99 research outputs found

    Systematics of the Quadrupole-Quadrupole Interaction and Convergence Properties

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    Our main concern in this work is to show how higher shell admixtures affect the spectrum of a Q.Q interaction. We first review how, in the valence space, the familiar SU(3) result for the energy spectrum can be obtained using a coordinate space Q.Q interaction rather than the Elliott one which is symmetric in r and p. We then reemphasize that the Elliott spectrum goes as L(L+1) where L is the orbital angular momentum. While in many cases this is compatible with the rotational formula which involves I(I+1), where I is the total angular momentum, there are cases, e.g. odd-odd nuclei, where there is disagreement. Finally, we consider higher shell admixtures and devise a scheme so as to obtain results, with the Q.Q interaction, which converge as the model spaces are increased. We consider not only ground state rotational bands but also those that involve intruder states.Comment: 13 pages, Revtex, to appear in Annals of Physic

    Scissors Modes and Spin Excitations in Light Nuclei including ΔN\Delta N=2 excitations: Behaviour of 8Be^8Be and 10Be^{10}Be

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    Shell model calculations are performed for magnetic dipole excitations in 8Be^8{Be} and 10Be^{10}{Be} in which all valence configurations plus 2ℏω2\hbar\omega excitations are allowed (large space). We study both the orbital and spin excitations. The results are compared with the `valence space only' calculations (small space). The cumulative energy weighted sums are calculated and compared for the J=0+J=0^+ TT=0 to J=1+J=1^+ TT=1 excitations in 8Be^8{Be} and for J=0+J=0^+ TT=1 to both J=1+J=1^+ TT=1 and JJ=1+1^+ TT=2 excitations in 10Be^{10}{Be}. We find for the J=0+J=0^+ TT=1 to J=1+J=1^+ TT=1 isovector {\underline {spin}} transitions in 10Be^{10}{Be} that the summed strength in the {\underline {large}} space is less than in the {\underline {small}} space. We find that the high energy energy-weighted isovector orbital strength is smaller than the low energy strength for transitions in which the isospin is changed, but for J=0+J=0^+ TT=1 to J=1+J=1^+ TT=1 in 10Be^{10}{Be} the high energy strength is larger. We find that the low lying orbital strength in 10Be^{10}{Be} is anomalously small, when an attempt is made to correlate it with the B(E2)B(E2) strength to the lowest 2+2^+ states. On the other hand a sum rule of Zheng and Zamick which concerns the total B(E2)B(E2) strength is reasonably satisfied in both 8Be^8{Be} and 10Be^{10}{Be}. The Wigner supermultiplet scheme is a useful guide in analyzing shell model results. In 10Be^{10}Be and with a Q⋅QQ \cdot Q interaction the T=1 and T=2 scissors modes are degenerate, with the latter carrying 5/3 of the T=1 strength.Comment: 51 pages, latex, 9 figures available upon reques

    Allowed Gamow-Teller Excitations from the Ground State of 14N

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    Motivated by the proposed experiment 14N(d,2He)14C^{14}N(d,{^2He})^{14}C, we study the final states which can be reached via the allowed Gamow-Teller mechanism. Much emphasis has been given in the past to the fact that the transition matrix element from the JĎ€=1+T=0J^{\pi}=1^+ T=0 ground state of 14N^{14}N to the JĎ€=0+T=1J^{\pi}=0^+ T=1 ground state of 14C^{14}C is very close to zero, despite the fact that all the quantum numbers are right for an allowed transition. We discuss this problem, but, in particular, focus on the excitations to final states with angular momenta 1+1^+ and 2+2^+. We note that the summed strength to the JĎ€=2+T=1J^{\pi}=2^+ T=1 states, calculated with a wide variety of interactions, is significantly larger than that to the JĎ€=1+T=1J^{\pi}=1^+ T=1 final states.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.
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