2 research outputs found

    Ulama Versus Politisi: Gerakan Politik Baju Koko Melawan Koalisi Partai Politik Pengusung Calon

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    Abstract: This study aims to look at the contestation between ulama who are members of the Baju Koko and a single candidate pair supported by a coalition of major political parties in Kalibeber Village. The research method used in this research is to use a type of qualitative research with a case study approach. The results of the study show that, firstly, in the context of visible power, the single candidate pair team utilizes the campaign form to offer policy programs that Baju Koko cannot have because it is not regulated in terms of the empty box campaign form. Second, the single candidate pair team took advantage of the public's lack of knowledge regarding empty boxes to gain votes, while Baju Koko practiced black campaigning to undermine the credibility of the single candidate pair. Third, the single candidate team used the charisma of the elderly ulama in Kalibeber to attract people's votes, while Baju Koko used several scholars who were members of the movement. The results of the contest showed that Baju Koko had to suffer defeat in its base of movement by a single candidate pair even though it had been supported by several scholars in Kalibeber.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kontestasi antara ulama yang tergabung dalam gerakan politik Baju Koko dan pasangan calon tunggal yang didukung oleh koalisi partai politik besar di Desa Kalibeber. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan pertama, dalam konteks kekuasaan terlihat, timses paslon tunggal memanfaatkan bentuk kampanye untuk menawarkan program-program kebijakan yang tidak bisa dimiliki oleh Baju Koko karena tidak diatur secara regulasi terkait bentuk kampanye kotak kosong. Kedua, timses paslon tunggal memanfaatkan minimnya pengetahuan masyarakat terkait kotak kosong untuk mendulang suara sedangkan Baju Koko melakukan praktik kampanye hitam untuk menjatuhkan kredibilitas paslon tunggal. Ketiga, timses calon tunggal memanfaatkan kekharismatikan ulama sepuh di Kalibeber untuk menggaet suara rakyat, sedangkan Baju Koko memanfaatkan sejumlah ulama yang tergabung dalam pergerakan. Hasil kontestasi menunjukan, Baju Koko harus mengalami kekalahan di basis pergerakannya sendiri oleh paslon tunggal meskipun sudah didukung oleh sejumlah ulama di Kalibeber

    Protection of People Living Conflict A Case Study in Yemen

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    The Yemen war is a continuous conflict that first occurred in 2015. The war, known as the Yemen Civil War, involves two factions: Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi leading the Yemen government, and the armed Houthi movement, along with their supporters and allies. Both claim to be the official government of Yemen. Iran-aligned Houthi rebels, who have controlled large parts of northern Yemen since 2014, have continued to carry out cross-border incursions into Saudi Arabia and are pressing for an offensive to seize Yemen's gas-rich Marib region. Already more than 100,000 people have died in Yemen's civil war, most of them civilians, because too many people have died in the civil war, so there is a need for legal protection. The purpose of this study is to find out how the protection of the people who are in conflict countries, especially the civil war in Yemen, is according to the perspective of international law. This study used a normative legal research method with a statute approach and a case approach to be easier to examine what is being studied, namely how to protect people living in conflicted countries from the perspective of international law. The results of this study indicate whether there is already legal protection for people who are in a conflicted country and how it is protected according to the perspective of international law