference on Magnetism 2006 (Kyoto), 6 pages, 9 figure

    k-Spectra of weakly-c-Balanced Words

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    A word uu is a scattered factor of ww if uu can be obtained from ww by deleting some of its letters. That is, there exist the (potentially empty) words u1,u2,...,unu_1,u_2,..., u_n, and v0,v1,..,vnv_0,v_1,..,v_n such that u=u1u2...unu = u_1u_2...u_n and w=v0u1v1u2v2...unvnw = v_0u_1v_1u_2v_2...u_nv_n. We consider the set of length-kk scattered factors of a given word w, called here kk-spectrum and denoted \ScatFact_k(w). We prove a series of properties of the sets \ScatFact_k(w) for binary strictly balanced and, respectively, cc-balanced words ww, i.e., words over a two-letter alphabet where the number of occurrences of each letter is the same, or, respectively, one letter has cc-more occurrences than the other. In particular, we consider the question which cardinalities n= |\ScatFact_k(w)| are obtainable, for a positive integer kk, when ww is either a strictly balanced binary word of length 2k2k, or a cc-balanced binary word of length 2k−c2k-c. We also consider the problem of reconstructing words from their kk-spectra
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